Sunday, September 15, 2019

Ybor City, Florida: Hot Bed Of Bernie Activist


Next Event 9.20.2019 - 7 PM
At 7-11 INFO

Free Fish At Picnic Island

Interbay and  Dale Mabry

Ybor Life

Waiting on #8 on 7th Ave

Florida Rapper TurtGunnSmoke

Murders mothers boyfriend in stand your ground shooting.

Protect your mother no matter what?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Asher’s Ranked Vote for Third Debate

Hello folks!

Here is an updated ranked list for the ten contenders last night! How does yours compare?

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Andrew Yang
4. Kamala Harris
5. Cory Booker
6. Pete Buttigieg
7. Julian Castro
8. Amy Klobuchar
9. Beto O’Rourke
10. Joe Biden

Stay groovy,

Sky U. White Fans


Third Democratic Debate Review

Hello everyone!

Bernie Sanders was awesome, Elizabeth Warren was awesome, Andrew Yang was awesome, & Cory Booker was awesome! There were quality comments from the others, especially from Amy Klobuchar and Julian Castro.

Based on record and platform, I certainly thought Bernie was the best with a model distinction between democratic socialism and authoritarian socialism, as well as sticking to the best healthcare plan and best foreign policy record; that being said, Warren did fantastic in this debate, with a charismatic and endearing (comforting) approach. Yang and others should have had more time, though he did well and had some wonderful positions & rhetoric (interestingly bold to bring in UBI as a campaign tactic), as did Booker who empowered the brighter parts of his record and highly impressed me.

Klobuchar has inspiring experiences and a mostly civil approach, and Castro has decent positions on the issues, and had some extremely bold one liners! I will look forward to hearing more from Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Beto O’Rourke, who also had some good moments.

I love some of what Joe Biden did as VP, including being an integral part of national marriage equality, though I cannot abide with the centrist platform for the primaries.

Your thoughts? Who won, who lost? What issues should’ve been addressed, and who do you want to hear more from?

As for me... Bernie Sanders 2020 ✌️

Stay groovy,

Tampa Bartenders

Liz at Tapper Pub in South Tampa

Ybor Life

7th Ave

The Dead Files - Revealed: Hotel Hell - Ybor City, Florida

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Ybor Bartenders

Karen at Reservoir 

The State of the Gulf of Mexico

Ybor City Homeless

What the hell was this?

Tell Publix: Drop Plastic Lobbyists

People nationwide have fought plastic pollution by helping to pass single-use plastic bans. But in Florida, paid lobbyists extensively bankrolled by Publix are working to undermine these efforts. 
Publx has excessive amounts of single-use plastics in its stores, has refused to take bold leadership, and actively works with lobbyists like the Florida Retail Federation to stop you from protecting your community 
against plastic pollution. HERE

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ybor City Homeless


Chef Jeff's Culinary Tour Of Ybor

Chef Jeff embarks on a culinary tour of Ybor City, the cultural capital of Tampa. From Cuban sandwiches and cigars to authentic Spanish paella, Chef Jeff wanders through this incredible time capsule of a city and experiences both the old and the new
of this unique place.

Global Climate Strike Coming To Tampa

Andrew Hammer in Ybor City

Ybor Life

Ybor City, Florida

Millionaire Florida Lawmakers

Average Florida state senator’s 
net worth HERE

Monday, September 9, 2019

Noam Chomsky on Bernie Sanders

 Noam Chomsky was asked about Democratic presidential candidate 
Bernie Sanders.
He considers him more of a “New Deal Democrat” than a radical extremist, as some have portrayed him. 
Chomsky said Sanders’ positions on taxes and healthcare are supported by a majority of the American public, and have been for a long time.
Sanders has “mobilized a large number of young people who are saying, 'Look, we're not going to consent anymore.’ If that turns into a continuing, organized, mobilized force, that could change the country. HERE
Tampa Berners it's showtime!

