Friday, January 25, 2008

Off Rob Lorei's Bookshelf

Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic
Chalmers Johnson
Like ancient Rome, America is saddled with an empire that is fatally undermining its republican government, argues Johnson (The Sorrows of Empire), in this bleak jeremiad. He surveys the trappings of empire: the brutal war of choice in Iraq and other foreign interventions going back decades; the militarization of space; the hundreds of overseas U.S. military bases full of "swaggering soldiers who brawl and sometimes rape." At home, the growth of an "imperial presidency," with the CIA as its "private army," has culminated in the Bush administration's resort to warrantless wiretaps, torture, a "gulag" of secret CIA prisons and an unconstitutional arrogation of "dictatorial" powers, while a corrupt Congress bows like the Roman Senate to

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thanks For Trying Mr. Kucinich

Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio is dropping his second long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination for president, he told his hometown newspaper, the Cleveland Plain Dealer. He said he would announce the decision officially in a press conference

John Edwards On the Late Show

Florida Unions Working Hard for Hillary

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is mailing its 110,000 members in Florida as well as its retirees urging them to vote for Clinton. In addition, the Florida Education Association, the statewide teachers union, is working its 250,000 members for Clinton as

New Group In Town, Citizens for Equal County Representation

7 Single Member Districts
Citizens for Equal County Representation Is a group of citizens that have come together for the betterment of Hillsborough County Government. We are a countywide, non-partisan organization that believes that we must change the structure of the Board of County Commission to be more accountable to all they serve. To do that, we have a petition drive going to get a County Charter Amendment on the Nov. 8th Ballot which would change the Board of County Commission seats to 7 Single Member Districts.
Nomore Countywide Seats !

This will make all the Commissioners more accountable, give better geographical balance to the board, and bring forth REAL Term Limits. Sound good? If so, we need you!

Danny Glover Convicted Of Trespassing In Canada

Danny Glover, the American movie star turned labour activist, was convicted in a court in Niagara Falls, Ont., on Thursday for trespassing in a hotel during a union rally. Glover, who was not in court, was convicted along with union representative Alex Dagg and Ontario Federation of Labour president Wayne

"It is sad that even though the police acknowledged everyone was well behaved and did not press charges, a rich and powerful company can pay to go forward with a private prosecution,"......Alex Dagg
"We must stand vigilant against Bush in these times,"........Danny Glover 2001

Bill Nelson, Florida's Lieberman

Today, Sen. Nelson was among 12 Democratic senators who voted to table the Senate Judiciary Committee's electronic surveillance bill, which would have withheld retroactive immunity for the telecommunications companies. In other words, Sen. Nelson voted to give aid and comfort to massive multinational corporations that may have assisted -- in fact, likely did assist -- the federal government in conducting covert electronic surveillance on American citizens, in clear violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S.
Looking For A Ned Lamont


Video showing the massive amounts of silt-laden polluted water running off of the Cypress Creek Town Center site into Cypress Creek…AGAIN!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Message From Eli Pariser -

Democrats Urged To Campaign In Florida

Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink
One of only two statewide elected Democrats in Florida, strongly urged national and state Democratic leaders on Wednesday to let Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards campaign here after the South Carolina primary on Saturday. Sink and other top Florida Democrats said it makes no sense to hold presidential candidates to a pledge to boycott Florida after South Carolina Democrats vote. Florida's presidential primary is Jan.

Dean And Me: Roadshow Of An American Primary

Five years after he met Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and three years after Dean's insurgent presidential campaign ended where it started in Burlington, documentary filmmaker Heath Eiden is ready to show his movie on the
Video clips can be seen at

Paul, Obama Favored Among U. South Florida Students

The results are in: Barack Obama and Ron Paul are the favorites among University of South Florida students, according to the USF straw poll. Students also approved of Amendment I, which garnered a "yes" from 44 percent of voters, and considered the economy/jobs the most important factor in selecting the presidential

