Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pets The Latest Casualty

Signs of economic turmoil have been popping up around the Bay Area for months now. Most of them say For Sale, Space for Lease, or Sale! Sale! Sale! The most disturbing may be at the Tampa Bay Human Society, where families are sacrificing their pets in order to save a few dollars........here

Tampa Bay Iraq War Protests

The Iraq war reaches a milestone Wednesday and local activists in the Tampa Bay region will mark the five-year anniversary with a mix of protest and tribute.........here

Book Banning In Hillsborough County, Florida

"There needs to be an examination of these words that elementary school kids are reading," said Darryl Brown, who lives in Live Oak in northeast Hillsborough. "I want them pulled."..........here

Hillsborough Bus Ridership Grows

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority continues to gain ridership on its fixed-route services. Ridership increased 11 percent in February, to 975,893, compared with the same month last year. The system has gained nearly 9 percent year-to-date..........here

Obama: 'A More Perfect Union'

Free Parking In Ybor City

At long last, those going to shop or dine in Ybor City can enjoy free parking at some locations. The city is removing meters from the streets of Ybor City and turning the spots into two-hour parking spaces.......here

Florida's Cuban-American Congressional Republicans

After the 2006 elections, Garcia said polling in the three congressional districts based in Miami-Dade County produced results he termed amazing. "The most Republican of the districts is Lincoln Diaz-Balart's. His signature issue is Cuba [but] 54 percent of the district disagrees with his position on Cuba." What's more, Garcia said, Cuba was only the fifth most important issue in the district.......here

The Corrs - Toss The Feathers

Street's Of Tampa

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tampa Bicycle Cooperative!

Tampa will soon have a bicycle cooperative! This is very exciting news for the Tampa cycling community in that a bicycle co-op is a good sign of a healthy and growing bicycle culture......here

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Anonymous In Clearwater, Florida

Florida Panther Tracks In Volusia County

There is proof a panther has been roaming around Central Florida, according to wildlife officials. Recognizing the recent discovery of the panther tracks, Gov. Charlie Crist designated Saturday, "Save the Panther Day," and is urging people to help preserve and protect the remaining population, estimated to be anywhere from 80 to 100.......here

Gays In South Florida, We're Here. Get Used To It

From mounting a major offensive against Fort Lauderdale's mayor to winning county protections for transgender residents, South Florida's gay community wants politicians to know: We're here. Get used to it.........here

The Tiny Island Of Chokoloskee, Florida

Ed Watson was not a nice man. He lived on another small island and raised various small crops. He would "hire" help, making the men stay on his island until all the planting, caring for and harvesting was done. Then, instead of paying them like he said he would, he'd simply shoot them and bury them..........more

African-American Art Exhibit Coming to South Florida

The Norton Museum of Art will present an exhibition drawn from the artistic and historical treasures collected by Bernard and Shirley Kinsey of Los Angeles, California. The exhibition, "In The Hands Of African American Collectors: The Personal Treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey," includes some 90 paintings, sculptures, prints, books, documents, manuscripts and vintage photographs the couple has loaned to the Norton Museum from their personal collection.........here

Absentee Ballots Go Missing In Pinellas County

The ballots for the March 25 primary in the House District 55 race were delivered to a postal center on Monday, but officials don't know what happened to them after that........here

Local Terrorist Groups According To The Duke Of Sarasota

Anti-war protests are scheduled for March 19th, the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, in Tampa, Florida by the following anti-war/Socialist/Communist/radical Islamic groups........here

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Audacity of Hope In Ybor City

The Sixth Connection polled passersby in Ybor City to find out who's winning their vote for the 2008 Presidency. Filmed during Hypnotiq Thursdays outside of The Lucky Hookah Lounge, 1910 e 7th ave, Ybor City