Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Enduring Spirit Of The People Of Regla, Cuba
click here

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A New Era In The History Of Persia
American preparations for invading Iran are complete
Iran, is one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, covers thousands of years, from the ancient civilization on the Iranian plateau to the modern Islamic Republic of Iran.......more
Whats About To Happen Is Not Going To Be Good!
Charlie, A Republican Democrats can learn to love
Crist may restore rights to ex-felons.The announcement from the Republican governor drew applause from nearly two dozen lawmakers, all Democrats, known formally as the Florida Conference of Black State Legislators......more
The Confederate Flag

Until recently, I had never liked Hillary Clinton. I thought that she was terribly weak and self-serving most of the time, and I despised her for letting Bill walk all over her. I never thought that I'd say I was in agreement with her, but lately there is much to applaud her for!......more

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What The Germans Think

The US Democrats have failed their first big test. They won't be able to end the US mission in Iraq in the foreseeable future ... That is a disappointment but not a surprise ... It was never really their aim to use all their might to stop Bush. That was finally clear when the liberals agreed that the Iraq resolution would be 'non-binding.' That is like smoking without inhaling......more
Time to clip the wings of Vulture Funds
Investigative reporting by Greg Palast, broadcast on the BBC and Democracy Now, has exposed the vulture funds, defined by the International Monetary Fund as companies that buy up the debt of poor nations on the cheap when it is about to be written off and then sue for the full debt plus interest, often pocketing 10 times what they paid for it......more
Open Letters to George W. Bush
From his ardent admirer Belacqua Jones....
Central Command in Florida and targets inside Iran
It is understood that any such attack - if ordered - would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centres. That list includes Iran's uranium enrichment plant at Natanz. Facilities at Isfahan, Arak and Bushehr are also on the target list.....more
I Hope They Get It
"We can't get fooled again"
Your mission for the day is to look at these images of a beautiful, progressive and creative country and its generally moderate people and guess who they

Mrs. Clintons Roadmap Out of Iraq