Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Meet John Conyers Jr.
The new chairman of the Judiciary Committee

Which has the authority to begin hearings and an investigation into whether the planning and selling of the Iraq war was a constitutional here

LANDSLIDE! ...a big thanks from Michael Moore

Now the real work begins. Unless we stay on top of these Democrats to do the right thing, they will do what they've always done: Screw it up. Big Time. They helped Bush start this war, and now they should make amends......more

Start spreading the news

New Yorkers cheered and downed tequila shots last night as news of Democrat victories filtered through. Today though, the hangovers kick in and the results tell a different story......more

Democrats’ Takeover in House Transforms Washington Overnight

Voters across the country dispatched Republican lawmakers Tuesday in favor of Democrats, ending four years of total GOP control in Congress and giving voice to a party that has challenged President Bush’s leadership of the war in Iraq......more
Nancy Pelosi

Are our priorities for the 109th Congress. We are committed to building an America where all families can live and prosper in diverse, safe, and vibrant communities.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Gore Vidal: 'The Most Important Election in My Lifetime'

Kathy Castor
For Congress

Kathy also shares my belief that the war in Iraq is drawing attention and resources away from the search for "Osama bin Forgotten” and from securing America's points of vulnerability.....Senator Bob Graham

Click Here
Samm Simpson

Thank You Ms. Simpson
Mary Mulhern
Hillsborough County Commission, District 1

Mass Transit - That works for working people. Light rail and expanded bus system
Environment - Responsible growth to protect water and air quality. Sustainable, energy-
efficient building and transportation
Fiscal Responsibility - Public dollars for sensible priorities - safety, transportation, education
Code of ethics for county government

Independent Public Servant who answers to the voters, not special interests.

click here
Brian Moore
“You’re like two peas in a pod.”

I have decided to pursue the candidacy for United States Senator of Florida in the November 2006 general elections. I will run as an independent candidate. I will speak out forthrightly against the war in Iraq and for the need to bring our troops home immediately....more
April Griffin
Hillsborough County School Board District 6

April has been a member of the PTA, a classroom volunteer, a substitute teacher in the Hillsborough County School System, and has been active in her children’s schools for many years. A lifelong Hillsborough County resident, she has worked in the Hillsborough County School District’s Public Affairs Office and PACE Center for girls, an all-girl’s school for at-risk teenage girls......more

Monday, November 6, 2006


"The Most Progressive Candidate this fall on the ballot is Joe Redner!" - WMNF

Joe Redner
Betty Reed
Florida House of Representatives - District 59

I have lived in Florida all of my adult life. I have been married to James Reed for 49 years. We are the proud parents of five children, all college graduates, and nine grand-children. I am a member of Bible-Based Fellowship Church of Temple Terrace. I have a bachelor's degree in Behavioral Science from National-Louis University, Florida. I am a recently retired educator, and have been involved in grassroots campaigns as well as volunteered to serve on numerous city, county and school advisory boards......more
Phyllis Busansky
Democrat U.S. Congress District 9

Phyllis, served on the Hillsborough County Commission from 1988 to 1996. The Tampa resident won national acclaim for her leading role in creating the county's indigent health care program. In Congress, she would continue to focus on health care and promote programs and funding for helping local government provide more health care......The Times recommends Phyllis Busansky. ....more

Third-Party MILF
And I have a few final requests

And she is. But in revisiting the column in my mind, I realized I didn't go beyond that description to say how surprised I was when I met her to find a well-informed and serious candidate -- if a very inexperienced politician -- who deserves more attention than she got during this campaign......more
The Couch Potato's Guide to Election Night

If you have a political bone in your body -- even if you're usually a cynic about elections -- you're undoubtedly holding your breath right now. With the 2006 midterm elections upon us, the question is: Will the Democrats recapture at least the House of Representatives and maybe even take the Senate.....more

“Triple Venti, no fat, no foam, extra hot, with pink sugar.”

Katherine Harris has a very, very specific Starbucks order. It is her fuel, it is what keeps her going. If she doesn’t get it, she gets angry.......more

Vote....Brain Moore
Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence

Every time you hear Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney lash out against Mr. Kerry, I hope you will say to yourself, “They must think I’m stupid.” Because they surely do.They think that they can get you to overlook all of the Bush team’s real and deadly insults to the U.S. military over the past six years by hyping and exaggerating Mr. Kerry’s mangled gibe at the president......more
As Bush Campaigns, Newsweek Says GOP Numbers Drop

The most recent Newsweek poll shows that Bush’s approval rating has fallen to 35% and the Democratic advantage in the generic ballot question has now increased to 16 points amongst likely voters. Newsweek reports that as Bush travels the country, their poll has found that support for GOP candidates actually falls........more

Sunday, November 5, 2006

U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark calls trial a Travesty and
told to "Get Out"

Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced Sunday to death by hanging for war crimes in the 1982 killings of 148 people in the town of Dujail, as the former leader, trembling, shouted "God is Great!"......more

The life and times of Saddam Hussein
Today's verdict marks the beginning of the final chapter in the controversial life story of the deposed dictator......more
Children of Nazi racial engineering meet in Germany

The children of a Nazi programme aimed at creating an "Aryan elite" met publicly in Germany at the weekend in an effort to banish the spectre that has haunted many of them since their birth.....more

Saturday, November 4, 2006

2006 Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Election Day is next Tuesday, and Florida voters this time find themselves faced with six proposed amendments to our state's constitution. Here are some thoughts on the here
"Do you want us to win"
Republicans Spring a New "Winning" Strategy

As the U.S. death toll in Iraq for the month of October passed 100 -- making it the deadliest month in nearly two years -- and with polls still showing that the Democratic Party is poised to take control of the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate, Republican Party message-meisters appear to have devised what they hope will be the money sound-bite for electoral victory......more
Stogie Voted!

Governor: Jim Davis
United States Senator: Brian Moore
Congress District 11: Cathy Castor
Attorney General: Skip Campbell
Chief Financial Officer: Alex Sink
Commissioner Of Agriculture: Eric Copeland
County Commissioner District 5: Joe Redner
State Representative District 59: Betty Reed
Circuit Judge Group 32: Bernie Silver
Circuit Judge Group 43: Paul T. Jeske
Circuit Judge Group 44: Emily Peacock
Circuit Judge Group 45: Ashley Brooke Moody
School Board Member District 6: April Griffin
Dean digs at Bush
Praises Ohio efforts at Toledo stop

A cautiously confident Howard Dean rallied Toledo Democrats yesterday with digs at President Bush, an agenda for a Democratic Congress, and praise for statewide candidates who weren’t around to hear.Mr. Dean, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, told a packed VFW hall that Republicans have damaged the country by dividing Americans — and that Democrats, if they work hard enough, can ride a desire for change to big wins in Ohio and nationwide next week.....more
I S**t You Not...

Friday, November 3, 2006

The Slimiest Campaign Ads of 2006

Slate crowns this year's worst of the worst
click here
The No-Responsibility Party ... Ever

From her mouth to the Hairy Thunderer's ear. Deborah Pryce, running in tough battle for reelection in central Ohio just made this

Vote Mary Jo Kilroy
Gagging on Haggard

OK. Conservatives and evangelicals who are wringing your hands over this, and gearing up to blame the gays, the Democrats, or both … Come a little closer and let me, as we say where I come from, “break it down for you.”.......more
Paul Newman endorses Ned Lamont

Once a long shot, John Hall closes N.Y. gap

Thanks to a blend of Democratic momentum, Stephen Colbert, YouTube and his own minor league celebrity, strategists say Hall — a long shot Democratic challenger — could topple Kelly, who has represented New York's 19th Congressional district since being swept into office as part of the 1994 GOP revolution......more

John Hall
Ranks of independent voters rising, Vote Brian Moore

About 17 percent of voters registered for next week’s election eschew major-party identification, according to a study released Thursday by American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate......more

Vote Brian Moore

Bill Nelson can kiss my Ass