Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Run Monkeys Run

"I guess these guys living in Puerto Rico learned how to swim."
A dozen monkeys that escaped from a wildlife preserve during the weekend have all the ingredients to start a successful colony in the wild, including mature males, reproducing females and a dominant troop leader. The people-shy patas monkeys have thousands of acres of sod and ranch land to roam in northern Polk County, even the sprawling 870 square miles of the Green Swamp........here

Diaz-Balart a One-Trick Pony

Libre Air

Rob Lorei's Interview With Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio

Pam Iorio was re-elected to her second term as Tampa mayor last year. Previously she served as Hillsborough supervisor of elections and was a Hillsborough County commissioner.
Iorio is a strong advocate of the environment, neighborhoods and mass transit. But her tenure has been marked by budget cuts, tension between her and the City Council and problems getting major projects such as the new art museum and the Riverwalk under way..........here

Monday, April 21, 2008

Meet The Diaz-Balarts: A Couple of Castro's 'Nephews'

In the past, Castro has liked to say to visiting U.S. congressmen,
"Give my best to my nephew, would you?
He's in Congress, you know." Now he has two "nephews" in Congress. Lincoln says, "Castro likes to toy with us in that way. It's totally cynical. It's just part of his game. His visitors say, 'You've got a nephew in Congress?!' They're so impressed.".......here
The United Fruit Company

Hillary Clinton And The Activists

Simon Rosenberg said the coming clash in the party will be between the "activist" class and the "governing" class for the heart and soul of the party. This was from a Time article from 2004 the day after the election........here

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Matthew Yglesias On Joe Garcia

For a few cycles now, I keep hearing talk that South Florida may be ready for a somewhat more enlightened approach to Cuba than the "starve them until they give us back our confiscated property" model that's done so very little to drive Castro from power over the past 50 years.......here via.....flablog

Barack Obama in Philadelphia

Alligator Alley For Sale

The fastest route through the Everglades could lead drivers straight through a private company's toll booths by this time next year.The Florida Department of Transportation plans to talk to contractors this week about leasing out Alligator Alley, which could put the 78-mile toll highway into the hands of private interests........here

My Beautiful Mommy

A plastic surgeon in Florida has come out with a picture book for young children called, "My Beautiful Mommy". It helps kids to cope with what happens when mummy gets a tummy tuck, a nose job, breast implants, and becomes unrecognisable.......here

Tampa Bay’s Cartoonists

Check out Pen and Brush Promoting emerging and established cartoonists in the Tampa Bay area........here

Jimmy Carter - Man From Plains

Wednesday, April 23, 8:00pm
Cafe Bohemia, 937 Central Ave., St. Petersburg

Florida Department Of Agriculture Shuts Down Microgreen Seller

A sixty-two year old woman who earns half her income from the sale of sprouts and microgreens at the downtown Sarasota Farmer’s Market was shut down today by the Florida Department of Agriculture.......here

Debbie Wasserman Schultz May Be In Violation Of Loyalty Oath

I came across a very interesting form among the Bylaws of Polk County's DEC, Democratic Executive Committee. It is a Loyalty Oath that supposedly all Democrats who are elected to public office are supposed to sign under oath.......here

The Florida House Learning Center

Sarasota’s premiere demonstration education facility for resource-conserving sustainable living, is undergoing a transformation.........here

Faye Armitage - The Better Choice for Florida’s Environment

On April 22nd, 2008, we will celebrate Earth Day. Faye Armitage, who is running for Congress against John Mica in District 7, is the smart choice to help protect Florida and the Nation’s natural resources........here

GOP Women: Pro-Lifers Can't Forget Abused Kids

This is not a partisan issue, yet we belong to the party whose members often advocate for pro-life issues. I cannot imagine a more pro-life stance than advocating for state funding for living children who have been abused or abandoned by their parents.......here

Friday, April 18, 2008

Clearwater Beach Opens Piece Of Beach Walk Project

When the summer beach season arrives in May, locals and visitors will see a Clearwater Beach vastly different from last year's version, at least at the southern end........here