Monday, April 9, 2007

God Hates Fags
The Most Hated Family in America
A new documentary written and presented by Louis Theroux of the BBC about the family at the heart of the Westboro Baptist it here
"I think that the pastor is not a very nice person. I think he's an angry person who's twisted the Bible and picked and chosen verses that support his anger, that sort of justify his anger, and he's instilled that in his children and they've passed it on to their children. Although the second and third generation are by and large quite nice people from what I saw, they still live under the influence of their Gramps. "..Louis Theroux

Sunday, April 8, 2007

No Place Too Red For Dean
"We want change. It wasn't about the Democratic Party. It was about the country."

"There will always be some television involved in campaigns, but the era of the 30-second spot as an effective tool of politics is disappearing, and what is more effective is being on the Internet, where we can hear from you and not just you hear from us."
Operation Bright Eyes
Expanding to improve and enhance public safety in neighborhoods
Bright House Networks first launched Operation Bright Eyes in 2005 in Tampa

Opie's New Job
Adam Putnam new job is to jump on anything that makes Democrats look bad and exploit it for maximum effect. As chairman of the Republican Conference Committee, Putnam is the face and voice of House Republicans. His agenda: to aggressively display the flaws of the new majority, to convey the ideas of the Republicans, and to work his hardest to help his party win back the House in 2008......more

"Continual Slaughter"
El Papa Tells It Like It Is
Benedict read out a litany of troubling current events, saying he was thinking of the "terrorism and kidnapping of people, of the thousand faces of violence which some people attempt to justify in the name of religion, of contempt for life, of the violation of human rights and the exploitation of persons." He singled out what he called the "catastrophic, and sad to say, underestimated, humanitarian situation" in Darfur as well as other African places of suffering, including violence and looting in Congo, fighting in Somalia.......more
Happy Easter?
Polk County program will allow inmates to keep jobs
"On pay day, we're going to charge them to stay in the county jail," said Polk County sheriff Grady Judd. "We're going to charge them to eat here and we're going to charge them for cleaning their clothes at the county jail.".......more
Good Job Polk County

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Stogie Interviews The Local Homeless
Meet Cyndie
A 40 year old mother of 6 (ages 24 to 11) with 1 grandchild. She was born in Clearwater, but now resides on the streets of Tampa. She has been homeless for 3 years. She has tried getting help but says it comes with to many conditions.
Imagine Yet Another Two Years Of Slow Bleed
An Administration's Epic Collapse
The three big Bush stories of 2007--the decision to "surge" in Iraq, the scandalous treatment of wounded veterans at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys for tawdry political reasons--precisely illuminate the three qualities that make this Administration one of the worst in American history: arrogance (the surge), incompetence (Walter Reed) and cynicism (the U.S. Attorneys).......more

Friday, April 6, 2007

There Is A New Blog In Town
The County Pasco Sheriff
They got Viagra, Cialis and Levitra Real Cheap
You Might Want To Check Out The "Sembler Penis Pump"
Dean Discusses Strategy At Yale
The one-time front-runner in the 2004 Democratic primaries spoke Thursday about his 50-State Strategy, which aims to build Democratic organizations in every voting precinct in the U.S., including those in predominantly Republican states. Dean, who majored in political science at Yale, delivered the keynote address at a Yale Political Union debate on Thursday evening in addition to holding discussions at a Saybrook Master’s Tea and an event hosted by the Yale Law Democrats earlier in the day.......more
From December 8, 2005 Looks Like He Is Turning Out To Be A Foreign Policy Expert After All.