Friday, June 22, 2012

Tampa Bay Action Group

The Tampa Bay Action Group (TBAG), a decentralized collective of anarchists strewn throughout the urban and swampy reaches of Florida, is committed to making 2012 and the RNC in Tampa a truly catastrophic celebration of liberty and joy.

Copp Brewery in Crystal River

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Rice and Yuca
$4.99 At El Paraiso Cafe in Tampa
Best Cuban Food In Town
Eat Local!

Halleys K9's for Veterans

To provide obedient dogs to disabled veterans of all war eras, to help them overcome their invisible disabilities in order to become more productive and functional members of society, while informing the public of the need for Service Dogs in addition to Seeing Eye dogs.

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Papers Please

In Tampa

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Bob Graham Opening Remarks To The Florida Wildlife Federation

The Florida Wildlife Federation (FWF), established in 1937 -- the same year that Bob Graham was born -- held its 75th annual meeting in St. Petersburg, FL on the weekend of June 15-17.

Shoulder To Shoulder With Veterans For Peace

 VFP's National Convention In Miami.
Please help us fundraise to cover the costs of the show.

Will You Help Us Hit Our Goal?
We're trying to raise $1,000 in one time donations, or $500 in Change Makes Change partnerships to cover our table, an ad in the program, and stipends to cover admission for the hard working PDA volunteers who will staff the show.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grassroots Event with President Barack Obama in Tampa

Hillsborough Community College
Dale Mabry Campus Gymnasium
4001 Tampa Bay Blvd. Tampa
Doors open at 1:00pm.

WMNF Give-O-Matic


Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Organizer's Conference for Coalition to March Against the RNC

After speaking with several attendees, I realized that although this would be a protest against the Republican National Committee, most of the organizers in this room would be just as happy protesting the Democratic National Committee. This was most unexpected! But as the website for Resist the RNC states, "Both parties are intricately tied to corporate rule, war, economic injustice, and profess freedom and democracy but crack down on dissent." The desire to claim power for the 99% permeated the room. The following question was put to the group: if you could change just one thing about the world, what would you change? Each attendee answered in their own way. The answers were full of hope and idealism.

Friends Of Stogie

At Gaspar's Patio In Temple Terrace

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet David

Monday, June 18, 2012

Howard Dean: Obama's New Immigration Policy

Foreign Troops Training In Tampa

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

BBQ Beef
With Potato Salad and Baked Beans
$9.95 At Hungry Harrys Famous BBQ in Seffner.
Eat Local! 

Obama Fan

Suitecase City

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Danny
He is a local. Went to Hillsborough High School. He has been homeless a few years.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Purge Summons Ghosts of 2000 Bush-GOP Election Theft

Danielle Harkins

A St. Petersburg teacher was arrested Tuesday after she allegedly told a group of former students they had to cut and burn themselves to rid their bodies of demons.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Florida a Rogue State

Calling the status of democracy in the Sunshine State “fragile at best,” the United Nations met in emergency session today to declare Florida a rogue state.The actions by Florida Gov. Rick Scott to purge the voter rolls in his state might have inspired the vote by the U.N., The vote means the U.N. could soon dispatch a team of observers to Florida, led by diplomats from such democracies as Egypt and Libya.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Yellow Rice and Yuca
$6.99 At Pipo's in Town n' Country
Eat Local!

One Goal. End Homelessness

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Visting Tampa For The RNC?

Stay With Locals!

Social Classes

President Obama Addresses Netroots Nation 2012

President Obama sent this video message to the Netroots Nation 2012 Convention in Providence.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Brave Soul

On Bruce B. Downs

Tampa Epoch

Fowler Ave in Tampa

Abandoned Home

In front of Brunos Pizza on  Fletcher Ave, in Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Fries
$5.99 At 301 Corner Grille
In Z-Hills
Eat Local!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Florida Republicans Defy DOJ

Get Your Protest Gear Here!

Protext The RNC

Terry Jones Hangs Obama Effigy Outside Florida Church

The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., has hanged an effigy of President Barack Obama from a gallows on its front lawn, a move DWOC pastor Terry Jones said was in response to Obama's recent endorsement of same-sex marriage, as well as his stance on abortion and what Jones called his "appeasing of radical Islam."

Florida Gov. Rick Scott Is The New George Wallace

The Tampa Bay Times compares Scott’s defiance of the Justice Department’s request to stop purging voter rolls to George Wallace preventing blacks from registering at the University of Mississippi.

Occupy Tampa TV

Occupy Tampa discusses the 1st Regional General Assembly, held on June 2, 2012.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rick Scott's Motivation For Purging Voters

If there were any lingering questions that Gov. Rick Scott's motivation for purging voters, this should put it to rest. Former Secretary of State Kurt Browning, who worked with Scott on cooking up the purge (and is no stranger to voter suppression, having kicked minority and Democratic voters off the lists in 2008), has close ties to an astroturf group funded by, you guessed it, David and Charles Koch. The guys who have committed hundreds of millions to defeat
Barack Obama in November.

Obama 2012

Downtown Havana, Cuba

Felix Guirola waves to people as he takes his self-made 3.45 meters (11 feet) tall bicycle for a spin through downtown Havana, Cuba.

Hit By A Car

Hillsborough Avenue Tampa

Lisa Marzilli: Off the streets and in recovery

With no fanfare and barely a mention in the local news, the Hillsborough County Commission gave its blessing and a tidy sum of cash last month to a pilot project that could actually do something to solve the growing problem of homelessness.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Garbanzo Bean Soup
$2.99 At 3 Coins Diner in Seminole Heights 
Eat Local!  

Papers Please

Suitcase City

Republican Luncheon

In Tampa

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tampa Urban Gardening

Florida Tops In Public Corruption

The report concluded that Florida had 781 public corruption convictions between 2000 and 2010, tops in the nation. California and Texas were close behind, with New York fourth. But Florida’s corruptions history also contributed to it having three cities listed this year among Forbes’ magazine’s ‘most miserable,’ with Miami #1,
West Palm Beach #4 and Fort Lauderale #7.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

GOP's Plan To Disenfranchise Voters In Florida

Downtown Mural

Finding Tampa

Stop Illegally Purging Florida Voters

We have to stop Governor Scott today—he is embarrassing Florida and corrupting the electoral process. His reckless acts have local and national implications. So let's ring his office's phones off the hook until he stops his racially-targeted attack on voting rights.

Will you call Scott right now? Tell him, "Stop illegally purging Florida voters."
Here's where to call.  Rick Scott: (850) 488-7146