Monday, May 25, 2020

Nestor Ortiz: The Case for Sky U. White in 6 Acts

Act 1: “Sky has NEVER held political office.
”Although this is true, I believe that’s a great thing for the constituents of District 3 and the County as a whole. Sky not having previously served in public office means she’s not “stuck” to the way politics used to work in Hillsborough County and will come with a fresh perspective and new ideas. Never having held political office before also means she will not be constrained by or beholden to the old-guard politics of the past but instead will be driven by the many substantive possibilities 
moving forward.
Growing up in and around the communities found in District 3 her entire life and utilizing the resources made available to all its residents means she has first-hand knowledge on what’s working and what’s not for District 3. That kind of familiarity with the average resident will bode well for a commission that can be seen as far removed from the average (county)
 Jane and Joe.
Act 2: “She’s TOO young.”
I know our first inclination is to pick someone older (because we’ve been taught to equate older with wiser) and who may have done it before, but we are in unprecedented times. We are tackling issues that none of us have ever faced and that requires a new look at things. From increasing transit woes to the speedy gentrification of our county (most especially in District 3) and from community resilience to an unstable economy in the time of a pandemic. In the face of such challenges, someone with youthful creativity and exuberance should be seen as a benefit to the County not a detriment. With a healthy understanding of intergenerational cooperation, Sky will work tirelessly to bridge the concerns of our younger families and newer residents with the significant contributions made by the families that have left a legacy in our thriving County.
Bringing in someone younger can also help add some age balance to a significantly older county commission that may not currently reflect or understand the concerns of younger folks from a personal perspective. She would be the youngest commissioner on the Board that represents an ever-increasing landscape of younger residents growing in and moving to Hillsborough County.
Act 3: “I’ve never heard of her.”
Yeah, you probably haven’t but she has been fighting for a seat at the table since 2017 in her County-Wide race against Kimberly Overman where she did significantly better than anyone would have expected for a first time candidate with no name recognition. And when her campaign ended in second place in the five-person democratic primary, she actively championed for Commissioner Overman and helped her get into that seat.

If you've never had the chance to actually meet Sky, she is accessible, genuine, and down to earth and doesn’t exude that slick “politiciany” feeling that other candidates do. She is a nurse, the proud mom of a teenager and an active member of the community. She’s not afraid to be vocal and push back on what she sees as important to the communities she serves. There’s so much to say about Sky but the best place to check her out is on her website at
Act 4: “Does she really represent the communities of District 3?”
So this is where it gets a little more nuanced but the immediate answer is “YES”! District 3 is broken out into several smaller communities, about 12 give or take. Each of those communities represent a certain majority demographic in terms of age, race, gender, household income, and so on. A younger-ish, educated, woman of color that is not rich and is raising a child as a single parent is very much representative of the communities found in District 3. From East Tampa to Progress Village to parts of West Tampa, North Hillsborough, University Area, Tampa Heights, Thonotosassa and all of the other communities look very much like that. She knows what it’s like to be young in this time, to be a person of color in this time, to be a woman in this time, to be a single parent in this time, to have to worry about money and bills in this time. And in this time, representation matters more 
now than ever.
It’s also important to note that Sky doesn’t see things in black and white but can effectively work with others (in the grey) to get things done that benefit the larger community. She does so every day as she sits on the non-partisan Tampa Tiger Bay Club Board as well as through her work on the Hillsborough County MPO Citizen Advisory Board (an appointment made by her once political rival, Commissioner Overman). White is also a member of the Hillsborough County Democratic Black Caucus, the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay and the NAACP.
Act 5: “She can’t raise enough 
money to win.”
She could if people took her candidacy seriously and didn’t underestimate her. So many people have ruled her out for all the reasons mentioned throughout this article. I don’t think anyone would deny that Sky is not as politically connected as some of the other candidates. She doesn’t know all the players or have access to major campaign donors but she’s a smart and tenacious fighter. I wish local politics wasn’t about who can raise the most money especially in a district that has historically represented lower income residents, instead I wish it was about who will listen and work for every constituent in their district. I believe Sky is that person.

