Showing posts with label Gwen Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gwen Graham. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

No Difference Between Gwen Graham and Adam Putnam

Florida Democrats, not Republicans, will be the ones tested in 2018.
When it comes to lessons learned, the GOP is the quicker study. 
Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson leads current Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott by 1 point in a potential 2018 matchup. 1 point, look at the voting record of these 2 men and think how is this possible. 
49 percent of Floridians ARE not able to assess his job performance. Nelson has been in the Senate since 2001.
The test for Democrats will be the governor’s race. Graham, the candidate representing the party establishment, leads the polls and in fundraising.
  Philip Levine, the wealthy mayor of Miami Beach has praised Trump and Chris King talks like a progressive but with no record of public service and low name recognition. 
That leaves Gillum, the unabashed progressive mayor of Tallahassee.  On the campaign trail,  he has excited Millennials, Latinos, people of color, and true progressives.
Consider this,  when Graham became a Congresswoman representing the Big Bend,  she announced she would “reach across the aisle.”  She might as well have been sitting across the aisle. According to USA Today.
She was one of 
12 Democrats to vote for a bill increasing from 30 to 40 the number of hours an employee must work per week to qualify for mandatory health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.
28 Democrats to vote for a bill approving the Keystone XL pipeline.
8 Democrats to vote for a bill making it tougher for federal agencies to impose new rules without detailed justification.
29 Democrats to vote for a bill relaxing some Dodd-Frank banking regulations.
31 Democrats to vote for an intelligence authorization bill to ban the government from transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the U.S.
19 Democrats to vote for a bill granting states authority to regulate coal ash disposal. The measure would undo a federal EPA rule.
25 Democrats to vote against a bill approving the nuclear deal with Iran.
That is not going to excite the demographic Democrats need to win.
Graham surrogates advocate the erroneous  perception that Graham is their party’s best opportunity to recapture the Florida governorship.  There’s a more compelling argument that her nomination would be business—losing—as usual.
Graham allies in the press and social media are perpetuating this utter “best bet” balderdash.  She’s scared stiff of Gillum and being exposed as an ideological fraud.
Her father (Who we have always liked) sits on the Board of the Poynter Foundation. The Poynter Institute is the parent of the Tampa Bay Times.  The paper, discredited in 2017 because of slanted, unethical coverage in several political races, has maliciously attempted to torpedo Gillum’s candidacy.
An example: a political reporter labeled Gillum’s candidacy “toast” because of an FBI investigation of contracts in Tallahassee.  Outright falsehood.  It is widely known by everyone but the Times’ dwindling readership, that Gillum is not a target of the probe.
The Graham campaign has resorted to placing fluff pieces in pay-for-play blogs that few voters read and those that do can easily spot an advertorial.
To Mr. Javellana and all her misinformed supporters. 
We were very good to Ms. Graham when she ran for congress, we thought we were getting her father. We even bought her opponents info domain name.
Words of Jim Bleyer - Tampa Bay Beat used with permission.

Friday, December 15, 2017

The Florida Aristocratic Party

A lesson for Florida Dems
The Florida Democratic party has been more like the Florida Aristocratic party with elitist state chairpersons like Allison Tant and Stephen Bittel.  Paying lip service to neutrality in the governor’s race while quietly promoting  former Gov. Bob Graham’s daughter would be another in a long history of costly unforced errors by party elders. more
Florida Democrats need to take a cue from events in Alabama and Tampa or they will have learned nothing and likely never will.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Gwen Graham's Keystone Pipeline Vote

The Keystone Pipeline
Gallons of oil on the ground in 
Marshall County, South Dakota
FOR gutting Dodd Frank.
FOR a classic ultra-right wing initiative to require cost/benefit analysis of every regulatory change (which even the Republican controlled FL legislature has repeatedly vetoed), 
FOR a ridiculous change to the ACA which does nothing more than punish working families while simultaneously putting more money into the pockets of WalMart. And this is only her FIRST WEEK in Congress." 
Source Tampa Bay Times here
Tired of losing. Tired of voting for Democrats beholden to Wall Street. Following groups that support these Dems? You are not alone. A recent poll shows that most Democratic voters want the party to move lleft.

The party would be best served in embracing its more liberal wing rather than appealing to an
 ever-dwindling group of centrists.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Our Warning To Florida Dems

You pick Gwen Graham as 
your nominee, You will lose and keep the governorship in the hands of the GOP. 
The left will not support her. 
We hope we are wrong.
"Democrats must observe the difference between "learning from history" and "living in the past" Kent Bailey
Mr. Bailey they will never learn.
Some notable local endorsements
So Called progressives Darden Rice,
Dwight Dudley and Karl Nurse.
DINO Darryl Rouson 
Tampa Mayor wannabe  Mike Suarez
Hopefully we won't have to repost this with a 
"We told you so" in Novenber of 2018.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Local Badass Dayna Lazarus

One of our greatest committed young activist told right wing candidate for governor Gwen Graham what most of us are thinking.
"So basically I told gubernatorial candidate and FL Democratic Party keynote speaker at tonight's fundraiser Gwen Graham that she's not progressive enough, that her speech was uninspiring, and that I'm worried that she's going to hand-deliver Florida another Republican Governor." here

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Why Florida Democrats Will Lose The Governorship In 2018

Florida Democrats, losers in the state for years will probably nominate Gwen Graham as their candidate for governor. She calls herself an environmentalist, she has criticize the Scott administration she says has battered Florida’s environment.  

