Saturday, August 22, 2015

Florida INC. Out Of Money For Corporate Welfare

Scott and Enterprise Florida officials say the state has only about $9 million left in the main account it uses for corporate welfare . Bill Johnson, the president and CEO of Enterprise Florida, said that money will likely be gone in weeks. here

Florida's Tea Party Candidate Ron DeSantis

Tony Fabrizio, a veteran Republican pollster advising DeSantis's campaign, illustrates DeSantis's efforts to appeal beyond the tea-party side of the 
GOP primary electorate.  
people try to paint people into a box and because
 Senate Conservative Fund and 
Club for Growth support Ron DeSantis
people have this, you know, 
image of him, Fabrizio said. "But the truth of the matter is he is a Reagan conservative. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken in Black Bean Sauce
With Fried Rice
At Koo's Kitchen in Englewood
Visit them here

Friday, August 21, 2015

Unbiased Reporting

To all the folks that keep writing us about Unbiased Reporting. Please note: We are not journalist and we definitely are NOT unbiased. So please stop writing us. If you want unbiased reporting go somewhere else. 
Thank You and Good Luck!

Welcome To Tampa's Malfunction Junction

Lenny The Tour Guide

Florida GOP Propaganda

Was Gov. Rick Scott trying to embarrass Planned Parenthood when he ordered inspections at its Florida clinics? If so, his scheme backfired. here

Legalize Marijuana In Florida

There’s a new effort to make marijuana legal in Florida – nope, not just medical marijuana. We’re talking legal recreational use of marijuana by adults; a new group will announce its new voter initiative this week. It’s called Regulate Florida and it is an effort to amend the state constitution to legalize and regulate marijuana in Florida for adult use. here

Food Not Bombs Benefit Show In St. Pete

The Nine 10
910 5th Ave North, Saint Pete

Cannabis Network Radio

Thursday, August 20, 2015

#Rebuilt - A Benefit For Built Workshop In Ybor

August 21, 8pm
The Bricks - Downtown Ybor City

Florida INC. Booming In Tallahassee

The Southern Strategy Group continues to post gaudy lobbying figures in Tallahassee: The firm collected an estimated $3.1 million in consulting fees last quarter, SSG took in some $2.3 million from 241 legislative lobbying clients and reported $800,000 in fees from 242 executive branch contracts. here

Ali Abunimah: The Battle for Justice in Palestine

Today 6pm
Islamic Community of Tampa
5910 E 130th Ave, Tampa

The Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce

Two weeks ago over 50 members of the community went before the MPO to denounce the plan, and asked the agency not to include the TBX in the MPO’s Transportation Improvement Plan. The MPO approved it on a 13-1 vote.
Fewer than 10 people came out in support of the plan. One of them was Bob Rohrlack, the president/CEO of the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce. here

Will Kathy Castor Vote For War?

Rep. Kathy Castor says she’s not ready to announce whether she supports the Iran nuclear deal, but will within the next week or so. here
"We hope Ms. Castor thinks about this carefully. This could be the most important vote of her career. With her base, If she votes for war, everything good that she has ever done will be forgotten. She will always be remembered for helping the war hawks take us into another senseless war. Her base will forget about her, we know we will. She will go the way of Gwen Graham and Patrick Murphy." YCS

Sunshine Citizens‎StopTBX Action Item Attend Tampa CRA Meeting Today

Tampa City Hall

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Free Lube For Florida GOP Voters

So for those incurably truculent in Tallahassee, here is the reality of what happened:
You cheated. You got caught. And now you're pouting. What's infuriating is their arrogance. These are elected officials who willfully ignored constitutional amendments passed by a vast majority of Florida voters, and now they want to blame the state Supreme Court for calling them out on it?

“I  believe at my core that the Florida Supreme Court has grossly overstepped its boundaries,”
 Rep. Dana Young

Sen. Tom Lee pouted that the court maybe violated his First Amendment rights and muttered darkly about hiring a 
personal lawyer.

"Redistricting does not, it’s fair to say, bring out the best in people."

Registered Democrats in Florida still outnumber registered Republicans by 400,000, yet Republicans hold 17 seats in Congress to the Dems’ 10. Some might say that ain’t exactly genuine representation.
Remember the class size amendment? Ignored. We passed  “Polluter Pays,” demanding that Big Sugar and Big Ag clean up their Everglades mess, in 1996. Still waiting on that one. More than 75 percent of voters said yes to conservation land acquisition last year. The Legislature’s response was to blow off the will of the people. Again.
As for Fair Districts, in 2010, Floridians approved two constitutional amendments instructing the Legislature to create districts that made geographical 
and community sense.
Instead, its members cut secret deals and lied. here

For the folks that keep voting for these people, 
we got your back!