Thursday, May 25, 2006

Democracy for America

Raised $20,000 for Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont within three hours of posting the endorsement on its Web site.....more

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Stogie Remember's The Good Old Day's

During the administration of William Jefferson Clinton, the U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any time in its history. He was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second term. He could point to the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the highest home ownership in the country's history, dropping crime rates in many places, and reduced welfare rolls. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus. As part of a plan to celebrate the millennium in 2000, Clinton called for a great national initiative to end racial discrimination......from here
Florida Democrats Find Their Cojones (Maybe A Little Bit).......more

Got Cojones? here

DNC Chairman Howard Dean on the Passing of Senator Lloyd Bentsen

"Today, we mourn the loss of Senator Lloyd Bentsen, a great Democrat, dedicated public servant, war hero and family man. A favorite son of Texas, Senator Bentsen never hesitated to say what he believed in and showed that Democratic values can resonate anywhere and everywhere in the country......more

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Matt Drudge works the gay vote in the French Quarter.....More
Drudge 'retracts' story on Howard Dean after receiving letter from DNC lawyer

DNC communications director Karen Finney said the move came only after the Committee's lawyer had penned a note to Drudge asking him to take the story down.
"Because of the seriousness of the inaccuracy and the reckless disregard of the facts I did ask our lawyer to send a note to Drudge asking him to take the story down," Finney told...More
Rapper MIA denied entry to U.S.

Roger roger do you here me over!!!! the U.S immigration wont let me in!!!!! …Now Im strictly making my album outside the borders!!!!
"so il see you all one day, for now ill keep reportin from the sidelines. to my people who walk wiv me in the America, dont forget we got the internet! Spread the word! or come get me!!!!!! ill be in my bird flu lab in china! liming and drinkin tiger beer with my pet turtel.....More

Ned Lamont has won the support of DFA.....More
Backing Away From Bush
Some Republican Candidates Avoid Ties With Unpopular President
By John D. McKinnon / Wall Street Journal

President Bush goes to Pennsylvania tomorrow to campaign for embattled Republican House members in the Philadelphia suburbs. But one of the candidates isn't expected to be there.

Mr. Bush "is really doing poorly in our state," says Rep. Curt Weldon, explaining why he won't be on hand and hasn't asked for the president's help. "I've got to win this by myself."

Well, almost. Mr. Weldon did invite Arizona Sen. John McCain to his district last month to help him campaign and raise money, and he is thinking about doing it again.....More

On Sale Now

I'd rather have a smaller following of really cool people who get it, who will grow with us as we grow and are fans for life, than people that have us in their five-disc changer with Reba McEntire and Toby Keith. We don't want those kinds of fans. They limit what you can do.".....Martie Maguire

"They will sell 2m copies, tops".......Bill O'Reilly

Rising Ocean Temperatures Threaten Florida's Coral Reef
by Rick Lyman

KEY LARGO, Florida - If global warming summons images of polar bears clinging to shrinking ice floes, this is its face in the Florida Keys: a sun-dappled stretch of shallows along the turquoise reef line, where scientists painstakingly attach russet polyps of regenerated coral to damaged reefs.

"When I first came here snorkeling, in 1985, it was amazing, the forest of coral was so thick," said Bill Goodwin, a resource manager for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. "Just look now," he said, gesturing to the few small brown patches amid an elephant's boneyard of skeletal remains at the foot of the Carysfort light tower in the roiling Atlantic waters seven miles off Key Largo......More

Monday, May 22, 2006

FOX News Poll: Clinton-McCain 2008 Race Would Be Nail-Biter
By Dana Blanton

NEW YORK — If the 2008 presidential race were between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain, the country could be in for another nail-biter. The next presidential election may be more than two years away, but the politicking has already started and many consider Clinton and McCain the front-runners for their respective political parties.
In the latest FOX News national registered voter poll, McCain bests Clinton by a slim 4-percentage point margin — 46 percent to 42 percent — in a hypothetical matchup. Given the poll’s 3-point margin of error, that means this race could go either way......More
Is Bush a Lunatic?
By Molly Ivins, AlterNet

I hate to raise such an ugly possibility, but have you considered lunacy as an explanation? Craziness would make a certain amount of sense.

