Monday, February 4, 2008

Florida Voters Sign Sworn Statements As To How They Voted

Voters, in fact the majority, were actually filling out the poll—it could also be called a survey—AND printing their names at the top and signing a statement swearing, affirming, or attesting that they voted the way they did. This form was drawn up by people with law degrees, Mark Adams being the mastermind, to stand up in court to PROVE fraud, if the official count differs significantly, especially if the candidate winning was not the one to receive the majority of

Demonstration On Dale Mabry Highway

Get The FARC Out Of Columbia

Weekending In Florida? Thank Heavens For The Pollution

Nasa scientists have explained why the weekends in Florida are so nice and sunny: because industrial pollution causes bigger rainstoms during the week. Data from a Nasa climate satellite shows that summertime rainfall over the southeastern United States is significantly higher during the working week than at weekends, with 1.8 times more afternoon rain on a Tuesday, the wettest day, than on a Saturday, the

A Friend Of Stogie Is Running For Mayor

Meet William Hymes
I believe that the City of Natchitoches is ready for change. I graduated from Natchitoches Central High School in 1983 and attended Northwestern State University on a band scholarship. I graduated from Northwestern State University in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts - Instrumental Music Education degree. I have taught instrumental music for 15 years in the Natchitoches Parish Public School System and in 2007 earned a Masters Degree in, Education Leadership-School Administration from Northwestern State
Mr. Hymes is also a gospel singer, for his free cd,

DFA Tampa Bay Meeting

Wed, Feb 6th at Piccadilly Cafeteria, 11810 N Dale Mabry, Tampa, with Frank Sanchez as our guest speaker! 6:30 Social, 7 – 8:30 pm meeting . For more info, visit

Maria Shriver Announces Her Support for Barack

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Tampa's Riverwalk Hits Stumbling Blocks

When the NFL announced three years ago that the Super Bowl would come to Tampa in 2009, Mayor Pam Iorio pledged to fast-track work on a downtown Riverwalk and get as much as possible done in time for the game. So how much is likely to be done by then? Not

DNA Vertical, Inc., a Tampa, Florida-based consulting firm, today announced the January 2008 launch of, an all new online business and information directory created exclusively for Dale Mabry Highway, located in Tampa,

Are You A Dumb Down American?

Most Cuban Exiles Loop Through Mexico, Not Straits To Florida

During the past three fiscal years, 27,393 of the 32,251 Cubans who arrived in the United States seeking political asylum without prior permission crossed the border at Mexico, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That amounts to 85 percent. The Mexican route has contributed to one the largest spikes in Cubans coming to the U.S. in the 49 years since Fidel Castro took power......more

Leaders Warn Florida GOP To Unite

Worried about conservative unrest over Sen. John McCain's emergence as Republican presidential front-runner, Florida GOP leaders warned party activists Saturday a Democrat will win the White House unless Republicans put aside philosophical differences and
"Any Republican holding any public office is better than any Democrat, any day of the week.".......Republican Chairman Jim Greer

Florida Artist Creates New Entrance For The Central Florida Zoo

With chisels in hand and eyes focused on concrete, Eric McCarty barely seems to notice the cars that whiz past him at the entrance to the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens in Sanford.Commuters on U.S. Highway 17-92 beep their horns, lean out the window and shout to him: "It's lookin' good." "Great job."

Lutz Democrats Meeting

Tue, Feb 5th 7:00 pm at the Lutz Civic Center (98 1st Ave NW, Lutz)
For more info, contact Alvin at 813.949.4673 or visit

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Right Rallies To Halt John McCain

It was in 1999 that McCain decided to mount his first challenge for the Republican presidential nomination. He ran against Bush and quickly fell victim to some of the dirtiest tricks on record in a White House race. False rumours circulated in South Carolina that he had fathered an illegitimate black child. Then it was suggested that his Vietnam prison experiences had left him mentally unhinged and prone to fits of rage. Bush strolled to the

Sarah Is Fucking Matt Damon

via...tiny little dots

Florida GOP Anti-Gay Amendment Heads To Ballot

Florida LGBT civil rights groups said Saturday they will mount an aggressive campaign to defeat a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would ban same-sex marriage. The state Division of Elections late Friday announced that an umbrella group pushing the amendment had collected more than 611,000 signatures to have the issue placed on the November

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ann Coulter Voting For Clinton

