Friday, May 1, 2020

Local Bad Ass Dayna Lazarus

Who was escorted from a public hearing after raising questions of racial bias in a toll road project has filed suit against the man who ordered her removed: Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White. HERE


Under the cover of a global pandemic, lobbyists for the sugar cartel are trying to slip in language to the federal Water Resources & Development Act (WRDA) of 2020 that will make toxic discharges more likely and starve the Everglades and Florida Bay of the freshwater they desperately need. HERE

Self Isolate Blues

Hank Scott of Mount Dora

During any other spring, he'd oversee an army of workers harvesting cucumbers and shipping truckloads to pickling companies along the East Coast. But the coronavirus pandemic has closed or crippled the businesses where his produce would end up. So instead, Scott, invited volunteer pickers to glean as much produce as they could and donate it to nearby 
food banks. HERE

Persistence pays off DeSantis announces free, community-wide testing in Immokalee

Promising new public/private collaboration starting to take shape in Immokalee to address COVID-19 crisis, giving vulnerable farmworker community new hope with aggressive, comprehensive defense strategy. HERE

Self Isolate Blues

DeSantis declined coronavirus help from Nikki Fried

 Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, Florida’s only statewide elected Democrat, said her office offered the DeSantis administration lab space and help processing unemployment applications as the state grappled with the coronavirus, but her offers were rejected or ignored. HERE