Sunday, April 29, 2018

Tampa Paparazzi

2018 May Day in Tampa

5.1.2018 - 5 PM
Curtis Hixon Park

Check out last years event in Ybor

Ybor City Homeless

Homeless living in Ybor City

Leonard Pitts Letter To Marco Rubio

Dear Sen. Marco Rubio:
So I see where you came after me on Twitter. I’m flattered. Never knew you cared.
“This well known national writer,” you tweeted about my last column, “states very clearly that the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump are haters who should not be heard from or engaged in dialogue. It’s a view widely held by many elites on left, but very few of them so openly admit to it.”
It fascinates me how you Republicans have repurposed “elites,” which means well above average, into an all-purpose pejorative. I mean, sure, call me an elite, if you insist. But I’d point out that as a U.S. senator, hobnobbing with presidents and potentates while pulling down $174,000 per annum, you are hardly Joe Lunchbucket yourself. more

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Ybor Paparazzi

The Photographers of

Historic Tampa Churches

Like treasured family heirlooms, the historic churches and temples of Tampa are lovingly cared for by their devoted congregations. With more than 200 vintage images, Historic Tampa Churches shares stories of tragedy and triumph, from St. Peter Claver Church, whose congregation watched the first church burn to the ground 10 days after its dedication, to the Sisters of St. Joseph at St. Benedict School, who found themselves jailed for teaching students in the African American community. 

Many of these churches, like Ybor City's Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, West Tampa's St. Joseph Church, and downtown's Greater Bethel Baptist Church, are found at the center of Tampa's ethnically diverse communities. Passed down from generation to generation, these architectural gems serve as a reminder of the countless men and women who selflessly labored for the growth of their churches, leaving a lasting legacy of faith 
and good works.

By Author John V. Cinchett a third-generation Tampa native and local history writer with an interest in the preservation of historical Tampa photographs. As a musician, Cinchett has served as an organist for several local churches over more than 30 years.

Amazing La France Ybor City

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Ahtina

TPD Photographers in Ybor City

N. 19th Street, In front of The Bunker

Friday, April 27, 2018

Tampa Progressives in Seminole Heights

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay
April Meeting

With special guest 
Joe Redner, Chris Cano

And Bob Buesing

President Jessica Vaughn

Michelle Kenoyer and Susan Smith

Beth Eriksen Shoup

Nina Tatlock

Kim Overman

Becca Fiore with friend

Russell Giambrone with friend

Wayne Schucker

Russell Hires

Tim Heberlein

Scott Shoup

Chris Cano

Bob Buesing on how to beat Dana Young

Central Florida NORML

Seminole Heights Library
Join them here

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Asher Edelson Lone Speaker At City Hall

I was the only person to bring up the audit today. Folks if we want the City Council to do this thing, we have to show up in some numbers to let them know we care about this issue!
"What can I do to convince y’all to 
make it out?" Asher Edelson

Sky White at The Fly

Sky U. White
Democrat for Hillsborough County Commission
Help her here

Sad Sight at Tampa City Hall

These guys, the Charter Review Commission were about to examine the city’s charter to determine if our city charter needs to be changed to make term limits in Tampa a law.  They asked for public input and ideas.

5:30 PM What's wrong with this picture?

Local activist D'Angelo Amore 

did speak up!

“We in America do not have government by the majority. 
We have government by the majority who participate.”
Thomas Jefferson

The Florida Democratic Party Racism and Suppression of Progressives

The 1964 Civil Rights Act—the racists that lead the Florida Democratic Party might want to read it.
If the Florida Democratic Party doesn’t clean up its act—and soon—it might as well gird for a November calamity.
The Blue Wave that pundits expect nationally could amount to a trickle in the Sunshine  State.   This in spite of Democrats holding a registration edge, albeit a narrow one.
Corporatist Democrats have controlled the party for decades.  The end result: getting pounded by Republicans in statewide races and ceding both houses of the state legislature by large majorities.
The arrogant chairwoman of the state party, Terrie Rizzo, continues to foster racism while her cohorts in power attempt to suppress dissent. Rizzo and her gang’s main goal is to maintain party power, collect money from corporatists, and stifle minorities and the progressive wing.
The latest: a proposed confidentiality clause that would essentially protect sexual abusers and racists.
Resentment over Rizzo’s inaction in excommunicating racists and her encouragement of suppression is boiling over in Duval County.  There, unhappy Democrats have taken to barraging social media with their discontent over the Rizzo regime and local committeewoman 
Lisa King.
Jimmy Deininger, one of the most vocal critics, has bombarded Facebook with lengthy discourses accusing local and state leaders of failing to eradicate racism from the state committee.
“Because the Florida Democratic Party refused to address multiple requests concerning the validity of the ‘Lisa King confidentiality’ bylaw clause Kimberly Love and I were forced to file a official grievance to FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo via United States Postal Service certified mail,” Deininger stated.
The “confidentiality” clause was introduced after John Parker, King’s husband, was forced to resign after Politico Florida and other news outlets exposed his racist statements.
The confidentiality clause would, in effect, protect abusers and muzzle the voices of complainants from seeking their first amendment rights, according to Deininger.
Kimberly Doctor, a nurse (no kidding), expressed deep concern that the confidentiality clause would protect sexual abusers.  Her letter appears below:
“If the FDP and Party leaders around this state refuse to hear the many calls from members and elected officials like Reggie Brown calling for Chair King’s resignation and a total restructuring of DCDEC leadership they should expect multiple grievances exposing further racism, corruption, and collusion in this Party,” Deininger warned.
Duval County isn’t the only region dissatisfied with Rizzo’s leadership. Introduced at a Democratic gala in Hillsborough County last Saturday, Rizzo’s reception was something short of a golf clap.  Activists on the county Democratic Executive Committee oppose the weighted voting that gives Rizzo’s Politburo disproportionate representation and influence.
The state Democratic apparatus has always been slow to address racism within its ranks.  Former Democratic state party chairman Stephen Bittel made disparaging remarks about black legislators at a major party fundraiser last June 17.   He apologized and then the Florida Democratic Party carried on as usual.
Five months later Bittel resigned in the face of sexual harassment allegations by six women.  A party leader exhibiting racism didn’t qualify as a capital offense in the eyes of his minions.
Condo commando Rizzo hasn’t made any racist remarks publicly but condoning bigotry amounts to a transgression of equal proportions.
By Jim Bleyer
"I guess the FDP thinks it’s just A-Okay to put a stop to #MeToo. Excuse me? I guess it also believes #BlackLivesMatter is NOT true, but that just proves how wrong the FDP is on BOTH counts. Does the FDP REALLY want to kill the Blue Wave? Is it THAT much of a powermonger that it can’t see how it’s acting JUST like the horrors in the WH?!" Susan Lee