The NeoCon Meltdown Continues

Florida Anti-Smoking Ad To Run During Super Bowl

Florida's new effort to fight smoking through advertising starts Sunday with one of the most coveted ad spots, the Super Bowl. The 30-second ad hits the viewer in the emotions: showing a kid out in the backyard throwing a ball - but with nobody there to catch it and throw it back. "Each year, smoking leaves 31,000 children fatherless," the ad says as the sullen kid has to go pick up the ball. The ad cost about $500,000 and will air in all Florida markets during the Super

Cypress Creek Mall Development Permit Suspended

Federal officials on Friday suspended the development permit for Cypress Creek Town Center, the regional mall under construction at the junction of State Road 56 and Interstate 75 in Wesley Chapel.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers suspended the Richard E. Jacobs Group's wetland-fill permit because of mud that escaped the mall site after heavy rains in late January. The mud fouled Cypress Creek, which flows along the mall site's west and south sides.

Florida And Iowa Join California's Challenge Of EPA Ruling

Iowa and Florida have joined the legal battle over whether states should have the right to set tougher vehicle emission standards than those set by the federal

Florida: F.B.I. Backs Students On Explosives

Two Egyptian college students arrested near a Navy weapons station in South Carolina last year were carrying low-grade fireworks, as they claimed, not explosives as charged by federal prosecutors, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has

MoveOn Members Endorse Barack Obama

With hundreds of thousands of ballots cast across the country, for the first time in MoveOn's history, we've voted together to endorse a presidential candidate in the primary. That candidate is Barack Obama. Something big is clearly happening. A few weeks ago, MoveOn members we surveyed were split. But with John Edwards bowing out, progressives are coming together. Obama won over 70% of the vote yesterday, and he's moving up in polls nationwide. As comments poured in from MoveOn members across the country, the sense of hope was

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tampa Bay Super Tuesday Parties

Party with Pinellas Dems on Super Tuesday at The Beach Theatre in St Pete Beach at 7:00 pm. A $10 donation is glady accepted to help assit in electing Democrats! For more infor, contact Helen at

Super Tuesday Primary/Caucus Watching Party at Anthenia Garden Restaurant & Sports Bar in St Pete. Check for more details - under Events.
Sí Podemos ! Obama Para Presidente. February 5th Watch Party. A gathering of family and friends that support Obama Para Presidente. More

Obama: Most Liberal Senator In 2007

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was the most liberal senator in 2007, according to National Journal's 27th annual vote ratings. The insurgent presidential candidate shifted further to the left last year in the run-up to the primaries, after ranking as the 16th- and 10th-most-liberal during his first two years in the
Is Obama the "Most Liberal" Senator?

Catastrophic Era Of The Bush Republican Party

I'm talking instead about the quiet revolution that has overthrown the old order in the Republican Party. We have witnessed nothing less than a bloodless coup this week that promises to have ramifications for America perhaps even larger than the prospect of a black or a woman

Nader 2008

Maybe the Democrats and Republicans will nominate Presidential candidates this year who will stand up against the war profiteers, the nuclear industry, the credit card industry, the corporate criminals, big oil, and the drug and health insurance industries. We doubt it. But hope springs eternal. In the meantime, take a few minutes and explore with us an

Florida Brits Give Their Views On The Race To Be President

This is the Sunshine State - but for the thousands of Brits who came to Florida to escape the British weather, there is a political chill in the air. The collapse in house prices and the parlous economy has brought them a fierce appreciation of how Washington politics can affect their lives as the Primaries sweep through their adopted state.........more

Florida's Fields Dangerous Playground For Children Of Farmworkers

Florida's fields and groves can be dangerous -- sometimes deadly -- playgrounds for children of migrant farmworkers who are often left unattended or are drafted to help pick crops. And while improvements in migrant child care have been made during the past three decades, funding cutbacks have reversed some of those strides, advocates

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank You, John Edwards

I Thnk Bill Nelson Just Declared The Battle Is Beginning

He did that once before, if you remember. He decided he would take the lead in Florida. Karen Thurman in effect turned the party over to him, and he was boss. A few months ago he declared "I will lead the delegates to Denver whether or not the DNC plans to let them in." Tonight he gave another battle cry in Davie, Florida, with Hillary on the podium with him after her victory here. Sounds to me like a warning that he and Hillary will win, and the rest of us better look

Stop The East Pasco Landfill

A private company with no previous experience operating a dump wants to put a 900-acre, 220-foot pile of garbage at the headwaters of the Withlacoochee and Hillsborough Rivers, next to the Green