Monday, June 4, 2018

Florida Democratic voters want to hear a progressive message

Words from The Mayor
Democrats “need to make sure they’re creating an agenda [voters] can see themselves in,” the Tallahassee mayor said at a town hall in Orlando on Thursday night. “Yes, deal with Trump, but by the same token, let’s not make him the centerpiece of our electoral success.”
“It’s my belief that the way we’re going to win this race — not just the primary, but the general — is by giving more of our voters a reason to turn out, I don’t think we’ve given the best stimulus to the voters who are required to turn out for Democrats to win. Largely those voters are black, brown, younger and poorer — and let me tell you, I trust my chances turning out those constituencies better than any candidate in this race.” 
Andrew Gillum
“Over the course of the campaign, everybody’s redefining themselves, everybody’s progressive all of a sudden.
 I was getting lonely out there."

Endorsed by Our Revolution!

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