And why do we continue to support the shuffling of the same politicians around in new seats? We keep hearing the same names go around and around. They’re certainly not all bad but there is no guarantee that they will be better in one seat versus the one they came from. Personally, I would love to see people with resources also investing in some of the political power and promise of those up-and-coming future leaders that are going to inherit the problems we find ourselves in today.
Act 6: “Can she REALLY win?”
YES! Hillsborough County is growing and changing daily, most especially in the areas of District 3. As such Sky will do everything in her power to protect the intergenerational significance of all the communities in District 3 that are so important to who we are as a county. She sees what’s wrong with the system and will proactively work on making things better for everyone while staying squarely focused on making sure District 3 is represented on the County Commission in a real and meaningful way.

I would like to close with a quote from President Obama’s recent commencement speech:
“First, don’t be afraid. America’s gone through tough times before — slavery, civil war, famine, disease, the Great Depression and 9/11. And each time we came out stronger, usually because a new generation, young people like you, learned from past mistakes and figured out how to make things better.”


Ybor Life

Ybor City. Florida

Self Isolate Blues

Florida Conspiracy Theory

A Trump election conspiracy theory has fallen apart after Florida’s law enforcement agency said it had found no widespread voter fraud in the 2018 races for Senate and governor. HERE

The Merchants Of Ybor: Chillum

1714 E. 7th Ave- Ybor City
Visit Them here

Tampa Locavore: Floridian Restaurant - Treasure Island


Florida GOP Running Scared

The Republican National Committee, the Republican Party of Florida and the National Republican Congressional Committee on Thursday asked a federal judge for permission to intervene in a lawsuit brought against Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, and state and 
local election officials.
The lawsuit in U.S. district court in Tallahassee seeks to throw out state ballot-return deadlines and laws limiting who is allowed to collect vote-by-mail ballots and return them to local election offices. HERE
Republican Party of Florida Chairman Joe Gruters called the lawsuit “an attempt to steal as many votes as possible in President Trump’s home state.”

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Florida GOP Covid-19 Coverup

The scientist in charge of Florida’s Covid-19 database was fired on the same day as the state opened up for business.
Dr Rebekah Jones says she was fired from Department of Health by the governor after protesting order to censor information. HERE

Hillsborough County District 3 Down To A 2 Man/Woman Race

In the first campaign forum of the cycle, only two of the six candidates in the race bothered to show up. 
Democrats Gwen Myers, Thomas Scott, and Frank Reddick were not in attendance. Nor was the lone Republican in the race, 
Maura Cruz Lanz.
Myers told Spectrum Bay News 9 that the forum conflicted with a prior 
campaign commitment. 
Only the 2 grassroots canidates showed up, Sky U. White and Rick Fernandez. 
“This is the first forum we’ve had and we’re 90 days out from the election,” White said after the debate. “People want to hear what we’re about. What we plan on doing. 
What’s our vision?”
“They made a statement to the community,” Fernandez said afterward, refusing to say what that statement was. “I’m just glad Sky was here. I think a service was done by the folks who put this together.”

Tampa Bodega Food: Supersaver Supermarket

2001 E Fletcher Ave

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Black Business Bus Tour at Rowlett Park

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ybor Paparazzi


Self Isolate Blues

Tampa Locavore: Ybor Food


Kevin Beckner and Wage Theft

When employers withhold earned pay, overtime or tips that is called ‘wage theft’ and it's a blatant abuse of workers' rights. When I came into office as Commissioner, Hillsborough ranked 2nd in the state in documented cases of wage theft and I helped pass an ordinance that assists victims in the recovery of lost income. I believe the duty of every public official is to represent taxpayers and their hard-earned tax dollars, and I will employ these principles to the Clerk’s office to foster a stronger and more inclusive county.

Stogie Recommends

Beautiful filmmaking.  Directed by Robert Zemeckis. Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard 
at their best.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Hillsborough County District 3: Sky U. White vs Rick Fernandez

Check them out in their first campaign forum. HERE

Tampa Bay Homeless

Long time businessman

Self Isolate Blues

Doctors Without Borders in Immokalee

As COVID-19 cases increase nearly tenfold in two weeks in Immokalee, Doctors Without Borders turns to the press for tests, resources. HERE

We built this city - Ybor City

Tampa Locavore: La Pita Lebanese Restaurant - Tampa


Trump Boat Parade in Jacksonville

Esther Byrd, the wife of state Rep. Cord Byrd, organized 
the event.
Pretty darn proud of my wife @EstherByrd19 today! When she decides we should have a Trump Boat Rally, THIS is what happens,” the state Representative tweeted, including pictures of dozens of boats speeding through water. HERE