Saturday, March 31, 2018

Florida's Shitty Beer

The Florida GOP wants to allow treated wastewater to be pumped into Florida’s fragile, underground aquifer to help the state’s powerful building industry. 
I know what you are thinking folks. But, no worries, agriculture commissioner candidate GOP Matt Caldwell of North Fort Myers has sampled beer made from it. 
Home brewers in the Tampa area, which has been dealing with water shortages for years, have made beer using gallons of recycled, purified water. Yuck!
You can call or write Gov. Poopy Water and tell him to VETO 'toilet to tap' bill HB1149 and protect our aquifers.
Office of Governor Rick Scott State of Florida The Capitol 400 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399- 0001. (850) 717-9337. For more immediate service, please include email address with your letter or phone call.

HART Stops

Hyde Park #19

Friday, March 30, 2018

Central Florida NORML At The Acropolis In Ybor

Our incredible Canna Warriors  Gary Stein

Chris Cano

Carlos Jose Angel Hermida

Acropolis Greek Taverna -Ybor City, Florida
Join them here

Tampa Paparazzi

Faithe at The Attic 

Chardo Richardson For Florida 7

Visit him here - Like him on Facebook

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

 7th Ave and 15th Street

Rick Scott's Right Wing Propaganda

The governor had cast the decision to give Florida relief from offshore drilling as a spontaneous triumph. It Wasn't. 
Scott and U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced on Jan. 9 that Florida was “off the table” for offshore oil drilling, the governor cast the hastily arranged news conference at the Tallahassee airport as unplanned and the Trump administration’s decision as something Scott had influenced at the eleventh hour.
The fact is, Zinke’s top advance staffer, whose job it is to plan ahead for such events, was in Tallahassee the previous day. And top officials from the offices of both Scott and the secretary were in regular contact for several days leading up to the announcement. here

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Step Aside Janet Cruz

No one likes you, well maybe the GOP. 
This is Bob Buesing's battle not yours.
He has an army of fighters ready 
to help him!
Bob Buesing for Florida Senate!
Please go away and leave us alone!

Gwen Graham Running Third And Plummeting

There were two notable developments this week that strained the trust of even the most gullible reader.
First, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham, running third and plummeting in the polls, claimed she is the only candidate from her party capable of winning the general election.  This sack of balderdash was dutifully reported by some of the state’s media and 
pay-for-play blogs. here

Ybor Paparazzi

9th Ave Ybor City, Florida


Hillsborough county commission is set to pass an ordinance that is marketed as geared towards stopping human trafficking, but will only hurt marginalized communities. 
The same commissioner who supported the preservation of a racist statue, Sandra Murman, is now leading an anti-woman effort which will put our county's marginalized spa workers out of business or into jail. Call and email the county commission and tell them NO to their new bathhouse ordinance!!! here

Tampa Hoods

Gaslight Park - Downtown

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Support Our Revolution

We have a choice to make this November. Progressive candidates across the country are prepared to challenge incumbents that represent the corporate CEOs bankrolling their campaigns. For the first time in what seems like decades, voters will have a new set of choices when they cast their ballots; a candidate who will fight for working people or a candidate who will fight for the special interests supporting their campaign.
Now is the time to decide whether we believe dark money and Super PACs should influence elections or whether grassroots support and small-dollar contributors deserve a greater say.
Unlimited campaign contributions are not free speech. Together we can amplify the voices of the people when each of us chips in a few dollars.
Let's tell every elected official across the country to turn out their pockets and show us who really is supporting their campaign! If their pockets are lined with money from Exxon, Big Pharma, WalMart, or from any other industry that seeks to corrupt our planet or our bodies, we deserve to know. The candidates of the future will not fight for Medicare for All and a living wage if they are beholden to the corporate interests who benefit from the disenfranchisement of working families.
A path to victory is possible. Now is when we must dig in and work to elect progressives in primary elections across the country who, with the strong backing of the grassroots, will fight for Medicare for All and the issues we care about. Your contribution builds our texting, calling, and canvassing programs to reach even more people and keeps us organizing locally.
Chip in any amount today to support our work on behalf of our revolutionary candidates.
The revolution will go as far as we take it—so let's keep moving on the path to economic, racial, social,
 and environmental justice.
In solidarity,
Nina Turner
President: Our Revolution
Join our local chapter

March for Our Lives in Tampa Notable for Politicos Who Attended–and Those Who Didn’t

The March for Our Lives, Tampa edition, drew an estimated 13,000 participants with candidates and would-be hopefuls making a firm statement by their presence—-or absence.
From reports gleaned from the field, not one Republican supported the Millennial and Reform Generations, giving credence to widespread accusations that the GOP has been totally co-opted by the National Rifle Association.
The “family values” canard that has served Republicans well since the Reagan years has run its course in this pivotal election year.  And young people are registering to vote in droves.
By Jim Bleyer
Photo credit Beth Eriksen Shoup

Ybor City Homeless


Florida Frackers At It Again

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Monday, March 26, 2018

Lee's Grocery Paparazzi

Scott and Beau 

The Rodney Dangerfield Of The Florida Democratic Party

The Progressive Wing
I know there are a lot of people out there working very hard to bring change to the party. But you are going about it all wrong. The people in charge do not want to lose their power and will do every thing they can to keep it.
They lead you around like a puppy. Sure they 
throw you a bone once in a while but you are not coming in the house.
The plan is simple. The Tea Party showed you what to do 
and Bernie Sanders showed you how to do it.  
When a politician doesn't do what you want, you primary them. When the party turns their back on you with their money and resources, which they will and are already doing, you take the Bernie route, you do it with small donations and boots on the ground. This can be done, it already has been done. If the party had not sabotage his campaign, he would be our president today. (Read Donna Brazile's book "Hacks" here
An exanple of this is happening right now in Florida.
 Florida Democratic activists love Andrew Gillum.
There are four major candidates running for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Florida.  Only one consistently draws sizable crowds of activists. Andrew Gillum, sound familiar? When voters get excited about a candidate they will give you their money and knock on doors for you.
Progressives remember, you are not the fringe any more you are the majority,
 start acting like it.
Disclaimer: I am not a overpaid political consultant. 
The solution is obvious.