Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tell Publix: Drop Plastic Lobbyists

People nationwide have fought plastic pollution by helping to pass single-use plastic bans. But in Florida, paid lobbyists extensively bankrolled by Publix are working to undermine these efforts. 
Publx has excessive amounts of single-use plastics in its stores, has refused to take bold leadership, and actively works with lobbyists like the Florida Retail Federation to stop you from protecting your community 
against plastic pollution. HERE

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ybor City Homeless


Chef Jeff's Culinary Tour Of Ybor

Chef Jeff embarks on a culinary tour of Ybor City, the cultural capital of Tampa. From Cuban sandwiches and cigars to authentic Spanish paella, Chef Jeff wanders through this incredible time capsule of a city and experiences both the old and the new
of this unique place.

Global Climate Strike Coming To Tampa

Andrew Hammer in Ybor City

Ybor Life

Ybor City, Florida

Millionaire Florida Lawmakers

Average Florida state senator’s 
net worth HERE

Monday, September 9, 2019

Noam Chomsky on Bernie Sanders

 Noam Chomsky was asked about Democratic presidential candidate 
Bernie Sanders.
He considers him more of a “New Deal Democrat” than a radical extremist, as some have portrayed him. 
Chomsky said Sanders’ positions on taxes and healthcare are supported by a majority of the American public, and have been for a long time.
Sanders has “mobilized a large number of young people who are saying, 'Look, we're not going to consent anymore.’ If that turns into a continuing, organized, mobilized force, that could change the country. HERE
Tampa Berners it's showtime!

Magical Butter in Ybor City

Introduction to Edibles 

Chillum CBD Dispensary is proud to announce that we will be partnering with Magical Butter to provide this FREE event! INFO

Ybor Paparazzi

Aura Maria of Nicahabana Cigars

Ybor Life

Ybor City, Florida

Florida GOP War On Hillsborough County Voters

It takes some nerve for the Republican meddlers in the Florida House to seek to overturn the will of Hillsborough voters who overwhelmingly supported a one-cent sales tax for countywide transportation improvements. The House’s intervention in a legal challenge is an overreach legally and politically, and it’s an insult to residents. It’s also further proof that Tallahassee knows no limits when it comes to ignoring referendum results and interfering 
in local decisions. HERE

Ybor City Woman Down