I mean, you announce you are going to militarize the Mexican border, but you assure the president of Mexico you are not militarizing the border. You announce you are sending the National Guard, but then you assure everyone it's not very many soldiers and just for a little while.

Militarizing the border is a totally terrible idea. Do we have a State Department? Are they sentient? How much do you want to infuriate Mexico when it's sitting on quite a bit of oil? Bush knows what the most likely outcome of this move will be. He was governor during the political firestorm that ensued when a Marine taking part in anti-drug patrols on the border shot and killed Esequiel Hernandez, an innocent goat-herder from Redford, Texas.

That's the definition of crazy -- repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result. ......More
Harry Reid: Daschle Redux?
Tom Bevan Mon May 22, 9:13 AM ET

Sherman Frederick, the publisher of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, writes that Harry Reid's kowtowing to the Pelosi wing of the Democratic party has made him unelectable in Nevada:
And finally, Harry Reid has never been a thoroughbred racehorse on the track of Nevada politics. He's been more like a stubborn mule who never gives up, never gives in. And, in the heat of past races, he's been known to kick a few opponents in the head.
"Landslide Harry" is used to close races. Races that can be decided by a few thousand, and even a few hundred votes. But those were races before Harry became the top Democratic dog in the U.S. Senate. Before he disappeared as a conservative Democrat from Nevada. Before he started eyeing Nancy Pelosi's wardrobe.
Nevadans elected the Harry I've hiked the desert with in blue jeans and dusty work boots. But on national TV they see a guy in a capri and sandals.
Not pretty.....More
Storms and Blair on the attack

No love was lost between Hillsborough's school leaders and County Commissioners Brian Blair and Ronda Storms during Wednesday's debate over raising assessments on new homes to pay for schools.Storms and Blair, on the losing end of a 4-2 vote to raise impact fees from $196 to $4,000 over the next two years, fired off scathing shots at school officials."I have no faith in any of its numbers or any of its spending habits," Blair said......More
"Immigration is the big issue right now. Earlier today, the Senate voted to build a 370-mile fence along the Mexican border. ... Experts say a 370-mile fence is the perfect way to protect a border that is 1,900 miles long." ..........Conan O'Brien

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Day of Action: Tampa, Florida
Debbe Kelley is one of the organizers of DFA Tampa Bay.

The Tampa DFA Team got lots of support for two great candidates who will be on the ballot here in November. Charlie Justice is a Democrat currently serving in the Florida House and running to represent us in the heavily Republican Florida Senate. We're counting on Charlie take this open seat away from them.

Mary Mulhern, also a Democrat, is running for an open seat on the Hillsborough County Commission. This group of local law-makers has made the national news lately for its track record of intolerance and Mary is just the person to represent the enlightened voters of Hillsborough.

There are many of us here and we were out in force Saturday morning! We collected signatures to get Charlie and Mary on the ballot, registered several new voters and celebrated to hear from the many Republicans and Independents who said "It's time for a change" and "Enough is enough!" We had such a great time that we're having another event this Saturday. Can't wait to get back out there!

—Debbe Kelley

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Human Rights member quits over governor's veto of bill

BURLINGTON, Vt. -- The last member of the Vermont Human Rights Commission appointed by former Gov. Howard Dean has resigned over the veto by Gov. James Douglas of a bill that would have outlawed discrimination against people based on their gender identity of expression.
In a letter to the governor, Charles Kletecka said he resigned to protest the veto.
"Vermont has a long and proud tradition of protecting the rights of those among us who are most vulnerable to discrimination," Kletecka wrote......More