Thursday, February 14, 2019

Words of Jeffrey Zampitella

People ask me why I took the job as campaign manager for Topher Morrison. This is why.
When I ran for county commission I tried to use public transit every time I could to go to speaking events (or walk or bike).
Topher is the only candidate that will arrive tonight at the Hillsborough County LGBTA Democratic Caucus forum by bus. That's what I admire about him, among many things. It's not something he does because he's a candidate it's something he's been doing for years, 9 years in fact. It's been that long since he has owned a car.

Florida Moves A Step Closer To Allowing Teachers To Carry Guns In School

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Chronicles of Lenny: Florida State Fair

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Ed Turanchik's Top Ten List

Ybor Paparazzi

Glen Eich and Asher Edelson

Tampa's Unmagnificent Seven

Tampa’s uninspiring mayoral race enters its final month with a clear leader, no spark from the seven suits seeking to succeed Bob Buckhorn, and a questionable process in reaching the average voter. The Big Yawn began in earnest Nov. 7, the day following the 2018 midterms. 
Councilmen Mike Suarez and Harry Cohen sharing the chutzpah award. Their rhetoric, depending on the neighborhood group they are addressing, doesn’t match their eight-year record. MORE

Monday, February 11, 2019

Florida Democratic Party Cost Us The Election

This explains why Terri Rizzo and the FDP establishment are the reasons why 
we lost 2018.
And it continues business as usual.
Our post on, February 1, 2018

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Michael Putney calls out a Broward County sheriff's deputy

Harry Cohen Flashback

Friday, June 24, 2016
Tampa's Unforgiven
USF Professor Doug Jesseph warned the lawmakers on the MPO that they were putting their political futures in doubt if they supported the TBX. “If you have political ambitions, you should take note,” he said. “Support TBX and literally hundreds of people will work tirelessly for your electoral downfall. HERE

lorida Governor Race Had More than 80,000 Non-Valid Votes

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Florida Dems Bullshit Resolution

This is what came out of the first post-election Florida Democratic Party meeting. Instead of the state party reaching deep and making the systemic changes that we need to in order to win elections, they want to scrap transparency and shove unity down our throats without supporting the concepts needed to foster real unity. Smoke and mirrors. 
How do you achieve this unity when you don’t listen to the grassroots folks who do your grunt work? 

Ybor Paparazzi

The Guardian Angels

Black Business Bus Tour Brunch in East Tampa

Bounce Boy

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019

Chris Cano: Tampa Mayor’s Race

So to all my friends & colleagues in Tampa I’m going to sum up the Mayor’s race in a quick cheat sheet for you to 
take to the polls:
 Harry Cohen - Wants to Legalize Marijuana 
Topher Morrison - Non-Politico Underdog 
Ed Turanchik - Polished Politician 
Dick Greco - Political Dynasty 
Mike Suarez - City Councilman
 David Straz - 1%’er Trump Donor 
Jane Castor - Corrupt & Racist Police Chief

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City