The Florida Progressive Coalition Endorses John Edwards

The Florida Progressive Coalition proudly endorses John Edwards to be the next president of the United States. We did not arrive at this decision lightly. We surveyed our readers, members of Netroots mailing lists and blogs of other Floridians. We debated the issue internally for several days via e-mail. We even talked about endorsing no candidate because of our concerns that endorsing one candidate might alienate supporters of other candidates or that our choice for the presidency might be out of the race before January 29. In the end, we decided to vote for the candidate who offered the most progressive and realistic vision for America’s future — John

Cape Coral Residents Feel The Effect Of Florida's Decline

When Eric Feichthaler became mayor three years ago, this town was booming. The city issued 800 permits that month to build single-family homes. Cape Coral still has thousands of empty lots, but last month, it issued just nine permits. A number of factors explain the downturn, and many of them are not unique to Florida. But it is becoming clear the Sunshine State is losing some of its

4 Independent Candidates Call Central Florida Home

You know Hillary, Barak Rudy, and Mitt -- but how about Frank and Bob? Frank Zilaitis, of Melbourne, and Bob Adkins, of St. Cloud, are two of four independent presidential candidates who live in Central

935 False Statements

A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that President Bush and top administration officials issued hundreds of false statements about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years following the 2001 terrorist attacks.The study concluded that the statements "were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses."
International Criminal Court

Obama vs. Clinton – October 2002

In summary, on the most critical political question of the decade, a freshman state senator from Illinois was able to figure out what an experienced member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee could not - that Saddam Hussein was no longer a threat and that an invasion of Iraq would harm America’s national security interests. Over the next few weeks, Democratic voters will have the opportunity to decide whether which of these two leading candidates has the best judgment to lead this country during this next critical

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Florida Bloggers Should Hide Their Heads In Shame

I am going to have to put with all the media crap here in this state as the media and Democrats here trumpet their importance. I will have to watch as they write and say devastatingly ugly things about the man who is trying to rebuild the party throughout the country. But I sure do hate seeing it play out here like it

Chelsea and America Ferrera in Nevada

Tampa Soldier Stops Torture At Abu Ghraib

Michael Keller was once a software executive from Florida. Then came September 11, 2001. A few weeks after the al-Qaeda attacks on America, he joined the Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq in November of 2005. In this revealing collection of e-mails and photographs, Keller shares his first-hand experiences in the War on

A First, MLK Day Parade Marches On MLK Blvd. In Tampa

Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated yesterday across the country and in the Tampa Bay area; major parades were held in both St. Petersburg and Tampa. Because of construction in West Tampa, the parade was held for the first time in East Tampa along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Florida Voting Facts


Monday, January 21, 2008

Barack Obama Speaks At Dr. King's Church

Radar Has A Ruff Job At Florida Airport

Since 2001, a 9-year-old border collie named Radar has been patrolling the runway and chasing away any birds in sight. Birds being sucked into aircraft engines is one of the most persistent safety problems at airports. Border collies scare the birds but don't harm

Have Lunch With Samm Simposon And Ann Wright

Sunday, Jan 27, 2008
12:30pm-2pm - Ferg's 1320 Central Ave. St. Petersburg
4pm-6pm - Leo's Italian Restaurant 2900 Alt 19 Palm Harbor
If you reserve your seat now, $20 gets you fed and helps put your country back on track. Day of the event: $25 (And bring your checkbook to buy one of Ann's great books for only about $15. Autographed to boot! See So for less than the cost of a lousy movie and dinner, you can get Samm one step closer to Washington, get yourself even more educated on civic responsibility, and have a great time. RSVP, send a check for $20 per event BEFORE THURSDAY to:
Samm Simpson For Congress
PO Box 228
Dunedin, FL 34697
For More Info. Mike Fox 727-320-4502

Living In The Woods Of Central Florida

An estimated 8,000 homeless women and men are living in makeshift camps scattered throughout the woods, cars or other parts of Central Florida. "Nobody wakes up at the age of 18 and says my career goal is to be a homeless person in a camp off John Young Parkway," Executive Director of the Homeless Services Network Kathy Jackson said. Jackson said there are more than 140 camps of homeless people in Orange, Seminole and Osceola

Police Armed With Dogs And Fire Hoses

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy..........Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King "I Have A Dream"

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Roseanne Attacks Oprah Winfrey's Endorsement Of Barack Obama

