Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Profile in Courage: Mitt Romney

Your spot in history is set. I always knew
you had courage. People say you hang on the edge of greatness,. You have stepped over 
that edge! Thank You!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

2020 GOP Cover Up

Wanna beat the Trumper Martha McSally
Check out this guy HERE
Wanna beat the Grim Reaper
Check out Charles Booker HERE
Lindsey Graham?
Check out Jaime Harrison

Sunday, November 10, 2019

I've Always Liked David Jolly

"These are, in today’s Republican party, spineless politicians rotten to the core without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self respect, self reflection…Without courage and without the moral compass to recognize their own malevolence." David Jolly

Don't forget the 90% of Republican
voters who still support him!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Charlie Crist Party Boss of the Socialist Democrats?

“Charlie Crist is going to need a new catchy campaign slogan. By joining the DCCC’s leadership team, Charlie has proven he’d rather be a party boss for the socialist Democrats than represent the 
people of Florida.” 
Camille Gallo, spokeswoman for the NRCC

Friday, December 14, 2018

Florida Dem Al Lawson's Bloody Hands

He is among five House Democrats to side with Republicans, voting for a bill that quells the prospect of halting U.S. aid to Saudi-led forces in Yemen. here

Friday, October 6, 2017

Florida GOP Votes To Cut Medicare/Medicaid

Matt Gaetz 

Neal Dunn

Ted Yoho

John Rutherford 

Bill Posey

Daniel Webster

Gus Bilirakis

Dennis A. Ross

Vern Buchanan

Tom Rooney

Mario Diaz-Balart

Carlos Curbelo

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Scott Shoup On GOP Tax Reform

"I'm really becoming tired of reading in major new outlets that tax reform is the Republicans signature issue. They can't have an honest discussion on the effects of high-end tax cuts on the economy, seeing how they ran on a platform of budget deficits all during the Obama administration. Now in 2017, with honest Republicans like William Buckley and Nelson Rockefeller long gone from the stage, Republicans will rely on a extremely dumbed-down voter base and a President who is a master of media manipulation to try and pass their economic poison. Of course, I should mention corporate Democratics , too."
Scott Shoup -  Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Republican Party: Bunch Of Do-Nothing, Worthless Pimps

"Keep your hands tight on your wallets – in fact, if you are a member of the Republican Party I would suggest you quit that reckless bunch of do-nothing, worthless pimps and save your soul from this joke. Join the ranks of the NPA instead." Senior Chief Geoff Ross, U.S. Navy (ret.), Navarre here
Geoff Ross is a retired Senior Chief from the US Navy. He had a distinguished career and established his mark starting with being the youngest Senior Chief ever in the Navy. He is one of the staunchest defenders of our Republic and will tell anyone when they are off track and not pull any punches doing so! Honor, integrity, truth, plain spoken, and a doer are hallmarks of Senior Chief Geoff Ross. Here is another statement from Mr. Ross. 
"The US government is the most corrupt illegally operated cesspool in our history. I will stay in their faces until these people are jailed, arrested, prosecuted, exposed and taken out of office.! Republicans or Democrats. I do not discriminate." Senior Chief Geoff Ross US Navy retired.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

GOP To Cut Medicaid To Three Million Floridians

The Republican health care legislation that the U.S. House passed will increase the number of uninsured in the U.S. to 14 million by next year. That could include some of the more than three million Floridians who currently have Medicaid. here
 That includes the poor, the disabled and 
military veterans.

"A small percentage of the overall population"

Monday, May 22, 2017

Florida GOP May Get Clubbed In 2018

Rick Scott

Pam Bondi

Jackie Toledo

Dana Young - Dan Raulerson

Gus Bilirakis - Vern Buchanan

Curt Clawson - Ron DeSantis

John Mica - Jeff Miller

Rich Nugent - Tom Rooney

Dennis A. Ross - Ted Yoho

Lenny Curry - Don Eslinger
Trump heads overseas for his first major trip as president, Republicans at the state level are looking at the wreckage he is leaving behind and wondering if he will kill the party before the 2018 midterms.
Florida GOP consultant John McKager Stipanovich says if Trump doesn’t follow through on his campaign promises to repeal Obamacare and cut taxes, it will disastrous when the next election cycle comes around. If after all of the talk, after all of the chest-thumping, we can’t get anything done, we may get clubbed like baby seals in 2018.
36 states have governor’s races next year, with incumbents and GOP challengers alike likely to be put in the awkward position of having to defend Trump. Additionally there may be the awkwardness of Trump offering to campaign for a local Republican — only to have the candidate ask the president of the United States to stay away. here

Sunday, May 21, 2017

GOP To Cut Health Care For Florida Kids

Children from poor Florida families who gained Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would see those benefits slashed under the Republican's American Health Care Act proposal. here

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Rick Scott, To Re-Brand The GOP In Trump's Image

Scott will chair a super PAC that aims 
to re-brand and re-invent 
the Republican Party 
in the image of President Donald Trump 
rather than their conservative icon Ronald Reagan. here

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

GOP And Russians Attack Florida Dems

After Florida Democratic House candidate Joe Garcia appeared at a primary debate against opponent Annette Taddeo with a printout of some of the hacked DCCC documents to attack Taddeo, the National Republican Campaign Committee and The Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC with close ties to House Speaker Paul Ryan, used the hacked documents to defeat him in the general. here

Saturday, January 14, 2017

GOP To Cost Florida 181,000 Jobs

 The incoming Trump administration and Republicans in Congress are seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Research shows that would lead to a doubling of the number of uninsured, higher uncompensated care costs for providers, and higher taxes for low-income Americans and the lost of 181,000 private sector jobs. here
Free lube for Florida GOP voters

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Trump Looking For Workers In Jupiter

He is looking to hire 78 servers, housekeepers and cooks to staff his resort the Trump National Jupiter, a golf course in Jupiter, Florida. The jobs pay between $10.17 an hour for housekeepers to $12.74 an hour for cooks. He filed applications for temporary visas this month, saying he couldn't find enough American workers to staff the jobs. here