Thursday, February 4, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Stop TBX March In Tampa

TBX is a boondoggle! 
Express Toll Lanes are wrong for Tampa. 
But, it is NOT a done deal. 
Join us for a one-mile march to protest the loss of historic homes, churches, businesses, parks and green space. Our group's path will illustrate how wide the swath of detruction caused by the proposed widening of I-275 would be. RSVP and invite others. info

The Citrus Taliban: Pastor Protection Act

A debate is again building in the state Capitol about same-sex marriage as conservative lawmakers back a proposal known as the “Pastor Protection Act.”
Florida GOP Rep. Scott Plakon of  Longwood
Florida GOP Sen. Aaron Bean of Fernandina Beach
Carlos Guillermo Smith of the gay-rights advocacy group Equality Florida called the proposal “an invented problem” aimed at getting religious conservatives to the polls. here

Ybor City Top 7 Facts

The 35th Annual WMNF Tropical Heatwave

Early bird tickets!

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Patrick Murphy

One of Chuck Schumer's and Steve Israel's front groups for tricking low-info grassroots Democrats into contributing to their Wall Street candidates disguised as Democrats calls itself EndCitizensUnited, a scam that funnels money into its own pockets and to right-of-center Democrats like Patrick Murphy. here

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

We Remember Andrew Joseph, III Memorial Weekend In Tampa

Feb 5, 2016 @ 2pm
 Protest of Student Day 
Florida State Fairgrounds-Tampa

Feb. 6, 2016 @ 9am
Middleton High School Old Track
22nd Street and Geneses, Tampa
more events here

Stop The Florida Frackers - Call Your State Senator

Sen. Joseph Abruzzo
Sen. Thad Altman
Sen. Aaron Bean
Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto
Sen. Rob Bradley
Sen. Jeff Brandes
Sen. Oscar Braynon
Sen. Dwight Bullard
Sen. Jeff Clemens
Sen. Charlie Dean
Sen. Nancy Detert
Sen. Miguel Diaz De La Portilla
Sen. Greg Evers
Sen. Anitere Flores
Sen. Don Gaetz
Sen. Bill Galvano
Sen. Rene Garcia
Sen. Andy Gardiner
Sen. Audrey Gibson
Sen. Denise Grimsley
Sen. Alan Hays
Sen. Dorothy Hukill
Sen. Travis Hutson
Sen. Arthenia Joyner
Sen. Jack Latvala
Sen. Tom Lee
Sen. John Legg
Sen. Gwen Margolis
Sen. Bill Montford
Sen. Joe Negron
Sen. Garrett Richter
Sen. Jeremy Ring
Sen. Maria Lorts Sachs
Sen. David Simmons
Sen. Wilton Simpson
Sen. Christopher Smith
Sen. Eleanor Sobel
Sen. Darren Soto
Sen. Kelli Stargel
Sen. Geri Thompson
 Find your State Senator by clicking here.
Call your State Senator at his/her Tallahassee office, say that you live in the district, that you vote, and ask him/her to vote NO on fracking bill SB 318. (Leave a message if no one answers and call back during business hours.)

Love Has No Borders Benefit Show In Tampa

2.4 - 6 pm
Sacred Grounds Coffee House

Florida Keep It Civil, Tickets Not Arrests for Marijuana

Marco Rubio Believes In Sugar

As a Republican senator, voted with Democrats to preserve government aid even as he railed against "corporate welfare" in other 
parts of the economy. 
He calls preserving U.S. sugar subsidies a matter of national security. here

Monday, February 1, 2016

STOP TBX Education In Tampa Heights

Join them on 2.6 

Florida Ghost Towns: Centralia

Tampa Corners

Busch and Florida

If Marco Rubio Represents Mainstream Conservatism, The GOP Is Screwed

Marco Rubio has become the darling of the Republican establishment. 
Apart from his fresh face, virtually nothing about Rubio is new or endearing. His ideas are either conventionally Republican or uncommonly extremist.
HE IS: A Rabid Neoconservative,
Supports the unconstitutional surveilance program
Wants to dramatically increase defense spending even though America spends more on defense than the next eight nations combined. He represents the worst instincts of movement conservatism, and if his warmongering and tax cuts for the wealthy are what counts as moderate in today’s GOP, the Democrats should feel awfully good about their chances in 2016. here

Lee's Grocery Paparazzi

Cris and Norwood of Solidarity Sunday with Pat Kemp

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Florida Climate Survivors Confront Marco Rubio

Hillsborough County Animal Shelter: Just Let Them Go

Animal lovers in Hillsborough County, are sick and tired of a county shelter that is not doing its job. For months, volunteers have been going public about serious issues with the shelter, the biggest issue being that with the new shelter director, Scott Trebatoski
it's all about the numbers and 
NOT about the welfare of the animals. here

Rick Kriseman 2016 State of the City Address

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chopped Steak
With Mashed Potatoes and Cole Slaw
At Maw's Vittles in Brooksville
Visit them here
Eat Local!

