Thursday, June 16, 2016

June Really Really Free Market

Sunday 3PM
In Suitcase City

Election Day Cheating In Riverside County, California

"We all need to complain to the RIVERSIDE Board of Supervisors about the election day chaos: misinformation, denial of voting for a Dem Party Candidate, elimination of names who had re- registered as Democrat so they could vote for Bernie, etc." Candy Doss

As my local friends know I spent 20 days in Cali. helping Bernie. On election day things did not go as planned. Please help these  dedicated Riverside Berners.  Call or 
E-Mail and let your voices be heard. here

According to the LA Times, Secretary of State Alex Padilla reported on June 9th that there are some 2.5 million votes that have yet to be counted from the statewide primary. In fact, LA County alone has 616,000 uncounted ballots and it is a heavily democratic county according to Public Policy Institute of California. here

Gov. Scott and Pam Bondi have promoted LGBT discrimination

Join Commissioner Kevin Beckner and ask Governor Scott to show solidarity for LGBT victims by raising the Pride flag at the Capitol June 15 - 30, 2015. here

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

BOCC Votes To Raise LGBT Flag At County Center

Hillsborough County Commissioners

Our awesome Kevin Beckner

Hillsborough County Center - Tampa
Congratulations to our hero Kevin Beckner
btw, Ken Hagan voted NO!

Ybor City Solidarity With Orlando

Pic taken today. Still with you guys!

What Stogie Had For Dinner

Palomilla Steak
With Moro and Platanos
My last supper in Cali. Teaching my Cali. friends about Cuban food.
At Versailles Restaurant in Culver City, CA. Visit them here

The Merchants Of Ybor

Visit him here

Local Musicians: Cynthony & Company

At Gaslight Park - Downtown Tampa
Visit them here

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Local Treasure Kevin Beckner

This coming Wednesday, June 15th, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner will ask his colleagues to stand in solidarity with our Tampa Bay and Orlando communities by doing three things:
- Raise the Pride Flag at the County Center
- Officially recognize June as LGBT Pride Month in Hillsborough County
- Set aside June 12th each year as a day of remembrance for the victims of the Orlando shootings info

The Getty Villa In Pacific Palisades

Pam, Nelson and Lee Anne

Check out this cool place my new friend Pam took me to. 
Visit them here