Showing posts with label Progressive Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progressive Florida. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Andrew Gillum New TV Ad

Invest a billion dollars
in education.
Fight for Medicare for all!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Power Of The Florida Grassroots On Display

Road to Change Rally - St. Pete 2018

Gwen Graham space

Philip Levine space

Chris King space

Andrew Gillum space

Follow the enthusiasm

It is there for a reason. Find out more here

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Words For Florida Activist

The truth is: last Tuesday wasn’t just a victory for me. It was a victory for all of us. From the very beginning, we had a vision to build a broad-based coalition of organizers to educate and expand the electorate — and that’s 
exactly what we did. 

This is victory for the movement for economic, social, and racial justice for working-class people.

 We didn’t buy this victory, and it was not luck. Thousands of people worked for it. It was built by those who volunteered, donated, and fought to bring our vision to Congress. Together, we showed the world that a progressive grassroots campaign can go toe-to-toe with the most powerful, established forces in America 
and win." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Progressive Revolution Is Being Led by a Black Woman

Every day since Sen. Bernie Sanders tapped her to lead his political organization, Nina Turner has been on a mission to push the Democratic establishment to realize the inevitable: The political revolution is here, whether they want to accept it or not. The future of the party—the working poor, minorities, the white working-class—can no longer depend on safe, centrist leadership. It needs revolutionaries. here

Monday, June 4, 2018

Florida Democratic voters want to hear a progressive message

Words from The Mayor
Democrats “need to make sure they’re creating an agenda [voters] can see themselves in,” the Tallahassee mayor said at a town hall in Orlando on Thursday night. “Yes, deal with Trump, but by the same token, let’s not make him the centerpiece of our electoral success.”
“It’s my belief that the way we’re going to win this race — not just the primary, but the general — is by giving more of our voters a reason to turn out, I don’t think we’ve given the best stimulus to the voters who are required to turn out for Democrats to win. Largely those voters are black, brown, younger and poorer — and let me tell you, I trust my chances turning out those constituencies better than any candidate in this race.” 
Andrew Gillum
“Over the course of the campaign, everybody’s redefining themselves, everybody’s progressive all of a sudden.
 I was getting lonely out there."

Endorsed by Our Revolution!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Words From The Mayor

I didn’t decide to run for Governor because I like seeing my name on signs or because I grew up wanting to be a politician.
I've always believed that people should run hard on the issues that matter to our communities. I got into public service to make a difference in people's lives. And I decided to run for Governor because I knew we could rebuild Florida into a state that works for all of us, and it was going to take the right leader to help do it.
I believe in fighting for what’s right, and I truly believe I am the right person to help fix the mess Rick Scott is leaving behind -- but I need your help. here

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Real Florida Progressive William Byatt

During the 2017 Democratic National Committee Chair race, members of the People's Progressive Caucus encouraged Florida's DNC members to vote for Rep. Keith Ellison to lead our Party in the four year battle against President Trump and the forces of greed that now control every branch of our Federal government. We supported Rep. Ellison because we feared that the opposing candidate, Tom Perez, would betray our values and his own promises and hamstring our capacity to communicate a vision of a bold, progressive American future. We lost that race, but the efforts of this Caucus and our allies led to significant portions of the Florida delegation casting their votes for Rep. Ellison.
Last week, Tom Perez seized the opportunity to prove our fears well-founded. After spending a year claiming to want "unity" with progressives, after spending a year asserting that the top levels of the Democratic Party should stay neutral in Democratic primaries, Tom Perez endorsed incumbent New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in his bid for re-election against progressive stalwart Cynthia Nixon.
This is unacceptable hypocrisy. Just weeks ago, Chairman Perez declined the opportunity to help elect America's first black woman governor on the grounds that he wouldn't involve himself in primaries.
Unless, of course, it's a primary that involves a long-time corporate Democrat, with deep ties to megadonors, who represents the dynastic element of our Party.
In the coming days the Board of this Caucus will be releasing a public statement to media condemning Chairman Perez's actions, and we will be calling on other Democratic Party organizations and institutions 
to do the same.
On Tuesday, June 12, the Miami-Dade DEC will be holding a general body meeting, where many of our members will be joining together to raise a motion of censure 
against the Chairman.
Until then, I ask all of our members to take action in whatever Party bodies and organizations they belong to. To raise motions, write letters, and push back. We expect this kind of self-serving hypocrisy from the President and his Congress, but we cannot accept it from our own Party.
- William Byatt,
Chair, People's Progressive Caucus of Miami-Dade

