Monday, March 27, 2017

State Ethics Investigation Into Sandy Murman, Ken Hagan And Bob Buckhorn

The Florida Commission on Ethics is interviewing the three local officials alleged to have steered a $1.35 million Go Hillsborough contract to the client of a politically connected public relations consultant.

Investigators interviewed Hillsborough County commissioners Ken Hagan and Sandy Murman last week in Tallahassee. Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn will meet with the ethics commission while in the state capital Monday and Tuesday. here 
And here

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ybor Paparazzi

Kevin Beckner with his parents and Gil Sainz

March and Vigil for Human Rights In Tampa

3.29 - 5 PM
Publix GreenWise Market at Hyde Park

St Pete in Progress: The New St Pete Pier

Int'l Trans Day Of Visibility Rally & March In Ybor City

3.31 - 7 pm
Centennial Park

Florida GOP Alert: Stan McCullars

Stan McCullars was placed on administrative leave Monday after making death threats against Orange-Osceola State Attorney Aramis Ayala. here
“Maybe SHE should get the death penalty, she should be tarred and feathered if not hung from a tree.” Stan McCullars 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Tampa Pride In Ybor

Kendra M. Black

7th Ave


Pat Kemp

Kathy Castor

Kate Connolly

Kevin Beckner

Bob Henriquez

Asher Edelson

Gil Sainz

Zora and Kelly

Florida GOP Cary Pigman Caught Drunk On The Florida Turnpike

Anti Pot Florida GOP State Representative 
Cary Pigman of Avon Park was ought drunk on the Florida Turnpike 
in Port St. Lucie. Hhis blood alcohol levels were 0.140 and 0.150 and they found a an open wine bottle in the 
front passenger seat. here

Florida Beware Of "Energy Citizens"

Beware of this group 
Here is what they have to say:
"Politicians in Tallahassee are facing pressure from anti-energy groups to ban hydraulic fracturing in Florida. This ban could hurt our energy savings, jobs and environmental progress. Tell your Florida legislators today to oppose this harmful ban on fracking!" here
Energy Citizens is a front group backed by the American Petroleum Institute, the main trade group and lobbying arm of the oil industry, to fight climate change legislation. 

Tell Rick Scott: Stop attacking Aramis Ayala

Last year, DFA members helped elect Aramis Ayala -- a powerhouse who ran on progressive values to become the first Black State's Attorney ever elected in Florida history, and the first woman to serve as a State Attorney in Orange and Osceola counties.
Now she is under attack by the Florida GOP.


Pat Kemp Hosting Community Conversation: Safe, Scenic, Sensational, Shaded Trails

4.4 - 6 pm
Robert Saunders Library 
Ybor City

Be part of the kick-off for a countywide, high-energy, sustained campaign to build a Safe, Scenic, Sensational (and Shaded) Trail network across Hillsborough County and across the region. here

Friday, March 24, 2017

Ybor Paparazzi

"To change something, at a minimum, you must understand it. And I see a lot of people trying to change things they don't understand."
Donna Davis
At The Bunker

Tampa Gentrification

Save the Kress building 

Florida Mayors Strike Back

Florida INC. is considering a bill that would limit cities’ ability to regulate businesses and industries. here
Florida mayors voice their concerns in  Tallahassee
about bills under consideration by
 the Legislature that limit local control.

Rick Scott's Sabal Trail Natural Gas Pipeline

The Sabal Trail natural gas pipeline, a giant interstate project whose tail reaches over 268 miles into Florida, has generated fierce opposition as its construction moves through the state from Georgia to its end-point in Osceola County. here
"Projects like this will make Floridians dependent on fossil fuel for many decades “when its citizens continually vote for solar energy and renewables. We’re not alone. This is happening all over the country.” 
The Sierra Club

Union-Busting Florida GOP

Florida’s public-sector labor unions which represent thousands of workers ranging from school teachers to public utility linemen would have to convince their members to pay up or else risk being shut down, under a controversial plan by House Republicans that is now headed to the floor despite little chance 
at becoming law. here
HB 11 is a priority of House Speaker Richard Corcoran of Land O’Lakes.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tampa Paparazzi

Kate M Connolly

In Charge: Curbelo

The Ybor City Rooster

Right of Way

Destructive Seismic Exploration Set To Start In The Everglades

Despite ongoing lawsuit, destructive seismic exploration set to start in Big Cypress’
 sensitive wetlands. here
The Burnett Oil Company has set March 27 as the date they will begin the process of surveying for oil and gas resources beneath 
Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida, even as a federal judge has yet to rule whether the work can proceed.

Andrew Gillum for Governor -- AM Joy

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Coffee with Donna Davis

Donna L. Davis is a well-respected community organizer in the Tampa Bay area. She has spent her adult life engaged in the civic arena fighting for others while empowering communities to make a difference. 

Davis is the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Tampa chapter and has led the charge for the Tampa Civilian Review Board. As an active participant in the Community Protection Coalition, she has inspired Bay Area residents to stand up and heed the call to protect their liberties and freedoms.

Sierra Club Packs The Tampa Theatre

Full house for the screening of the film
Troubled Waters: Connections and Consequences

Guest list

 Tampa Theatre - Tampa, Florida
Join them here

The Florida Murder Of Darren Rainey

No Florida correctional officers are responsible for the scalding hot shower death of mentally ill inmate Darren Rainey. That’s according to Miami Dade’s State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle who has decided to close the investigation without filing any criminal charges. here

HARTLine's Trash Problem

Pick up your trash!
Britton Plaza - Tampa

The Audacity Of Aramis Ayala

Florida State prosecutor Aramis Ayala may have made Florida history last weekwhen she declared publicly and emphatically that she would not, under any circumstances, seek the death penalty. here
Within hours of the announcement Rick Scott called on Ayala, to recuse herself from the cases. When she refused, he appointed a special prosecutor to take over — an action critics said was an overreach of executive power.

119 judges, prosecutors and law professors sign letter questioning Scott's removal of Ayala from death penalty case. here

Our Next Governor Philip Levine Speaks To Hillsborough Democrats

Tuesday, March 21, 2017