Sunday, October 8, 2017

HART Going Backwards

Starting today get ready to walk a little longer to get to your bus stop. The folks at HART who don't ride the bus have decided to close bus stops all over town.
Images by Russell Hires
If your bus is even coming, 20% of bus routes will be cut.

Walking, it's good for your health! 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Vigil For Las Vegas In Tampa

Susan Lee

Elvis Piggott

Curtis Hixon Park, Tampa

Hillsborough Young Black Progressives

Join Them here

Orlando Needs Our Help

Puerto Rican families injured by the hurricane coming to Orlando. Volunteers needed to help in the welcome center, from the airport 
9 AM TO 7 PM and in the
Puerto Rican families Reception Center 
9 AM TO 6 pm from Monday to Friday and 
9 am to 12 m on Saturdays
8617 E. Colonial Dr., Suite 1200 
Orlando 32817.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Fried Fish
With Rice and Salad
At Petra Restaurant in Tampa
Eat Local!
Thanks Nick Bissett

Government 101: A Crash Course to Florida Politics in Tampa

10.18 - 7 PM
John F. Germany Public Library

Friday, October 6, 2017

Remembrance Of Alexis Miranda At Chamberlain High School In Tampa

Our Superhero Dayna

Jim and Pat with friend

Vision Zero Hillsborough
Join them here

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay October Meeting

October 26, 2017 - 7 PM
Seminole Heights Library

Florida GOP Votes To Cut Medicare/Medicaid

Matt Gaetz 

Neal Dunn

Ted Yoho

John Rutherford 

Bill Posey

Daniel Webster

Gus Bilirakis

Dennis A. Ross

Vern Buchanan

Tom Rooney

Mario Diaz-Balart

Carlos Curbelo

Rick Barcena: Another Right Wing Pillar Of The Community

One of the massage spas that has been in the crosshairs of Tampa’s City Council, sits on property owned by none other than Tampa’s Chairman of the Code Enforcement Board and former city council candidate Rick Barcena. here

Plant City Police New Ride

ONLY $335,000
No money left to equip officers with body cameras. here

Florida GOP Greg Steube Wants To Weaken Florida Gun Laws

Sarasota state Sen. Greg Steube, arguably the most right-wing member of the state Legislature. For the upcoming 2018 legislative session, Steube has proposed two bills that would weaken the state concealed-carry law: One bill would allow permit-holders to take guns inside courthouses, and has proposed a bill that would effectively turn the state's "concealed"-carry law into a de facto open-carry provision. 
Polk County state Rep. Neil Combee has proposed a companion measure in the House. here

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Remembrance Of Alexis Miranda In Tampa

Walk of Silence

10.6 - 7 PM 
822 W Linebaugh Ave, Tampa

Died crossing Busch Blvd

The Gentrification Of Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico 90% of electricity is gone for the whole of the island 80% of cellphone towers are down hospitals can barely take care of critical patients. And the death toll has doubled but they haven't got in there yet to recover all the bodies the people are burying Them Bodies where they find them. another tragedy will soon happen to the Puerto Rican people a dam that was built by The Americans looks like it will break that's 30,000 people underneath that dam.

I hope that this is a big wake-up call for the Puerto Rican people. The colonial Menace does not care about you. in fact has declared war on Puerto Rico and has not officially change that status. you are denied the right to vote on the one who will rule you as president. that should have been enough for our people to realize that we can no longer go along to get along.

We are a people with land! we can rebuild our nation without the imperialists America. they seek to turn our land into their vacation spot. Puerto Ricans will go the way of the Hawaiians wiped out with no history! no culture!.

 but all that can be changed in minutes. When we realize we are sovereign. we do not have to respect the laws of a foreign occupation of our land. I'm building an organization that will strengthen our people reteach original language we are a Noble people who are beautiful in every way. I am a proud borinquen and you should be too that's why I am opening the lines of communication with any of my people that are on Facebook that I'm willing to help build us a destiny of our people to be free! Sovereign! Independent!

Local Civic Leader and West Tampa Businessman Outed for Racist Comments

Tommy Castellano, former GOP Congressional candidate and former Tampa City Council candidate, took to Facebook in recent weeks to not only share his pro-Trump views and commentary, but also to perpetuate racist myths about immigrants.  The owner of Castellano A/C Services feels he is being slandered in public for his comments, however, we will let you be the judge.  On September 7th, Tommy thought it ok to repost a video saying that “DREAMers and DACA recipients get Section 8 housing, welfare, food stamps, free medical, free college…enough is enough! What do you get?”

DREAMers are millennials who were brought to this nation as children by their parents.  They attend American public schools and many of them have hard working parents who risked everything to come here and be productive members of society.  Under President Obama, executive action (DACA) was taken to protect these products of the American education system from deportation when Congress failed to pass any type of immigration reform.  

In recent weeks, President Trump rescinded that order.  Congress is now faced with addressing a growing crisis in our immigration system which cannot afford to deport 12 million undocumented immigrants in America.  Furthermore, many DREAMers are now college graduates and make up some of the best minds this nation has to offer.  Despite all the challenges and hurdles faced by these children of undocumented immigrants, many are not afforded in-state tuition in certain states.  It was only in the last four years that Florida sought to tackle this issue of in-state tuition for DREAMers.

Benefits of attending a Florida university at in-state tuition rates aside, DREAMers and DACA recipients are far from given handouts.  DREAMers are not eligible for SNAP benefits or Medicaid.  Does knowingly reposting videos and memes from racists media outlets on Facebook because you agree with them make one a racist?  You decide.

-Christopher Cano
Fmr. FL Deputy State Director for Young Adults
League of United Latin American Citizens

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