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Alan Grayson for Senate

I’m running for Congress because our progressive goals justice, equality and peace need a champion in Congress.
Help him here
Flashback: Remember back when we had a Progressive in Mr. Grayson to run against Marco Rubio and the Corporate FDP picked this guy. We all know how that truned out. 
Not much has changed has it?

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Andrew Gillum: They Underestimated You

But they underestimated you, and the power of people coming together to support a progressive movement.
Over 4,000 people just like you came together to fuel our campaign and help us hit our first end-of-quarter goal of 2018 -- and I just want you to know how incredibly grateful and humbled I am for your support. Thank you.
Thank you for believing in the possibility of building a better Florida, for investing in a brighter future for all of us no matter where we may fall on the economic ladder, and for being a dedicated member of 
Team Gillum. 
Together, we’re going to keep on moving forward to victory in August and then November. Let’s bring it home, Andrew
Help him out here

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Support Our Revolution

We have a choice to make this November. Progressive candidates across the country are prepared to challenge incumbents that represent the corporate CEOs bankrolling their campaigns. For the first time in what seems like decades, voters will have a new set of choices when they cast their ballots; a candidate who will fight for working people or a candidate who will fight for the special interests supporting their campaign.
Now is the time to decide whether we believe dark money and Super PACs should influence elections or whether grassroots support and small-dollar contributors deserve a greater say.
Unlimited campaign contributions are not free speech. Together we can amplify the voices of the people when each of us chips in a few dollars.
Let's tell every elected official across the country to turn out their pockets and show us who really is supporting their campaign! If their pockets are lined with money from Exxon, Big Pharma, WalMart, or from any other industry that seeks to corrupt our planet or our bodies, we deserve to know. The candidates of the future will not fight for Medicare for All and a living wage if they are beholden to the corporate interests who benefit from the disenfranchisement of working families.
A path to victory is possible. Now is when we must dig in and work to elect progressives in primary elections across the country who, with the strong backing of the grassroots, will fight for Medicare for All and the issues we care about. Your contribution builds our texting, calling, and canvassing programs to reach even more people and keeps us organizing locally.
Chip in any amount today to support our work on behalf of our revolutionary candidates.
The revolution will go as far as we take it—so let's keep moving on the path to economic, racial, social,
 and environmental justice.
In solidarity,
Nina Turner
President: Our Revolution
Join our local chapter

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Rodney Dangerfield Of The Florida Democratic Party

The Progressive Wing
I know there are a lot of people out there working very hard to bring change to the party. But you are going about it all wrong. The people in charge do not want to lose their power and will do every thing they can to keep it.
They lead you around like a puppy. Sure they 
throw you a bone once in a while but you are not coming in the house.
The plan is simple. The Tea Party showed you what to do 
and Bernie Sanders showed you how to do it.  
When a politician doesn't do what you want, you primary them. When the party turns their back on you with their money and resources, which they will and are already doing, you take the Bernie route, you do it with small donations and boots on the ground. This can be done, it already has been done. If the party had not sabotage his campaign, he would be our president today. (Read Donna Brazile's book "Hacks" here
An exanple of this is happening right now in Florida.
 Florida Democratic activists love Andrew Gillum.
There are four major candidates running for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Florida.  Only one consistently draws sizable crowds of activists. Andrew Gillum, sound familiar? When voters get excited about a candidate they will give you their money and knock on doors for you.
Progressives remember, you are not the fringe any more you are the majority,
 start acting like it.
Disclaimer: I am not a overpaid political consultant. 
The solution is obvious.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Our Revolution Endorses Andrew Gillum for Governor of Florida

