Monday, October 27, 2014

Al Higginbotham is lying, and his lies are blatant

Ask Joe Keel
of  Keel and Curley Winery in Plant City.
is he a little worried about his current re-election chances against challenger Pat Kemp? 

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Dave, he is from New York, he has been homeless 1 month.

NO To Medical Marijuana In Florida, But YES To Casinos In Florida

Die-in at Tallahassee Police Department

Dozens of African American students joined with community members to protest and then conduct a die-in at the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) on Oct. 22. Protesters held signs reading “Black lives matter,” and “Justice,” while chanting 
against police brutality. here

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Rhode Islander At Guavaween

Ybor Paparazzi

Ryan, Bianca (People United for Medical Marijuana) 
Manny (Mace Multi-Media) and local musician Christian.

Tampa working mother Shatara Brown

At a campaign stop in Tampa, Rick Scott continues to ignore the questions from the press, debate moderators and now Tampa working mother 
Shatara Brown.

South Florida Hopes to Secede From the Union

Awesome Tampa goes with the south.
Check out what Florida might look like in 60 years here

Yes On 2 @ Guavaween

Jeff Brandes, People Are Dying