Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Florida ranks at bottom of states on school funding

Education Week’s Quality Counts report released in June showed Florida received an F grade for spending (with a score of 43.4 out of 100 possible points), ranking it 45th in that category. The states that ranked lower than Florida were Tennessee, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Idaho, Utah and Arizona. HERE

Monday, January 27, 2020

The End of the Honeymoon: AOC and The Liberals

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes's incredible rise to national political prominence is one of the highpoints against the shock of  Donald Trump's presidency . In the immediate aftermath of her stunning grassroots victory over Democratic Establishment stalwart Joe Crawley, grassroots liberal activist and leftist- who rarely get excited with democratic candidates- were both thrilled to see her in Congress. That enthusiasm by liberals is starting to fade. Libs are generally motivated by a type of "identity politics" where often the style and projection of a candidate is the motivating factor and scrutiny of the candidates actual policies is, at best, secondary. To leftist, identity politics is an anathema. Leftist are driven by governmental policy that results in reduction of class stratums and, therefore, how a candidate projects oneself is unimportant. AOC has rejected the identity politics mold. According to capitalist-class logic and our country's celebrity culture, AOC was suppose to use her immediate popularity, youth, and beauty to "brand" herself and to ultimately become part of the celebrity liberal elite. To the consternation of liberals, she has endorsed Bernie Sanders, hasn't shied away from her support for democratic socialism, and is offering big government proposals to fix our decaying institutions. All this and her outspoken criticism of other democratic presidential candidates with their "market solution" approaches is starting to end the romance of the moderate democratic class. If Bernie and AOC's political revolution can continue to empower the working-class and transform America away from the reliance of super philanthropist, non-profits foundations, and return the Federal Government to an institution that serves the needs of the people, maybe identity liberals will renew their romance with AOC.

Florida Vulnerable Republican Rick Scott

Rick Scott
Beat Bill Nelson in 2018 by 10,033 votes out of 8.19 million votes cast. Source

Tampa Berners in East Tampa

Image credit Tampa DSA

Marion Transit Center Restrooms

Most of the people riding the bus are not going to the parade. Why do you do this to us? 

Best Boiled Peanuts in the world

15th St. in Ybor City

Kobe Bryant RIP

Kobe Bryant 
August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020

Stogie Recommends

This film has a 90% score on Rotten Tomatoes
Great performances by Benedict Cumberbatch
 and Keira Knightley

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Tampa: No War on Iran! Global Day of Protest

Tampa St. & Kennedy Blvd. 

Trumper displaying his ignorance

Tampa, Florida

📢Search for Missing Mom📢

As we searched through these woods today in search of any sign that Veronica Marllen Minjares-Reyes may have been out there but as people searched this county Park through Debris that had been dumped there and around the ponds.
Everyone nervous as they look thinking the absolute worst.

The search began at 8am and the Parking lot filled with cars, Some people brought dogs and others sticks and machetes so they could get through the woods easier. 
This search went on with no help at all from law enforcement, but the people of the community who shared this on Facebook or other social media areas that they could. 
The family is asking if anyone knows anything at all to please contact: Tina Cortez her mother at (813)-735-3879 or her father Fidencio Minjares at (813)-520-6557. 
Please help find this Mother of 3 boys
 get found safely. 

Thank You everyone.

Florida GOP Asterisk

A mark that will follow you the
 rest of your life and beyond. 

Florida Taxpayers Spend $129 Million to Pay for Anti-LGBTQ Education

The concept of separation of church and state seems to be all but dead in the state of Florida. Anti-LGBTQ religious activists have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, convincing lawmakers that the taxpayers should foot the bill for nearly any school parents want to send their children – including private Christian and other religious schools that promote 
anti-LGBTQ hate. HERE
Taxpayers are literally paying to teach children of all ages that being LGBTQ 
is a sin.

Anonymous BItes Back: Episode 190 Justice for Josiah

Supreme Court justice blasts the Sunshine State

The Florida Supreme Court overturned a three-year-old court decision that had required a unanimous jury to enact the death penalty.

The court, now populated by a fresh contingent of right-wing justices appointed by pro-Trump Gov. Ron DeSantis, signaled to the GOP legislature that they may reinstate the old system for sentencing a defendant to death.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Kendrick Sampson Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

Ybor Paparazzi

Russell Giambrone
The Big Berner

Church Lady Banned From MLK Parade In Tampa

Giving it a shot (Start of parade) 

TPD on the chase 

To other side of barrier. She had a few choice words. 
15th St and 21th Ave, Ybor City

Pro-Bono Defense for Alethia Jones

Who is Alethia Jones? 

According to Florida Criminal Justice Reform blog,  Alethia is one of the 96,000 currently serving in Florida's Department of Corrections at a cost of almost $2.5 billion a year. The blog notes: "There is an emerging consensus that this “mass incarceration” of citizens is dehumanizing, expensive and unnecessary" 

Attorney John Jordan is currently providing probono legal defense for Alethia Jones. Some legal documents are needed and the costs are now upward of $1,000. In order to relieve some of these expenses, we are reaching out to the community to fundraise. Help her here

Tampa Hoods

HART #8 to Ybor

Sky U. White Fan


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Berners Winning

What we are doing is working 


Six-point lead in Wisconsin

Raises $4 million in two days


Florida Senators American Betrayal

Rubio’s ruminations — Rubio has called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s handling of impeachment a “last ditch charade” and has called the prospect of removing Trump from office “a punishment without precedent in American history.” And when it comes to whether additional witnesses should be considered, Rubio in an op-ed last week didn’t rule it out, but made it clear he was unwilling to consider it before the trial. 
The Scott doctrine — The former governor has called impeachment a waste of time. “No one is interested in Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment,” Scott insisted last week on Fox News. “We know the result. The Democrats have proven Trump did nothing wrong. He’s not going to be convicted.”

Tampa Hoods
