Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Organize Florida - Tampa Bay Protest In Tarpon Springs

Gus Bilirakis office

Local Treasures Jodi and Debbie

Delivering letters

Got this pic of the lady working at his office before she threw me out threatening to call security. She followed me outside asking to see my drivers licence and my name. Two guys did show up on golf carts. One of them told me she wanted the pics I took inside deleted.

Join them here

Ed Turanchik For Mayor Of Tampa

"Six months ago, the answer was no. I’ve moved a bit on that topic and I’m actively taking a look at it and 
thinking about it." 
Write him, ask him to think harder!

Ybor Paparazzi

Santa at The Reservoir Bar

Tampa Mayoral Candidate David Straz And The Paradise Papers

A Trump supporter and a generous donor to GOP causes and candidates, Straz and his wealthy cohorts belong to the elite segment of the population featured in the notorious “Paradise Papers” that has rocked the political world. here

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

SOS Tampa Dems Start To Reveal Themselves

Alma Gonzalez endorsements from Tampa and Hillsborough County.
Tampa City Council
Mike Suarez
Charlie Miranda
Yolie Capin
Harry Cohen
Frank Reddick
Guido Maniscalco
Luis Viera
State Attorney 
Andrew Warren
Property Appraiser 
Bob Henriquez
DNC member 
Alan Clendenin
School Board member 
Cindy Stuart
President of the Hillsborough County 
Hispanic Caucus
William Guerra
President of the Disability Caucus
Karen Clay
President of the Democratic Women’s Club
Patty Cohn
 And steering committee members 
Bryan Ferris, Alex Ayala 
and Ian Whitney
I started this blog back in 2003 after seeing Howard Dean's courage in trying to stop US from going to war in Iraq and bring change to the Democratic Party. Here we are in 2017. Funny how I came across these 2 articles on the same day.

Howard Dean says it’s time for his generation of the Democratic Party to move over here

Millennial voters are the future of the your party and they don't like you. Keep doing the Same Old Shit, ignore The Signs and you will keep losing. But, you should be use to that by now.
Oh and BTW what are Democrats doing supporting Trump supporters?
If the Democratic Party was an orgy, everyone would be Bi.

Local Activist Meet With Bill Nelson In Tampa

Doug Hughes 
(The guy that landed a gyrocopter on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol.)
What an honor to meet him
and Jodi Tripp Perlman Cohen

Downtown Tampa

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Calvin
Just got out of prison.

Bought him some pizza and a drink

Tampa Hoods - Ybor City

Domino table needed a face lift
At Centennial Park

The Hypocrisy Of The Hillsborough County Democratic Party

The Islamic Society of Tampa Bay was kind enough to host a debate.
 Republican Lawrence McClure, Democrat Jose Vazquez, Libertarian Bryan Zemina and non-party-affiliated Ahmad Saadaldin  are running in the election Dec. 19 to select a successor to Dan Raulerson, who stepped down from the seat in August due to health problems.
The letter above was sent to the League of Women Voters for their audacity of hosting the debate at a mosque.
The writer?  CL Townsend, husband of the DEC Chair Ione Townsend and Jose Vazquez's campaign treasurer.
"The more my community gets involved, the more pushback we get. In. every. freaking. way. Then Democrats come kissing ass for money and votes and asking people to run as D's. And you wonder why some wont? The entire party leadership right now should be ashamed." 
Amina Minka Spahić
Where is the noise when these things are held at Right Wing Bell Shoals? 

Join the conversation here

Monday, December 4, 2017

Tampa's Thriving Downtown? Not!

Attractions and Events? Not working!
 We need people living here.

Not the mass exodus at 5 PM
Over the past 30 years, City Hall and the government of Hillsborough County have invested more than half a billion dollars in projects to activate the waterfront. Source
We need affordable housing. 
Not just to cater to the rich.

Tampa Mayoral Hopeful David Straz And The Bank Of Nevis

Part 1: David Straz, Tampa’s billionaire mayoral hopeful, is intentionally or not, boosting Nevis’ reputation as a safe harbor for international criminals.
The Federation of St Kitts-Nevis is one of the countries blacklisted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for being uncooperative in the fight against tax evasion and money laundering.
 Straz served for several years as director of the Bank of Nevis Ltd. In its April, 2017 prospectus, the Bank of Nevis noted the David A. Straz Jr. Foundation was its second largest shareholder owning 12.60 percent of the stock.

By  Jim Bleyer - here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Greg

Urban Living - Ybor City

Studio Apts For Lease
Note: HART #8 Stops at your new front door.  

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bootleg Images Of Trump Supporter David Straz Shindig In West Tampa

Know any of these people?

Any South Tampa Republicans read this blog?

Is that Democrat Yoli Capin?

David Straz for mayor Spaghetti Feast
Co-Chaired by Democrats
Yoli Capin, Frank Reddick and Guido Maniscalco

Florida GOP You Are Being Watched

The GOP tax heist is NOT a sure thing
This bill still has TWO very important hurdles to jump.
The House and Senate passed different versions of the bill. Before a bill can go to the White House to be signed, the EXACT VERSION must pass the House and the Senate. Since the House originated this one, and passed their version first, the Senate now has to send their version back to the House who will then call a CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. This is where the differences between the House and Senate versions are theoretically ironed out until there is one bill with language the House and Senate can 
agree on.

So the version that comes out of Conference Committee must be voted on AGAIN! BOTH THE HOUSE AND SENATE HAVE TO VOTE ON THE BILL AGAIN.
Here is Beth's Plan: 
PUT PRESSURE ON THE HOUSE MEMBERS. If they get public push-back, they may start to get nervous because EVERY SEAT in the House of Representatives is up for re-election in 2018. So any R voting for this knows s/he may face *very* angry voters in less than a year. Every horrible thing we find in the bill as we read it over the weekend can be laid right at the feet of Republicans.
Remember you are being watched and this blog will post your every move.

Ron DeSantis

Bill Posey

Daniel Webster

Gus Bilirakis

 Dennis Ross

Vern Buchanan

Thomas Rooney

Brian Mast

Francis Rooney

Mario Diaz-Balart

Carlos Curbelo

 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

How to reach these people here

Ybor City Street Art

Ybor City, Florida

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Marco Rubio Votes Yes On Trump's Tax Scam

Senate Republicans passed a $1.5 trillion tax bill early Saturday morning that bestows massive benefits on corporate America and the wealthy. Source 

Marco Rubio was one of them.

Ybor Musicians

Meet Mathew