TPP Is Betrayal / March / Protest In Tampa

2.4 - 3 PM
Westshore Plaza

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Draft Linda Saul-Sena For Senate

“I’m flattered when people approach me, but I’m eager to see some fresh faces.”  
She believes the Senate seat is definitely 
viable for her party. 
She’s just not interested at this point in her life in going for it.
. “That’s the seat where we need to find a great Democrat for,” she says. “There’s a lot of conversation about a lot of people, and I’m personally trying to think of wonderful people.” She’s now involved in efforts to try to stop The Florida Department of Transportation’s 
Tampa Bay Express project. here

Ybor Paparazzi

Bryn and Robeto of Mobile Apps Media
And Manny of Mace Multi Media

This week in Floriduh

Florida GOP voted to:
 --allow open carry of guns 
--ban all abortions 
--prevent local governments from banning fracking 
--prohibit citizens from accessing public records
Aren't you proud?

Josh From Riverview

I am voting  on November 8! Are you? 

Open Letters From Mayors Of 15 Florida Cities To Marco Rubio And Jeb Bush

Urge both would-be presential candidates to acknowledge the reality of anthropogenic climate change, and to take urgent action to remediate it. here

Friday, January 29, 2016

FBI Wants To Question Tampa Activist Jessica Schwartz

Tampa anti-war activist Jessica Schwartz says a family member handed her an FBI agent’s card. The card was stuck in the front door of the family home and belonged to FBI Special Agent A. Brett Fears. Schwartz found another card stuck in a car window on the driveway and she says, “My brother let me know the FBI left a message on our home phone asking me to contact FBI Special Agent Fears 
for an interview hereon Facebook

Medical Marijuana will be on the 2016 Ballot in Florida

The Florida Division of Elections has confirmed that United for Care has turned in the 683,149 valid petitions to qualify for the ballot. With a petition drive that began in the summer of 2015 and ended at the New Year, over 1 million people in Florida signed a petition to put medical marijuana back on the ballot. here

Florida Frackers Win

The Florida state House passed a controversial measure to regulate fracking, despite significant opposition from Democrats who said the practice could harm the state’s natural resources. here

Michael Schiavo: Jeb Bush ‘Put Me Through Hell’

Michael Schiavo knows as well as anyone what Jeb Bush can do with executive power. 
He thinks you ought to know too.
He is slamming a pro-Jeb Bush super PAC for invoking her in an ad touting the former Florida governor's record as a social conservative. In an interview with POLITICO, he repeatedly calling the ad “disgusting.” “It sounds like it’s a last-ditch effort to get the right-wing constituents,” here

Florida GOP Rene Garcia Of Hialeah - Gut Sunshine Law

The Florida GOP approved a bill that would weaken public records law by stripping out a guarantee that people could recover legal fees if they won court fights to obtain records. 
The bill was sponsored by state 
Sen. Rene Garcia of Hialeah. here

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Marco Rubio Does Not Support Policy Aimed At Curbing Climate Change

He told a crowd in Iowa, he also called environmental groups “radical,” adding that options such as nuclear energy is the cleanest, carbon-free, but you can’t build a nuclear power plant.”here

Deborah Newell: She’s An American Girl

Nicole Sandler Show
On most Wednesday mornings, I’m joined by my friend Deborah Newell for a segment in which we make fun of our state, which we knowingly refer to as FloriDUH. But if you listen carefully, you’ll hear that Deborah has a distinctive accent which sounds nothing like the variety of accents.
That’s because, although she’s lived here for many years, attended college in Gainesville, is married and has raised her three boys here, she never went through the process to become a citizen…. until now.
As she told us this morning, Deborah always said that if Bernie Sanders were to run for president, she would become a citizen. He is, so she did and is now an American citizen! We celebrated this morning! here

Ban Fracking In Florida: Support Rep. Evan Jenne

Rep. Evan Jenne,D-Hollywood, is sponsoring legislation that would ban fracking in Florida. He condemned House Republican leaders. He said the election-year push for more fracking was designed merely to placate the oil and gas industry, a steady GOP contributor. Jenne said the House will “do anything, if it’s going to help their backers make a buck.” here

WMNF Tells You How To Vote

Florida GOP Always Trashing Obama

Marco Rubio maintains that President Barack Obama is more interested in providing money to Planned Parenthood than for the nation's armed forces.
Jeb Bush says the Obama administration has "gutted" every weapons system in the U.S. military's inventory.

Money spent on weapons modernization is on par with the George W. Bush administration. The military cuts were approved by Republicans and Democrats. The military budget is being squeezed by the insistence of lawmakers in both parties that money be spent on bases and equipment that the Pentagon says it doesn't need. here
And the government spends roughly 1,000 times more on the armed forces than on Planned Parenthood.