Monday, April 9, 2018

Hillsborough County Voters Choose Transit Over New Stadium

No wait, sorry it was St. Louis!
Supporters of the stadium poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into an ad campaign for the stadium, including visits by national soccer figures and TV and billboard ads. 
Opponents spent little money against Proposition 2, but a number of prominent officials and activists vocally opposed the measure, arguing that it shouldn’t be a priority for a city facing economic and public safety issues, and that a team wasn’t likely to benefit lower-income residents or neighborhoods. here
 “No public stadium, no team.” 
MLS Commissioner Don Garber
Try Vegas, they are giving away tons of taxpayer cash over there,  ask The Raiders. 
Check out bad ass San Diego
We can do it too!
Minneapolis Schools Face $33M Deficit After City Paid $500M for 
NFL Stadium

Gwen Graham's Vote On Leaky Keystone Pipeline

 The Keystone crude oil pipeline leak in November in rural South Dakota was nearly double the original estimate, making it one of the largest U.S. inland spills since 2010. here
All Florida Dems Vote Nay, except 
Gwen Graham & Patrick Murphy
"Thank former CONGRESSWOMAN GWEN GRAHAM for her votes regarding our environment including her VOTE IN FAVOR of the KEYSTONE PIPELINE when you 
next see her!" Beth Eriksen Shoup

Downtown Palma Ceia

Pedestrian Friendly

 Bike Paths

Coming Soon!

Selmon Expressway access 

NEW rules for the Florida Democratic Party


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Matthew Suarez on FESTA ITALIANA

"If you are going to be going to FESTA ITALIANA Tampa prepared to be VERY DISAPPOINTED. The whole festival had fair food. No local restaurants or signature Sicilian foods that identify with 
the community’s local heritage. 
The Italian Club of Tampa, you might want to rethink things for next year or be prepared for poor attendance. As it was, attendance was quite thin today vs. what I have seen in the past on a Sunday afternoon. I’ve been going to the Festival for years & have always been impressed, but today’s experience can be understood as an embarrassment to the community’s 
Sicilian/Italian heritage." Matthew Suarez 
You can always go protest 
Rick Scott downtown on Monday. info

Mayor Gillum Supports Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

“Legalize it. Tax it. Use the revenue to fix Florida's public schools and move us up from 29th in the nation to #1.”
Those words were tweeted by Tallahassee
 Mayor Andrew Gillum.
60 percent of Americans want 
to legalize marijuana.
No other candidate for governor has called
 for full legalization.
Please note: In Florida you must be registered as a Democrat to vote for him in the primaries. If you are NPA.
Please do it, even if it is just temporary.