Oprah doesn't really seem to respect the intelligence of her audience at all. Obama slaps the faces of his supporters with his traitorous praise of Ronald Reagan, the man who singlehandedly destroyed the working people, the economy, and the mental health safety net in this

Fight The War On Greed

Buyout industry executives with multi-million dollar incomes have been exploiting a tax loophole that allows them to pay a lesser tax percentage rate than most of the workers in the companies they manage. This is a disgrace! Tell all the presidential candidates to pledge to close the buyout industry's tax loopholes

Obama: Palm Beach Post Endorsement

Why vote for Sen. Obama? Because his opponents, Democratic and Republican, now tout the "hope" and "change" on which Sen. Obama has campaigned from the start. No candidate has more directly and correctly addressed the unease that pervades the country after seven years of a terrible

A Look At Florida, The 4th Largest State


Indian Doctor Inducted Into Hall Of Fame By Florida Governor

According to a statement issued by the governor’s office in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, Dr Pallavi Patel and two other women will be honoured by the governor on March 11 at a ceremony to be held in the Capitol

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Edwards: "I will never use Reagan as an example for change"

McDonald's Florida Report Cards

McDonald's Corp. has voluntarily pulled its sponsorship of report-card covers in Seminole County, Fla., public schools. "This is a good day for parents and children in Seminole County and anyone who believes that corporations should not prey on children in schools," said Dr. Susan Linn, director of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free

Canada puts U.S. On Torture 'Watch List'

Canada has put the United States and Israel on a torture watch list, according to CTV. A Canadian government document cites the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and interrogation techniques that include "forced nudity, isolation, and sleep deprivation."

Friday, January 18, 2008

Howard Dean Not Welcome In Orlando

If national Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean was contemplating spring break in sunny Florida, he might want to reconsider. "He would not be welcome," says Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, a Democratic former state senator. Not a very friendly stance for the head of a city known for its embrace of tourists seeking suntans and all things

Gayest Democratic Convention Ever?

The Democratic National Committee's Executive Committee on Friday approved 25 delegates -- seven of whom are LGBT -- to the 2008 Denver Democratic Convention's standing committees on platform, rules and
The appointments were recommended by Gov. Howard Dean

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fidel Castro On Bushs Visit To The Middle East

It seems unreal to see Bush, the conqueror of other peoples’ raw materials and energy resources, setting out guidelines for the world careless about how many hundreds of thousands or millions of people die or how many clandestine prisons and torture centers must be created to attain his

John Edwards Rocks LA

Back when moving the California primary up to February 5th was being debated, opponents insisted that the candidates would never actually campaign here as they do in Iowa and New Hampshire, and besides, the nomination will be decided well before February 5th anyway, so what's the point!? Oh really?

Switch To DFA Wireless

Now there's a new way to take our country back: DFA Wireless. When you call with DFA Wireless, 10% of your charges go directly to Democracy for America. Now the phone calls you make every day will build our movement and fight for a progressive

Broward Senator Makes Plea To See Presidential Candidates

State Sen. Ted Deutch asked the Democratic party chairmen in four states with presidential nominating contests before Florida to relent and allow presidential candidates to campaign in the Sunshine
"I would simply like two days for the Democrats of Florida to feel the fervor for change and real leadership that the candidates will bring to our state, and two days to remind Florida voters that the Democratic Party is committed to winning here in November."

Off Rob Lorei's Bookshelf

Mirage: Florida and the Vanishing Water of the Eastern U.S.
Cynthia Barnett

Part investigative journalism, part environmental history, Mirage reveals how the eastern half of the nation---historically so wet that early settlers predicted it would never even need irrigation---has squandered so much of its abundant fresh water that it now faces shortages and conflicts once unique to the arid

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huckabee: Amend Constitution to Reflect God's Standards

Ann Wright Is Coming To Clearwater

Saturday, January 26th, 7:30pm
Clearwater Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater

Clinton, Obama Spar Over Florida

Is Hillary Clinton breaking her pledge not to campaign in Florida? Democratic rival Barack Obama raised the question - even though he insists Florida's vote won't matter - one day after a poll showed him 21 points behind in the state. An Obama campaign memo Tuesday pointed to "signs that she may be planning to campaign in the state, inquiring about large venues and increased organizing activity." In fact, the Clinton campaign inquired Tuesday if the Miami Beach Convention Center will be available for a "rally" on Jan. 27, two days before the state holds its earliest primary in

