Thursday, May 29, 2008

Florida Cuts Tax Holiday For Hurricane Supplies

Just four years ago, Florida was ravaged with four major hurricanes in the span of 10 weeks. Then, in 2005, two more major hurricanes hit Florida, making it one of the worst consecutive hurricane seasons in U.S.

Celine Dion Wasting Florida's Water

This TreeHugger doesn't usually cover the celebrity beat and I would rather chew on ground glass than listen to her, but Canada's gift to the world, Celine Dion and her husband René Angélil, drink up 18,000 gallons of water per day in their modest 9,800 square foot Jupiter Island

Amateurs Assist with Florida Fires

Amateur Radio operators in Brevard County, Florida responded in a support role during a recent spate of wildfires that ravaged the towns of Palm Bay and

This Is Why Other Countries Laugh At Us

Dunkin Donuts pulled an ad of Rachael Ray because some conservatives didn’t like her scarf!!! What’s obviously a paisley print black and white scarf wrapped around her neck apparently looks like an islamic head covering to the

The Republican Party Of Florida

In Communist Party newspaper Monday, Fidel Castro called Obama the "most advanced" candidate in the presidential race, though he also criticized Obama's stance on the Cuba embargo. That proved too tempting for the Republican Party of Florida, which altered this image to make it seem like Castro is holding an Obama

Samm Simpson for Congress - Democrat, FL Dist 10

"Taking the Lane” With Florida Bicycle Laws

Everyone’s familiar with the rules for bicyclists riding on the road in Florida, right? OK, check the Florida Statutes section 316.2065 for a quick

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Joe Garcia: Questions

Where Is Mario?

Netroots Nation DFA Scholarships


Florida Ranks 50th In The Nation For Children's Health Care

Thank you JEB
And special recognition to his outstanding supporting cast of Florida Legislators. You've managed to undo a decade of advances in Florida's child health care. Now we're at the bottom of the pile in a nation that lags behind most other major nations in the world. Aim low and it's easy to

Dean Emerges As Peacemaker

Howard Dean arrived at this month's New Hampshire Democratic Party convention with the purposeful brusqueness that has marked his years on the national stage, climbing out of his rental car with hardly a word for anyone before retreating into a holding

Judge Tosses Tampa-Based DNC Suit -- Again

A federal judge has once again thrown out a Tampa political activist's request to have the courts force the Democratic National Committee to seat Florida's presidential

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Clinton Fans Protest At Obama Fundraiser

In South Florida

Pat Hollarn, Supervisor of Elections Of Okaloosa County

A small county in the Florida Panhandle that is home to one of the world's largest air bases is embarking on a sweeping experiment in Internet voting that could transform elections in the 21st
Meet The Supervisor

Clinton Fans Rally In Tampa

Picket lines were up outside the Sam Gibbons Federal Courthouse in Tampa. Protesters want to draw attention to a lawsuit filed by democratic activist, Victor

Annette Taddeo At The Miami Beach Convention Center

Thursday, May 29 at 12 p.m.

Street's Of Tampa

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Mile 2008, Gainesville, Florida

Alex Voted Out Of Class

Melissa Barton said she is considering legal action after her son's kindergarten teacher led his classmates to vote him out of class. After each classmate was allowed to say what they didn't like about Barton's 5-year-old son, Alex, his Morningside Elementary teacher Wendy Portillo said they were going to take a

2008 Netroots Awards: Vote!


Free Upham Beach

Over 1.5 million dollars of taxpayers money was spent on a 2004 experimental project to save Upham Beach. Geotextile tubes were placed in an effort to slow the sand erosion process on a wave-breaking beach. Today, and since the middle of 2006, these yellow tubes are exposed and can been seen lining the Gulf

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Phoenix Probe Lands Safely On Mars

A small science probe blazed through the salmon-colored skies of Mars on Sunday, touching down on a frozen desert at the planet's north pole to search for water and assess conditions for sustaining