Tampa Paparazzi

Syd and D'Angelo

Clean up the FL Dem mess: Jettison Graham and Rizzo

Former Democratic state party chairman Stephen Bittel made disparaging remarks about black legislators at a major party fundraiser last June 17.  There were no repercussions.
He apologized for his racially derogatory tirade and then it was business as usual for the Florida Democratic Party.
Five months later Bittel resigned in the face of sexual harrassment allegations by six women.  So insulting the Black Legislative Caucus was not sufficient to replace him; “inappropriate behavior” sparked his resignation.  Apparently the Florida Democratic Party does not believe spewing racial slurs constitutes inappropriate behavior.
On Jan. 22, John Parker, a national Democratic committeeman from Duval County, referred to African-Americans as “colored people” at a party meeting.  Casting racial aspersions was pro forma for Parker, according to people who knew him.
Terrie Rizzo, the state party chairman who succeeded Bittel, was informed of the incident—at the latest—in early February. Calls by Afro-Americans for Parker to resign were ignored—by Parker, by Rizzo, and by Lisa King, Parker’s wife and chairwoman of the Duval County Democratic Executive Committee.
Parker resigned Wednesday after a Florida Politico article about the incident and the state party’s inaction went viral.  Instead of acting quickly and declaring him melba months ago, the Democratic party did nothing about Parker—-until the racist remarks became public. Parker had no option
 but to quit.
Lies about the repugnant episode rolled out fast and furiously.  Parker says he meant to say “people of color” but the context and his history suggest otherwise.  King stated that in 23 years of marriage “I have never before heard him refer to African-Americans as anything other than black or African-American.”
A stunning statement in light of Parker’s reputation among Duval Democrats.
Then there’s Rizzo.  She didn’t reply to a letter from Duval Democrats complaining about Parker’s racism.  She wasn’t quoted in the Politico story.  Tampa Bay Beat reached out to Rizzo in the days leading up to the Politico revelation.
No response.  Harpo Marx without the horn.
Gwen Graham, a year ago considered the favorite to capture the Democratic nomination for governor but now polling a puny 9 percent in third place, touted Parker on her list of supporters.
Late to the party on the most substantive political issues, Graham kept mum until after the incident surfaced nationwide Wednesday.  She then joined the suddenly swelling chorus calling for Parker to quit.
It’s inconceivable Graham had no knowledge of Parker’s remarks prior to the national brouhaha.  Two weeks ago, Graham tried to buoy her failing campaign by declaring she is the only Democratic candidate that can 
win the governorship.
Chutzpah to the max.
If anyone asked me a month ago about the four Democrats and three Republicans in the race, I would have said Gwen Graham was the only candidate that had zero chance of winning.  Parker didn’t put the final nail in her coffin; he threw dirt on it.
African-Americans comprise around 30 percent of Democrat registrants.  Progressives all told number at least 50 percent but have always been marginalized by the state power brokers.
This year progressives have promised to flex their muscles. They are instrumental in the NextGen America effort to register Millennials and the Reform Generation.  Many have promised not to “fall into line” and support candidates who do not subscribe to traditional Democratic 
ideals and values.
Their tolerance for Rizzo has stretched beyond the breaking point.  They won’t support Graham who obsequiously caved to oil, banking, and coal interests during her brief tenure in Congress.
Propaganda from her father’s buddy Howard Dean that Graham is “most progressive” is insulting to young people who are well versed on her voting record.  They will never place an “X” by her name.
Tampa Bay Beat reported on Mar. 20 about the state Democratic party’s historic failure to embrace statewide Afro-American candidates. This year there are two excellent ones: Andrew Gillum for governor and Sean Shaw for attorney general.
While most states around the country are expecting to ride that heretofore elusive “blue wave,” the Florida Democratic party is succumbing to 
self-inflicted headwinds.
The divisive Rizzo should resign—progressive Stacey Patel would be an excellent replacement—and the equivocating and philosophically-bereft Graham should withdraw her candidacy.  Those moves would catapult the party back into the thick of the November battle.
It would mean the difference between winning three statewide races and getting bageled.
 Writer’s note:  My mother, Florine Bleyer, who passed in 2003, was acquainted with one of the personages mentioned in this blog piece.

Rick Scott Can't Tell The Truth

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Black Beans and Rice
At El Puerto in Ybor

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Monday, April 9th - 4:30 PM
Curtis Hixon Park, Downtown Tampa
Community Organizations are ready to respond to Gov. Rick Scott’s announcement Monday that he would be running for the US Senate. Organize Florida, Center for American Islamic Relations, Service Employees International Union of Florida, and others allies to be named later will rally and speak out against the numerous policies of his administration that have adversely impacted their communities and constituencies.
“Rick Scott has been no friend to the disability community,” said Karen Clay, a member of Organize Florida whose son is disabled. “In his 8 years as governor, the waiting list for Medicaid supports and services through u the Home and Community Based Services Waiver, the Long Term Care Waiver, etc., has ballooned to over 25,000 many waiting for not just months or years, but decades.  The rates providers are paid has NOT received an increase resulting in a shortage of caregivers. Without EXPANDING MEDICAID the lives of those with disabilities has been impacted greatly.
Speakers include:
Organize Florida Climate Justice - Zulema Ramos
Center for American Islamic Relations - Adnan Mackic
and many more