Our Revolution announced its endorsement of Andrew Gillum for Governor of Florida. 
He is endorsed by multiple Our Revolution local groups across the state including Our Revolution Northeast Florida, Progressive Sarasota, Progressive Democrats Of America, Pinellas County Chapter, and Northeast Florida Democratic Progressive Caucus.
“Andrew Gillum is a driven public servant who has already shown his commitment to the working people of Florida,” Our Revolution President, Nina Turner
The others have the money, the Mayor has the people. 
He is running a Bernie style campaign. He needs our help. here

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Florida Fake Progressives

Florida Democratic Party Chair
 Progressive vs. Corporate 
Stacey Patel - Alma Gonzalez 
What a great opportunity to see who the real Progressives are and elect one of our own. But the real treat will be watching the fakes come out of the closet.

Support Stacey here

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

We Support Stacey Patel for FDP Chair

"I think the time has come for the people to take back the power of the Florida Democratic Party.
What if we built a party people could really believe in?
What if we gave our party back to the people, and spread the power of the few to the many?
What if we returned to our roots & inspired our neighbors with our love for justice and for one another?
What if we adamantly refused to compromise our values, and bought back our party from special interests?
What if we worked together to show Florida what democracy looks like?"
Show your support here

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida in Orlando

Pulling the party leftward
"This took an insane amount of negotiation" Jessica Vaughn

Supporting Economic Justice & Prosperity for all Floridians
Supporting the Right to Free, Accessible, Equitable, and Quality Public Education, Investment in Trade and Technical Schools, and the end of the For-Profit Education Industry that takes funds away from Public Education
Safeguarding the Equal Rights, Inclusion and Protection of All People
Supporting Equity & Reform in the Criminal Justice System
 Environmental Justice for All Floridians
 Ending Felon Disenfranchisement in Florida
Supporting Voting Rights for all Citizens and Expanding Voter Participation
 Supporting Home Rule & Opposing Big Money in Politics
  Supporting Immigration and Immigrant Rights
Supporting Health Care as a Human Right
Keep Florida's Public Land and Beaches Publicly Owned
Promoting Responsible Gun Ownership and Common Sense Gun Safety
 Identify and Advocate for Florida Veterans and Military Families
Supporting Greater Youth Engagement in the Florida Democratic Party
 Supporting Patient Centered Treatment for Drug Addiction Recovery
Honoring Diane Glasser and  Bernie “Bunny” Steinman

Our Leaders

Beth Eriksen Shoup, Marcus Klebe, Marina Welch,
 Kent Bailey, Andrew Davis and Scott Shoup

Images by Jessica Vaughn

Friday, October 13, 2017

Rising Progressive Stars In Riverview

Angel D'Angelo 
Jamela Passmore
 Elvis Piggott 
Kimberly Overman 
Sky White
10.14 - 1 PM
Riverview Public Library

Friday, September 29, 2017

Tampa Bay Progressives In Seminole Heights

With special guest Kent Bailey 

Talking Climate Change

Kent Bailey and Scott Shoup

Jae Passmore, Dayna Lazarus and Junior

Beau Robichaux

Dr. Alvin Jin

Candidate for Tampa Mayor Michael Hazard
With Junior

Beth Eriksen Shoup

September Meeting - Seminole Heights Library
Bringing back the Democratic Party to where it belongs!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Florida Progressives Cuba Needs Help Too!

The US is sending aid to the islands but not Cuba. They don't want US help. being very jealous of its sovereignty and of their independence
The Category 5 hurricane, the worst to hit the communist island since 1932, spent 24 hours grinding away over northern parts of the island, damaging more than 4,000 homes, inundating downtown Havana with knee-high floods and destroying thousands of acres of cane sugar.
How can Progressives forget Cuba?

Monday, September 18, 2017

Florida Treasure: Duysevi Miyar

Passionate educator and advocate for our children, parents and teachers!

Check out her impressive resume.
She would make a great statewide candidate.