“Too much of Florida’s beauty is being lost to development and neglect,” she said in the May 2 speech formally rolling out her campaign. Yet one month before the speech she took $50,000 from James Finch, a Panama City developer who in the past has been hit with large fines from environmental regulators.

Finch has also given $65,000 to the Republican Party of Florida since 2004. At the federal level, Finch has given tens of thousands of dollars, mostly to Republicans.

He praise Graham’s time in Congress, specifically when she voted in 2015 to support of the Keystone XL pipeline, which was championed by the oil and gas industry and decried by environmentalists.

 Another centrist Dem. another loss. 
Alex Sink, Charlie Crist?

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Our Case Against Gwen Graham: Part 2

Hey Florida check this out!
"Great meeting with my selfie friend,
Mayor @BobBuckhorn. Appreciate all he has done for this beautiful city!"
Gwen Graham

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Florida DINO Gwen Graham Votes With GOP

Gwen Graham was one of only 12 Democrats to vote this morning for a GOP bill to prevent the transfer of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. here
The bill, which passed 244-174, comes as President Obama seeks to empty the prison and fulfill a campaign pledge.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Florida New Democrats

Gwen Graham
 Patrick Murphy 
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

"Ugh. Just what we DON'T need in Congress
--more centrist Dems." Susan Smith

We like these Dems better. 
Join them 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Florida's Anti-Progressive Fanatics!

Did you know Florida GOP Car­los Cur­belo and David Jolly hang out once a month with Florida DINOS Gwen Gra­ham and Patrick Murphy to plot against the people of Flor­ida. In the case of Murphy we will have a choice. here

Saturday, November 21, 2015

How Can Patrick Murphy and Gwen Graham Live With Themselves?

"How can the 47 Democrats, including Patrick Murphy and Gwen Graham, who voted with Republicans yesterday on the SAFE Act live with themselves?" Susan Smith
  "What would Jesus do?" Jeremy Bivins
Mr. Murphy you can be sure that we will do everything in our power that you never get elected to anything ever again! And Ms. Graham if there is a God may he/she forgive you! We are all atheist at this blog and care more about humanity then you ever will. The Episcopal Church should be ashamed to have you as a member. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Florida DINOS Gwen Graham And Patrick Murphy Chose Fear Over Humanity

Gwen Graham, Patrick Murphy only two Florida Dems to vote for Syrian refugee crackdown. here

"Fear-mongering, hateful and an embarrassment to the Democratic Party." Susan Smith

"Patrick Murphy chose fear over humanity when he voted in favor of a Republican bill that will make it nearly impossible for Syrian refugees fleeing terrorism in their homeland to come to the United States.
We’re not sure whether it was Patrick Murphy’s fear of orphans and widows with brown skin that caused him to vote for this atrocious bill, or if it was his fear of going against the Republican Party. But, either way, he chose fear over humanity. Hate, over love. He has proven once again that he doesn’t have the courage to do what is right when times are hard. And we can’t have another person like that in the US Senate." 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Florida DINO Gwen Graham Gets An Earful

At a gathering of Democrats in Jackson County
Ray Bellamy, an orthopedic surgeon who volunteered on Graham's campaign last year and donated $4,800. "We're worried." Bellamy and his liberal allies sense that Graham isn't the lawmaker they thought they were getting when they knocked on doors, put up yard signs and wrote checks to help her win. They believe that Graham, one of the most vulnerable House Democrats in the nation, is pandering to the right to protect her job. here
 "A number of people are very disappointed and probably won't hang in there and support her to anything like that degree the next time."
I know we won't!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lois Frankel Joins Florida War Hawks

Lois Frankel of West Palm Beach joins 
Gwen Graham, Alcee Hastings, 
Ted Deutch and the GOP voting against the Iran deal. here

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Gwen Graham Joins Florida War Hawks

Here is a list of the 25 House Democrats who voted against the Iran deal, in Florida Gwen Graham  joins Alcee Hastings and Ted Deutch.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Will Kathy Castor Vote For War?

Rep. Kathy Castor says she’s not ready to announce whether she supports the Iran nuclear deal, but will within the next week or so. here
"We hope Ms. Castor thinks about this carefully. This could be the most important vote of her career. With her base, If she votes for war, everything good that she has ever done will be forgotten. She will always be remembered for helping the war hawks take us into another senseless war. Her base will forget about her, we know we will. She will go the way of Gwen Graham and Patrick Murphy." YCS

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Florida's savviest Political Players Pick Gwen Graham For Us

The latest Tampa Bay Times Florida Insider Poll 
160 of Florida's savviest and most 
experienced political players 
voted U.S. Reps. David Jolly, R-Indian Shores, 
and Gwen Graham, DINO-Tallahassee, 
the most formidable general election candidates their parties could field 
to succeed Republican Sen. Marco Rubio.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

New Dem Love Fest In Tampa

A bunch of Tampa Bay New Dems will be joining Gwen Graham for a major fundraiser at Pat Frank's house.

The list includes
Mayor Bob Buckhorn,
St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman,
Janet Cruz, Dwight Dudley,
Ed Narain, Amanda Murphy,
Hillsborough County Property Appraiser
Bob Henriquez
Sen. Arthenia Joyner,
former Gov. Charlie Crist, 
Tampa City Council members
Harry Cohen and Mike Suarez, 
Alex Sink and Jim Davis. here

Why are Progressives Rick Kriseman, Dwight Dudley,
 Ed Narain, and Amanda Murphy attending? 
And Pat Frank just helped us make up our minds on her race with Kevin Beckner.