Saturday, June 24, 2006

Nancy Greggs

I actually remember when CNN was the go-to network when you wanted to find out what was happening in the world. Of course, that was back in the day, before your studios were equipped with direct-feed fax machines to Karl Rove’s office....more
Dean Repeats Call for Iraq Troop Drawdown

The head of the Democratic Party blamed the Bush administration's "failed political leadership and lack of foresight and planning'' for turning U.S. soldiers into targets for the Iraqi insurgency....more

Wanna See

Combat Situation Expert And Fox Puta "Geraldo" Getting High? here
The Miami 7

These alleged terrorists had no weapons, no bombs, no expertise, and no money. They didn't behave or operate as terrorists. They apparently swore an oath of allegiance to Osama bin Laden, but it now appears possible that the FBI informant who infiltrated the group had suggested the idea. For that matter, these guys weren't even Muslims, but instead practiced their own hybrid religion that combined Islam and Christianity.....more

7 Punks From Liberty City With Sick Dreams And Big Mouths
St. Petersburg ‘Times’: Best Newspaper in America

"Karl Rove will be plotting the Republican Party's fall election strategy with his longtime comrade-in-arms, Satan."....more

Friday, June 23, 2006

An American Icon: Gore Vidal on Italy, Iraq - and Why He Hates George Bush

"Little Bush says we are at war, but we are not at war because to be at war Congress has to vote for it. He says we are at war on terror, but that is a metaphor, though I doubt if he knows what that means. It's like having a war on dandruff, it's endless and pointless. We are in a dictatorship that has been totally militarised, everyone is spied on by the government itself. All three arms of the government are in the hands of this junta.....more

Dixie Chicks Start Defiant Tour
Mark Beech
The Chicks have outgrown their old audience and are on their way to crossover stardom. They have moved from conservative to liberal, hoedown to lowdown, rural to urban and country to rock. It doesn't hurt that the Bush row forced a change in style and aided clever marketing....more

"The Bush we trust is Shepherds Bush"
House Rolls Back Estate Tax

Congressional tax experts estimate that only 5100 estates would now face taxation, down from the current number of 30,000. The bill is estimated to cost up to $300 billion dollars. The House vote came just one day after the Senate rejected a measure that would have raised the minimum wage for the first time in nearly a decade.

Lieberman Splits With His Party on War Votes

Lieberman was one of six Democrats to vote against both resolutions offered by his Senate colleagues. Of that group, Sens. Ben Nelson (Neb.) and Bill Nelson (Fla.) are the only ones other than Lieberman standing for reelection this fall. Both Nelsons represent states that were carried by President Bush in 2004.....more

I think our Nelson needs to be the next Lieberman. I wont be voting for him, not that he needs my help. Check out these guys.

Del Adolph(R) - Retail Manager & Army Veteran
LeRoy Collins Jr. (R) - Retired Navy Officer & Son of Ex-Gov. Collins
Katherine Harris (R) - Fixed the 2000 elections now Congresswoman
Will McBride (R) - Attorney
Peter Monroe (R) - Developer
Daniel Barker (Constitution)
Tom Rooney (R) - Attorney
Non-Profit Group CEO & Army Veteran Floyd Ray Frazier (Independent)
Civil Rights Activist Brian Moore (Independent)
Community Activist & Frequent Candidate Belinda Noah (Independent)
Attorney Ex-Republican Roy Tanner (Independent)
Businessman & Conservative Activist Lawrence Sidney Scott
(Write-In) Bernie Senter (Socialist Workers)
Ava Lowery

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army CIRCA
Occupies military recruitment center in downtown Oakland....more
World Scientists Unite to Attack Creationism
The world's scientific community united yesterday to launch one of the strongest attacks yet on creationism, warning that the origins of life were being "concealed, denied or confused".....more
GOP on Iraq = More of the Same
The fact is the American people want a new direction in Iraq, and the Democrats offer several. The Republicans, on the other hand, offer nothing more than a four-word strategy: more of the same....more
Hillsborough County commissioners get something right.