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Beans
At The Taco Bus - Downtown Tampa

Andrew Gillum: Bondi, Rick Scott on “Wrong Side of History”

“Attorney General Pam Bondi and Governor Rick Scott are on the wrong side of history with their request to stay Judge Walker’s decision on our rights restoration system. This is an utterly transparent attempt to marginalize and disenfranchise millions of Floridians. 
It should be lost on no one that they filed this appeal on the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s tragic assassination. We still have much work to do in this state.” Andrew Gillum

Movement for a People's Party

We're building a coalition of working people, unions, community groups, students, academics, parties and organizations for a nationally viable people’s party. Because together, we can change everything!
During our Draft Bernie phase, we built a great movement for a people’s party. With a coalition coming together, our dream is now in reach. Help us finish what we started by volunteering and donating. 
Movement For a People's Party is a nonprofit launched by former Bernie campaign staff, delegates and super volunteers. We are an all-volunteer, people-powered initiative that will never accept large donations from billionaires and corporations.

Tampa Hoods


Friday, April 6, 2018

Our Revolution Membership Call

Tampa Dems Party At The Attic

Possible future Tampa city Councilman John Godwin
with Lisa Young

Florida House of Representatives candidate Heather Stahl
with local Progressive leader Beth Eriksen Shoup

Ione Townsend and Tim Heberlein

Downtown Tampa
Images by Jim Bleyer

Rick Scott Makes Millions While Floridians Lose

Sandy Murman smells the stench of defeat

She has unveiled a proposal to change the board’s makeup. She wants to eliminate  at-large seats. Some see it as a naked political move to shore up her future on the board.
The motion by Murman to study the idea was 
rejected by commissioners.
"Blatant political move by a Republican running for a countywide seat in a Democratic year. #FlipTheCommission and send Murman into political retirement!" Dave Cutler President at Hillsborough County LGBTA Democratic Caucus

Florida GOP Federal Judge Does Not Play Games

Florida GOP challenged a federal judge’s order that Florida must change the process used to restore voting rights to former prisoners.
Attorney General Pam Bondi, acting on behalf of  Rick Scott and the state’s clemency board, appealed the judge’s decision to block the state’s current system of forcing ex-felons to wait at least five years before they can ask for the right to vote. U.S. District Mark Walker had given Scott and state officials until April 26 to create a new process, but attorneys working for Bondi asked that Walker’s order be placed on hold while the case moves to a federal appeals court in Atlanta.
Hours after the appeal was made, Walker turned down Florida’s request to put the case on hold and said this “court does 
not play games.
“Rather than comply with the requirements of the United States Constitution, defendants continue to insist they can do whatever they want with hundreds of thousands of Floridians’ voting rights and absolutely zero standards,” Walker wrote. “They ask this Court to stay its prior orders. No.” here
They can see the ass whooping coming!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Las Vegas Rays?

After decades of being shaken down by sports franchises, their billionaire owners, and professional sports leagues, sensible cities are refusing to pay subsidies to keep or lure a professional sports team.
There is one exception: Las Vegas.  It appears to be the most likely destination for a Tampa Bay Rays franchise desperate to feed at some public trough. here
They can join my favorite team 
since childhood
The Oakland Raiders!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Tim

Manatee County Dreamer Looks Forward To a Future In Politics

Florida’s Rick Scott Busted In Corporate Welfare Scheme

His administration’s Department of Economic Opportunity in 2014 violated federal law to make a deal to provide financial incentives to a U.S. company with ties to the Russian maker of the Kalashnikov semi-automatic assault rifle, which at the time was subject to sanctions put in place by the U.S. government.
it offered $162,000 in tax refund incentives to Kalashnikov USA for 54 jobs. It is located in a non-descript 40,000 square foot facility in 
Pompano Beach. here