Monday, December 25, 2006

Death Count 2,972 This Christmas Day 2006
6 U.S. Troops Die in Bloody Iraq Weekend
Some 12,000 Iraqi policemen have been killed since the ouster of Saddam Hussein, the country's interior minister said Sunday, as clashes, a suicide bomber and weekend explosions killed more than a dozen Iraqi officers and six American soldiers......more
RIP: James Brown

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Surging into the Abyss

It now looks like the administration has adopted the surge strategy as its mantra. Simply put it means no new political road map for Iraq in place of the “national unity government” formula that has so far failed has not delivered on the insurgency but has managed to alienated the Shias, and has actually caused more rather than less sectarian violence since the U.S. adopted it.......more

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New Poll: Hillary Over McCain

A new poll from Newsweek has some interesting data on Hillary Clinton's electability. According to the poll, Hillary beats John McCain 50 to 43 percent, squeaks by Rudy Giuliani 48 to 47 percent and trounces Mitt Romney, 58 to 32 percent. Her presumptive rival, Barack Obama, narrowly loses to McCain and Giuliani but thumps Romney as well, 55 to 25 percent.....more
Noam Chomsky on Creating Another World in a Time of War, Empire and Devastation
World-renowned scholar and linguist Noam Chomsky spoke this weekend at an event sponsored by Massachusetts Global Action. The event titled, "What's Next? Creating Another World in a Time of War, Empire and Devastation" was held at the Emmanuel Church in Boston. Chomsky, who is a professor of Linguistics at MIT, returned from Latin America in October. He talked about the recent elections in the region, which have brought leftist, governments to power that are challenging U.S foreign policy. Chomsky also spoke about Iraq and Iran in the context of Latin America.....more

The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture

In April 2004, Americans were stunned when CBS broadcast those now-notorious photographs from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, showing hooded Iraqis stripped naked while U.S. soldiers stood by smiling. As this scandal grabbed headlines around the globe, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld insisted that the abuses were "perpetrated by a small number of U.S. military......more

Monday, December 18, 2006

They Wash the Homeless people's feet
A Witness To What Faith Can Be
Something radical is happening every Friday night where homeless people congregate downtown under the Burnside Bridge. Car and vanloads of Christian volunteers swoop in with sleeping bags and coats to protect their dispossessed friends against the raw, wet weather that has moved in. They dispense hot meals and set up stations for shaves and haircuts. While a few pull out guitars and strike up their Jesus-themed songs, a small number of the volunteers commit one of the more audacious acts of compassion and humility I have ever witnessed......more

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Screen every child in school for mental illnesses

Pres. Bush has commissioned the mental health field to screen every child in school AND PRE-SCHOOL for mental illnesses. Once in the mental health system, they are given drugs that are NOT FDA approved for kids, mainly anti-depressants. I'm a nurse and I can tell you that these new drugs they are NOW giving these kids CAUSE suicidal and homicidal behaviors. I have a study in my hand that says they are targeting the MEDICAID children. From the year 2000 to 2005, there was an increase of 528% in these drugs given to Medicaid children. Almost 60,000 just in Florida alone. So, this cause will affect your future if it's continued. The way they get into schools is through TeenScreen mental health screening. We can stop the government from doing this by signing the petition below.

Go to this website and sign this on-line petition:

Also visit:

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bill defies Bush, visits Syria
In a direct affront to the Bush administration, a Democratic senator spent an hour Wednesday with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, emerging from the meeting to say Assad was willing to help control the Iraq-Syrian border.....more

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Meet: Maj. Megan McClung
A roadside bomb killed her a month before coming home
She was known for sprinting along the Tigris River in Iraq, competing in a triathlon in Brazil and doing a back flip in North Carolina to prove to police she was sober.With her copper-red hair, athletic ability and sense of humor, Maj. Megan McClung was a memorable figure to the troops and journalists she worked with as a Marine Corps public affairs officer......more