MOSI to add hotel, convention center, extra exhibit space and more parking.
H C commissioners agreed to give MOSI 25 acres we own next to the museum....more
Dean on Democratic Efforts to Hold President Bush Accountable on Iraq

"President Bush's permanent commitment to a failed strategy in Iraq not only isn't working, its irresponsible. Republicans in Washington have failed to hold President Bush accountable, with deadly consequences".....more
Ann Coulter Calls Howard Dean an Al Qaeda Leader

What a pathetic human being

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

US braced for Haditha effect

What happened in Haditha may just possibly change the future of the war in Iraq.
We have found that the marines were operating under some very disturbing conditions....more
People's Republic of Kentucky.
Liberal blogger's blocked from Kentucky state-owned computers

But what's interesting is there's no problem allowing state workers to access the Republican Party of Kentucky or Fox News or Drudge Report or at least one conservative Kentucky blog. Kentucky has one of the most corrupt administrations in the nation. Pathetic.....more.....kos

Mr. Pombo
Stay Away From Our Shores

A small group of key lawmakers have reached a deal to allow oil and gas drilling 100 miles from the nation’s shore, or closer if states choose to allow it, marking a major change in U.S. policy and setting up what is likely to be a bruising fight among coastal-state lawmakers in Congress.
U.S. Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Bartow, reached the agreement over the weekend with House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo, R-Calif....more

Mr. Putnam? We already know where he is coming from.
But this Pombo guy, i thought he was Cali's problem? Here is what i found
Pombo was called "a virulently anti-environmental congressman" by the St. Petersburg Times (10/26/05)
Pombo helped push $8.5 billion in subsidies to the energy industry in the recently passed energy bill
He supported the Healthy Forests Initiative that opened 20 million acres of forest to logging while making it much harder for environmentalists to oppose logging
Pombo (and his fundraising committee RICH PAC) are among a dozen leaders in the House of Representatives reportedly under investigation as part of the corruption and influence pedalling scandal centered around millionaire lobbyist Jack Abramoff
Pombo's office has attempted to modify his Wikipedia article at least five times over several months in 2005-2006 to remove controversial material, including information about his ties to Abramoff.
Pombo supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as well as legislation to sell roughly a quarter of the land managed by the National Park Service

pombo in their pocket
Beyond Delay The 13 Most Corrupt Members Of Congress
Wall Street Journal article on Pombo's position as "public enemy number 1" for environmental groups
High Country News: Will the Real Mr. Pombo Please Stand Up? (Profile of Richard Pombo)
Paul D. Thacker, "Hidden ties: Big environmental changes backed by big industry

'Nuts' to gulf drilling
Editorial- St. Petersburg Times
There can be no compromise in this fight if the tokens in play include our beaches and economy. Our representatives must stand their ground....more

A right-wing zealot in charge of the House Resources Committee. Voted in six times by the people of California's 11th District. Who votes for these people? And what are they thinking? I dont understand. What is that stench? Is it Red Tide time again?
The scum has made it to our shores.
Florida ranks 5th in carbon dioxide emissions
Florida's increasing population has helped produce more pollution that is contributing to global warming and sea level rise....more

It should serve as a reminder that Islam has a similar Old Testament structure as Christianity. Although we do not have Fatwas in the United States, our thanks to that does not come from religion, but solely because we have a secular Constitution that guarantees freedom of expression and no religious tests. Without this thin constitutional protection, America could very well fall into medieval religious fundamentalism, just as many Islamic countries experience today.....more

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Big Business dons a disguise to fight voter petitions

Hence the creation of, which is a brilliant stroke. Instead of merely looking like a business lobby, VoteSmart can pose as a source of "objective" information.....more
Child toll rises in Israeli air attack

An Israeli air strike on a car in the northern Gaza Strip has killed three Palestinian children and wounded 10 other people....more
Scientology missionary a multifaceted personality

Musician, philosopher, counselor, teacher and entrepreneur, Milton James opens a center to share his ideas and spread the word....more

Some Seminole Heights Residents Not Very Happy

What Kitsch Thinks
What Angel Sil Thinks

Other Suff
Operation Clambake
Scientology Lies
Scientology Library

I don't believe the line that they make bad neighbors. Or the havoc they've wrecked on the city of Clearwater. They have a right to be there just like everyone else.

