Monday, November 10, 2008

Seminole Heights Country Hoe-Down Porch Party

November 29th, 8:00 pm at 120 West Hiawatha Street. Tampa

Regardless Of Vote, Tampa's Black Faithful Support Obama

Religion and politics often conflict and are perhaps best not discussed in good company; but they received equal time Sunday in the pulpits and pews of predominantly black congregations in the Tampa Bay

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lieberman Must Go!

We CANNOT tolerate a leader of the Senate Democratic Caucus who supports George Bush and McCain's War in Iraq. We CANNOT tolerate a Democratic chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee who endorses and stumps for McCain. We call on the Senate Democratic Steering Committee to strip Joe Lieberman of his chairmanship and his leadership role.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Buddy Johnson Needs To Be Investigated

Rep. Kathy Castor asked the U.S. Justice Department to intervene in the Hillsborough County election debacle, citing concerns about the slow counting of ballots from Tuesday's general election
and reported irregularities in the voting

Save The Friendship Trail

The Friendship Trail Bridge was closed indefinitely Thursday, severing the only link between Tampa and St. Petersburg for pedestrians, cyclists and inline

2008 Tampa Bay Heart Walk

This year was extra special because we were walking for Kelly's (beach wedding) baby, Aaron, who was born with a heart defect and, unfortunately, passed away after his first

Tampa Rejects 25-Year TECO Deal

About 40 residents of Seminole Heights criticized the utility for butchering trees and spoiling the aesthetics on the public land where power lines run. Environmental advocates want to seize this opportunity to force the utility to do more with renewable

Ernest Hooper's Grandmother

Ann Nixon Cooper, 106, Ernest Hooper’s grandmother, was featured in Obama’s victory speech Tuesday

Tampa Bay We Did It!

Congratulations To:
Brian Blair And Buddy Johnson Have A Good Life.
If I Left Anyone Out Please Let Me Know.

John Edwards For Attorney General

Rep. Kevin Ambler's Olfaction

"We are the quiet majority that goes out and gets things done. ... I smell victory".........Rep. Kevin Ambler

New Signs For Downtown Tampa

The City of Tampa unveiled new downtown signs today that will shine a ray of light on the heart of Florida’s West Coast and guide visitors to discover all the city has to

Monument To Slain Detective Dedicated In Ybor

A monument honoring Detective Rick Childers, Detective Randy Bell and Florida Highway Patrol Trooper James Crooks was unveiled Friday afternoon during the graduation program at Hillsborough Community College's law enforcement

Blair Isn't Ready To Admit Defeat

Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair said this morning he is not ready to concede defeat in his race with Democrat Kevin

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Sidewalk Of Versailles


Good Bye Buddy Johnson

Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections Buddy Johnson conceded his re-election race tonight, after a day of counting early vote results showed a commanding lead by his challenger, Phyllis