Magical Butter in Ybor City

Introduction to Edibles 

Chillum CBD Dispensary is proud to announce that we will be partnering with Magical Butter to provide this FREE event! INFO

Ybor Paparazzi

Aura Maria of Nicahabana Cigars

Ybor Life

Ybor City, Florida

Florida GOP War On Hillsborough County Voters

It takes some nerve for the Republican meddlers in the Florida House to seek to overturn the will of Hillsborough voters who overwhelmingly supported a one-cent sales tax for countywide transportation improvements. The House’s intervention in a legal challenge is an overreach legally and politically, and it’s an insult to residents. It’s also further proof that Tallahassee knows no limits when it comes to ignoring referendum results and interfering 
in local decisions. HERE

Ybor City Woman Down

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!

I would like to wish Senator Bernie Sanders a Happy 78th Birthday from this proud 
Tampa-Bennington Berner!

Stay groovy,

Ybor City Homeless



Ybor Bartenders

Matthew at Red Star

Recycled Yard Art Contest At Hillsborough County Fair

 Twice each year, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Hillsborough County Extension, sponsor Recycled Yard Art Contests, one at the Hillsborough County Fair and one at the Florida State Fair. HERE
The purpose is to increase environmental awareness

Ybor Life

Red Star Rock Bar

Broke Boys in Ybor City

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Florida DNC Exposed

"Guess who got a full list of how every DNC member voted regarding the resolution to hold a climate
 change debate?
Only two Florida DNC members voted in favor of holding the vote. Thank you 
Ken Evans and John Ramos.

So disappointed to see our own chair Terrie Rizzo voted against 
the debate." HERE
And of course Hillsborough's State Committeewoman Alma Gonzalez voted not to hold the debate. Even though people of color and marginalized communities are the most "at risk" communities.
Please note that a "no" vote is in favor of a climate debate and passing the resolution, while a "yes" vote is opposed to the climate debate and killing the resolution.

Ybor Graffiti

Ybor City, Florida 

The Strip Club King - Joe Redner KONCRETE Podcast

Ybor Paparazzi

Hunter celebrating his new internship with Rick Scott. 
I told him the blog was left. He said it was ok to post.

Demand HART Buy Clean Electric Buses In Ybor City

September 9, 2019 at 5:30 PM
Monday night, come ask HART to spend YOUR tax dollars on new buses that are truly clean. Ask HART to buy clean, quiet, zero emission electric buses, not more fracked
(natural) gas buses.
1201 E 7th Ave, Ybor City INFO

22nd Annual Columbia Restaurant Community Harvest

During the entire month of September, Columbia Restaurant Group will donate 5% of all guests’ checks for lunch and dinner to the non-profit organizations listed on their ballot and designated by their guests. Humane Society of Tampa Bay will be one of the recipients so be sure to eat their often and choose us! All Columbia Restaurants
are participating! INFO

Friday, September 6, 2019

Berner Presence in Ybor City

9.20.2019 - 7 PM
Meet in in front of 7-11 for a community canvassing event. We will be walking up and down 7th Ave to add contacts into 
our BERN app. 

Tampa Hoods

The Hub - Downtown

ampa Locavore: Top 5 Ybor City Sangria

Tampa Shit Water Company Closed By Mayor

It looks like "Toilet to Tap" is officially kaput.
Tampa Mayor Jane Castor on Thursday removed a request for $300 million that would have funded the program in her public works budget. HERE
No word yet from founder Charlie Miranda

Fight for 15 Florida‎ - Fight Ahead Miami

September 10, 2019 at 6:30 PM 
Oak Grove Father Jean - Juste 
Community Center 
680 NE 159th St. Miami, Florida

Thank You Orlando Gudes

Attending VM Ybor's Neighborhood Association Meeting to speak on homelessness within the City and a few 
of my plans.
I'd like to add another Homeless Liaison to the staff, purchase Mobile Showers and Restrooms to provide reliable sanitation and basic services to homeless individuals and build a Transitional Storage Center that provides clean bins for homeless individuals and family 
to store their belongings.
None of the above were approved in the City's Budget, but I will continue to fight to provide those well deserved services
 to our community. HERE