Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Puerto Rico Pa'lante in Tampa

May 30, 2019 at 7 PM
West Tampa Library

Venezuela: Establishment Talking Points Translation Key

Things keep heating up in Venezuela, with possible “military options” now being seriously discussed at the Pentagon. And of course you know what that means! That’s right, it means we can expect to see even more lies and manipulations from the political/media class as the narrative managers try to get their rapey little fingers into our minds to manufacture support for unconscionable acts. 


Monday, May 6, 2019

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Joseph

Florida Authoritarian Rule

Witness the final days before adjournment sine die of this year’s session: A bill authorizing a multi-billion dollar toll road plan through sensitive environmental areas. A bill expanding an already controversial “guardian” program to allow full-time teachers to carry guns in public school classrooms. A down-to-the-wire, anti-immigrant “sanctuary cities” bill for a state that has no sanctuary cities. HERE

Enki Predicts Trump Win

The democratic party establishment  candidate will win the nomination 
and we will have a repeat of 2016.

Our Revolution has started! 
Join it here

Corporate Dems In For A Big Surprise

Biden thinks he’s well positioned because after the shock of the Trump years, people want to go back to where we were. Wrong.

People want to go somewhere new. I fully expect Joe Biden to step out of his campaign headquarters and fall directly into the huge pit that has opened up as America moved tectonically to the left. HERE


Deflecting Tampa's Attention

A Hillsborough transit tax activist and noted conspiracy theorist has filed an ethics complaint against Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White in a transparent attempt to deflect public attention from just how misguided the special interest levy is and how it was sold to a misinformed public. 

Talk Solar in Town 'N Country

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Future County Commissioner Sky U. White 
with Maria Jose and Tim Heberlein

Speak Up Against Privatization

5.7 - 9 AM and 3 PM


Ybor Bartenders

Jamie at Tequilas

Florida GOP in Total Control

Florida GOP passes a bill to severely restrict the voting rights recently reinstated for former felons, even after Florida voters supported 
-- by 64.5%.
We are in total control and don't really give a shit what you voters want! HERE

Kevin Beckner for Hillsborough Clerk of Court

On The Stogie HERE

Friday, May 3, 2019

ICE Protest In Ybor City

Ybor City, Florida

Florida Dems Falling In Line

All ready in formation
Backing Biden:
Joe Geller, Richard Stark, Susan Valdes, Matt Willhite, Michael Gottlieb, 
Wengay Newton, Amy Mercado, Shevrin Jones, Mike Grieco, Javier Fernández, Clovis Watson, Nicholas Duran, Tina Polsky, Ramon Alexander, Barbara Watson, Joe Casello, Tracie Davis, John Cortes David Silvers, Gary Farmer, Kevin Rader, Victor Torres  Perry Thurston. HERE

Tampa Brewery Owns Florida Ave

“We’re pleased to announce we’ve reached an understanding involving the name of Greg’s new restaurant, amicably and outside of court. The outpouring of support and involvement from our Seminole Heights’ community was vital in connecting the two of us, and allowed us to come to a swift resolution. Moving forward, with support from Brew Bus, the restaurant will rename itself Florida Eats. We look forward to continuing to support not only one another, but demonstrating to our entire community that differences can be solved – especially over a coffee or beer.” HERE

Will Mr. Spadaccini be giving the people that donated their money back? HERE

I personally will not be supporting 
either one!

Florida becomes most anti-immigrant state