Meet Kurt Gerstein

This is the story of one remarkable man who refused to surrender his conscience in the face of mass murder as one of the few SS officers in the Third Reich.....more
Liars are Patriots on Fox News
"It was the bullying and the scare factor. It was like the McCarthy days, and it was almost like the country was unrecognisable.".......Emily Robison.....more
Hey, Touch Tune's Up Your's
Just Left One Of My Watering Holes

There is a juke box there from "Touch Tunes". It has 12 CD's by Mr. White Trash himself Toby Keith, zero by the "Dixie Chicks". what's up with that? are these guys part of the problem? i wrote them and asked, i need to know before i put any more money in their holes.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Florida Beware
New deal would bring offshore drilling closer

A small group of key lawmakers have reached a deal to allow oil and gas drilling 100 miles from the nation’s shore, or closer if states choose to allow it, marking a major change in U.S. policy and setting up what is likely to be a bruising fight among coastal-state lawmakers in Congress.
U.S. Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Bartow, reached the agreement over the weekend with House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo, R-Calif......more

Mr. Pombo? I know him, Isn't he the guy working to tear down environmental protections to benefit special interests. Click Here and you can read all about it. Wasn't he cali's problem?
Stogie was reading Kos and came upon this story about this .org called
So he checked up on it. they say they are non-partisan
Move America Forward is a non-partisan
But then these are the guys in charge
MAF Board of Directors:
More checking
Howard Kaloogian's backed U.S. detention policies at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by selling
Melanie Morgan - opinionated right-winger Source Watch
Robert "Buzz" Patterson author of New York Times best sellers,
Dereliction of Duty: How Bill Clinton Compromised America's National Security,
and his recent release, Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security,Buzz has established himself as a respected, frequently requested voice for national security and military affairs.
Still dont get how those two books makes him a voice on national security and military affairs.
Well Stogie knows where these guys are coming from, lets just moveon

Sunday, June 18, 2006

In Palestine, a War on Children
John Pilger

Israeli warships fired on families picnicking on a Gaza beach, killing seven people, including three children and three generations. What that represents is a final solution, agreed by the United States and Israel.....more
More Connecticut Terrorists
"I think to be terrorized through the summer by an extremely small group of the Democratic Party, much less the voting population, is total insanity for a person who is a three-term senator,"... John F. Droney (former Connecticut Democratic chairman)....more
When Will the Mainstream Media Get It Right?

......Reporters call this “spin,” because the word "lie" makes them uncomfortable. But whatever name they give it, they should always provide evidence (call it verifiable fact or context) that measures the spin against what is known. Providing this contrast, after all, is the news media's job.....more
Tomb Stone Factory
Something you won't see on US news: Check out this video:
Where the base is safe for GOP
The country may be down on Bush, but he still has staunch support from The Villages.

"the greatest president we've ever had.".... Howard Doran

Asked about DeLay, Margaret Yadeski, said "at least he didn't do it under the desk in the Oval Office," referring to the activities of President Clinton.

David Cobb, a retired Navy lieutenant, said he liked Fox because "they tell you the good stuff" that he says newspapers refuse to print.

President Bush... "a man of integrity," according to Villages resident Larry Deason....

Who Are These People And Why Do They Say These Things, Please Help Stogie Understand....more

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Mark Twain
Austria's Haider says Bush is a war criminal
Labeled by his critics as a 'yuppie fascist' and the 'Austrian David Duke'.
Austrian right-wing populist Joerg Haider called President Bush a war criminal on Saturday, days before Austria's government hosts Bush and European leaders in Vienna....more

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dozens killed in Iraq attacks
About 40 people have been killed and more than 80 wounded in a string of bomb and mortar attacks across Iraq, most of them in Baghdad....more
Bring Our Men And Women Home Now

UK set for first face transplants

A British hospital is set to give the go-ahead for four British patients to undergo face transplants in what will prove a major landmark in surgery.....more

Meet "Sean Burke"
Philosophy From DownUnder
click here
Henry Rollins: A Love Letter To Ann Coulter

I Did Not Want To Mention Her On This Site But I Could Not Pass This Up. Well Said Mr. Rollins

Ybar City?
Storms, business group clash on question of Prohibition

"She was weird," Bishop said. "She didn't score any points with us.".....more