Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sky U. White Fan In Ybor

DEADLINE 8.28.18

The Mean Cafeteria Lady At University High School in Orange City, Florida

Florida continues to secure its ranking as the worst after a high school student was denied school lunch because she was short 15 cents.
She puts her food on the tray, gets to the front, gives her number to the cashier, and she says, ‘Well, you owe 15 cents,’” The student said she didn’t have any money, so the cashier took her food.”
To make matters worse? Not only did the worker allegedly take away the food from the hungry teen, the employee completely tossed it out, wasting a perfectly good meal. She went the rest of the day without anything to eat. here

Andrew Gillum is the most Progressive candidate for Governor in Florida’s history

Medicare for All
Increase Spending on Education 
Marijuana Legalization
Fight For15
Florida Progressives
DEADLINE 8.28.18

Ybor Paparazzi

Danny of Chillum

Inaugural Meeting of New LULAC Council in Pinellas

Our community has grown rapidly in the last year. The hurricane and human made disaster that followed caused an exodus of Puerto Ricans from the island. Thousands have settled in Pinellas County. Join Them here

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Andrew Gillum Bring it Home Bus Tour Tampa Stop

Jackson Heights

Tampa Millennials Sky U. White Needs Your Vote

In the 2016 election, Bernie Sanders, a self-described Democratic Socialist, easily won the vote of that younger generation.

The Washington Post reported that just over 2 million people under the age of 30 voted for Sanders, who ran on a platform of healthcare for all and raising taxes on the wealthy, in all primaries and caucuses.
That’s more than all of Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s votes from that age group during the primaries and caucuses combined. source 
Deadline 8.28.18

Cornering The Marijuana Market In Tampa

Remember this?
Hillsborough County Commissioners say they will only allow 13 dispensaries. 
"This all just seems like going to an extreme to the benefit of monopolies." 
Commissioner Pat Kemp
A growing number of commissioners are saying capping new businesses will protect patients and residents. 
Lobbyists for San Felasco Nurseries, one of the state's seven approved growers, huddled with several commissioners, including Stacy White, who had spearheaded the county's medical marijuana efforts, and Ken Hagan, who would ultimately request the re-vote.

"This is our community," said Commissioner Sandy Murman, one of several board members whose opinion has shifted since March. "And safety is first." here

"Ken Hagan, Stacy White, Sandy Murman, Commissioner Victor D. Crist, Al Higginbotham y’all need to take a deep look into your souls and speak among one another."
 Chris Cano

Redemption Date: 11.8.18

We Don't Want Pinellas & Pasco

Merging our MPO with Pinellas 
& Pasco is a bad idea.
 It is on the agenda at 
TBARTA next Friday 
in Ybor City.
August 24 at 9:30 
HART Boardroom
1201 E 7th Ave. Ybor City

Florida Justice Democrat Focuses On Policies Not Titles

Right Of Floridians To Cannabis

Sign the petition at Chillum

1714 7th Ave - Ybor City

Tampa Hoods

Too much to drink in Ybor City

Monday, August 20, 2018

Andrew Gillum Tampa Fans

And Mariella Smith in Ybor City

Andrew Gillum's New Bus

Bernie Speaks Florida

I'm proud to be supporting 9 incredible candidates running for office in Florida. Early voting has begun so let's get out the vote to transform Florida from the bottom on up and let's shock the nation 
on August 28th!

Tampa Hoods


Sunday, August 19, 2018

All Florida Governor Candidates Snub NAACP Except Andrew Gillum

Gwen Graham, Chris King, Philip Levine 
and Jeff Greene
The Tampa NAACP held a debate and only 1 gubernatorial Candidate Showed Up. 
Mayor Andrew Gillum.

Florida Millennials The Mayor Needs Your Vote

Lets make history on the 28th.

Roy David Walker Clear Favorite For Florida Agriculture Commissioner

His opponent was endorsed 
By Alex Sink
The Pay to Play Right Wing version here
 Roy David Walker 
For Florida Agriculture Commissioner

By Staff

Tampa "NAACP" Governors Forum Debate

Green, Levine , Graham and King decided to cancel at the LAST minute. Which should tell you how much they really care! Andrew Gillum SHOWED UP here

Photo credit: Candy Lowe

Hillsborough County Florida GOP Candidate Joe Wicker

"I support the president's agenda 100 percent."
"If a candidate is not solidly behind the president, that is a death knell. Hillsborough County Republican party Chairman Jim Waurishuk
Wicker has the backing of key GOP leaders like county commissioners Al Higginbotham, Stacy White and Ross Spano. here


Florida GOP Brian Mast On Right Wing Radio

He appeared this week on a right-wing radio show with hosts who bill themselves as "anti-Islam."
Rep. Brian Mast appeared on Tuesday's Right Side Patriots radio show alongside conservative commentators Diane Sori and 
Craig Andresen. 
Mast did not make any anti-Muslim comments during his Tuesday hit, however after Mast's appearance, Sori and Andresen went on to accuse Muslim-American candidates of committing "ballot box jihad" with recent election victories. more

Saturday, August 18, 2018