Sunday, February 9, 2020

Andrew Joseph Memorial Weekend in Tampa

Florida State Fairgrounds 2020


Bernie's Moment, Our Movement
Wednesday, February 12th at West Tampa Library 2312 W. Union Street Tampa. Doors open at 6:30 for orientation. Meeting 7-9 pm.

 The Florida Democratic Primary is right around the corner. We have an exciting meeting this month with local leaders in Tampa Bay speaking about how Bernie's platform will advance the specific issues local activist are working on:

Housing- Connie Burton
Medicare for All- Sky White
The Green New Deal- Shiv Shukla
Labor/education Megan Flocken
Militarism- Kristin Hoffman
Police and Prisons- Jacob Tillotson

This along with a report back from our Working Groups on the work Tampa DSA is doing in our local community. Hope to see you there! INFO

Florida Berners

Stay Focused Berners
Persistence Beats Resistance!

Marco Rubio and the Ukrainian Oligarch

Donald Trump and the political action committees for Mitch McConnellMarco RubioScott WalkerLindsey GrahamJohn Kasich and John McCain accepted $7.35 million in contributions from a
Ukrainian oligarch. HERE
they have also donated thousands of dollars to Pete for America, Inc., Buttigieg’s official campaign organization.

Tampa Hoods


Bar Complaint Filed Against Matt Gaetz for ‘Obstructing Impeachment Process’

The Miami-Dade Democratic Party filed a formal bar complaint against Matt Gaetz, urging the Florida Bar to sanction the Trump acolyte for storming a secure congressional facility during the closed-door phase of the impeachment inquiry.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bernie Wins Iowa!

TBT 2.5.2020

The sham is official


Florida Berner

Stay Focused Berners
Persistence Beats Resistance!

Trump Stain Florida Edition

You will carry this *stain forever.
Your actions will never be forgotten.
Your grandchildren will read about it in their history books. Just like Mitt Romney's 
grand kids will.

Profile in Courage: Mitt Romney

Your spot in history is set. I always knew
you had courage. People say you hang on the edge of greatness,. You have stepped over 
that edge! Thank You!

Pam Bondi Seeking Clients

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Equality Florida in Tallahassee

Parents of transgender children, youth advocates, and healthcare experts came out to the Capitol in FORCE to testify against the dangerous and mean-spirited "transgender youth medical care ban".

While the Florida House subcommittee did not vote on the bill (HB 1365), it was made clear during the hearing that this legislation is driven by people who have no concerns whatsoever for the lives and safety of transgender youth. The same groups who oppose anti-bullying efforts and basic legal protections for LGBTQ Floridians, now seek to put transgender young people into hiding by threatening their doctors with 15 years imprisonment. 

Thank you to all the trans and enby advocates, parents (especially the mama bears!), healthcare experts, and partner organizations whose brave, honest, loving words drowned out the bigoted rhetoric of the anti-LGBTQ extremists the bill's supporters had flown 
in to testify. 

The bill is procedurally DEAD for the 2020 legislative session. But we need to stay vigilant to ensure this bill never sees the light of day.
Photo credit:Equality Florida