Thursday, October 23, 2008

Florida Takes On Global Warming

I just finished a year-long appointment on Florida Gov. Charlie Crist’s Action Team on Energy and Climate Change. We released a blueprint that, if put into action, would make Florida one of America’s most aggressive states in tackling climate

Obama Calls Up Lawyers To Scrutinise The Florida Chads

Lawyers are signing up by the hundred on behalf of Barack Obama to oversee the counting of the presidential election votes in Florida, where in 2004, as we all remember, the hanging chads somehow fell George W Bush’s way in a very dubious fashion and handed him a distinctly tainted

Bob Graham Says Florida, Iowa Close

"I think Florida is going to go Obama, but it's going to be very competitive," Graham said. "Florida may be a little more tense than Iowa. It's a state that takes a lot of effort to go Democratic." Nominee Barack Obama was in Florida Tuesday, and Graham gave an introduction at the

Is Todd Schnitt a Racist?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Skip The Election. Survey 100 Tampa Residents Instead

The election of 2008, as in 2004, may well be determined by the average opinions of a handful of residents in Hillsborough County, Florida. Among the “swing states” those up for grabs, is Florida with its 27 electoral votes. Those votes were awarded to the Republicans last time by an overtly partisan Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, and an activist, equally partisan, United Supreme

Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo Explores Solar Power

Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo is planning to install a solar system that can generate enough clean energy to power the zoo's Skyfari sky ride and will be connected to the electric grid through the zoo's main power

Mario Diaz-Balart: Down for the Count!

Mario Diaz-Balart goes off the ledge while showing he loves George W. Bush's failed economic policies of the last 8 years.

3 Hrs On The Vote Line... In Florida!

So go out, vote, then go volunteer the rest of your time! We have to hand such a terrible thrashing to the Republicans that they have to abandon their bankrupt ideologies, face their scurrilous lies, and never, ever consider putting that Palin woman on the political stage again!

The Obamas In Florida

Barack and Michelle hit the stump together in Florida Tuesday. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll has Team Obama up by ten points from the opposition. Who doesn't feel the love?

Florida Focus Group: Independents Break For Obama

The respected St. Petersburg Times has been keeping tabs on a group of Tampa swing voters and it finds them now breaking heavily for Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama — and GOP Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain’s choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as Vice Presidential candidate has a lot to do with