Democracy Now! Re-Hosts NBC Las Vegas Debate

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich was missing from the stage at last night’s Democratic debate hosted by MSNBC in Las Vegas after he lost a last-minute legal fight with the network over his participation. Democracy Now! decided to break the sound barrier and give Kucinich a chance to take part. In an exclusive broadcast, we re-broadcast excerpts of the debate and give the Ohio Congressman a chance to answer the questions he might have faced if he hadn’t been


Tampa Bay Blvd. And Dale Mabry Hwy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kucinich Is The Candidate You Are Not Suppose To Talk About

I am speechless at the banning of Kucinich from NBC Debate tonite by the Nevada Supreme Court a few minutes ago. An outrage and a real loss for democracy. It is another example of corrupt, corporate control of politics that makes Democrats and Republicans sound and act so alike. Any dissenting candidate that can threaten the corporate bottom line will be marginalized and

David Barsamian To Speak In Tampa

Hear David Barsamian speak live at the Musicale in a benefit for WMNF! Before David speaks we'll have the Tampa Bay area premiere of the film Meeting Resistance.
Friday Jan 18 07:00PM -- Friday Morning Musicale
Buy Tickets

Florida's Natural To Save Energy With Solar Panels

The power of the sun is now helping the operation of the visitor center of Florida's Natural in Lake Wales. Solar panels were installed a little more than a week ago on the roof of the Grove House which will save an estimated 30 percent of energy

Stop Eating At Burger King

Burger King is telling suppliers it may stop buying tomatoes from southwestern Florida, where farmworkers have fought to get the second-largest hamburger chain to pay more for its produce and help boost field-worker wages. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers has tried for more than a year to get Burger King Corp. to join deals signed by rivals McDonald's Corp. and Taco Bell owner Yum Brands

Kevin Beckner Volunteer Round-Up

At the party, you'll have a chance make new friends and see old ones! Hear Kevin speak about his platform! Find out what specific jobs the campaign has for volunteers and learn what each job entails! There will be food, beverages, and interesting conversation!
January 20, 1:00pm to 3:pm
Jerk Hut - 2101 Fowler Ave, Tampa

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bob Johnson: "Something in the Neighborhood"

Florida's GOP Anti-Gay Amendment In Trouble

Backers of a proposed amendment to bar same-sex marriage in Florida are scrambling to find 20,000 signatures to get the measure on November's ballot after the Secretary of State announced Monday that a counting mistake put them well short of the required 611,000 signatures needed........more
Last year it was discovered that the state GOP was bankrolling

The John F. Kennedy Maritime Museum In Miami

Right now, the beloved JFK is sitting in Virginia waiting for a new home, and a group with First Coast ties has a plan for a new life as a museum in Florida. Retired Navy Captain Rick Hoffman, who lives on the First Coast, is working with a group called the JFK CV-67 Memorial Foundation that wants to turn the former JFK into the John F. Kennedy Maritime

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Don't Let Them Bully You From Signing Petition

You still haven't signed the Florida Hometown Democracy petition? If you are a Florida voter, and you haven't signed it yet, please do so today and mail it in. Time is running out for us to make the 2008

Spiritual Progressives Mix Politics And Religion

Thomas N. Tift isn't sure he's ready for this — a major conference sponsored by his tiny organization, which hasn't yet seen its second birthday. But the Methodist layman isn't backing off. He said South Florida needs an alternative voice — i.e., a more liberal one......more

Havana Blogger Writes Freely About Life In Cuba

From the 14th-floor balcony of a hulking Soviet-era high-rise, Yoani Sánchez enjoys a spectacular view of the city where she was born 32 years ago. There is Revolution Square, with its image of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and towering monument to José Martí, surrounded by the sprawling

Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride

To help a new generation of combat-wounded veterans make the transition to an active civilian life with the extra challenges that come with a physical disability, a pair of local Iraq veterans will pedal across south Florida next
Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride