Showing posts sorted by date for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Harry Reid’s Bogus Smear Campaign Against Rep. Alan Grayson

The Democratic establishment has dropped all pretenses, and they are now squarely in the pocket of big business. If you need proof, take Senator Harry Reid's recent confrontation with Congressman Alan Grayson, where Reid told Grayson - a champion of progressive values - that he wants him to lose his Senate race against corporate-friendly "Democrat" Patrick Murphy. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Alcee Hastings and Patrick Murphy Payday Lender Whores

Murphy and Hastings have worked overtime in their efforts to sabotage President Obama’s fight to rein in predatory payday lenders. They have taken tens of thousands of dollars from payday loan sharks while Florida families pay the price.” here

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Florida Dems Can’t Live Without Alan Grayson

His far-left brand is out of place with Florida’s swingy politics. His penchant for controversy doesn’t go over well with many of Florida’s older Democratic voters. And the establishment wing of the Democratic Party wants him out, out, out — out of the Senate race, out of Congress and, preferably, out of Florida politics altogether.
But despite (or perhaps because of) all that, Rep. Alan Grayson is a figure in Florida politics — a perplexing, divisive figure, but a figure nonetheless, and one who may represent a younger, more liberal, anti-establishment wing of the Democratic Party that Florida Democrats can’t live without. here
People at the highest levels of Democratic politics are actively and publicly trying to undercut his Senate primary campaign against Rep. Patrick Murphy for the seat being vacated by Marco Rubio. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How Payday Lenders Invested In Florida INC.

Payday lenders have donated about $2.5 million to Florida politicians and both political parties in recent years, according to a new analysis by a liberal group.
The group gave the Miami Herald an advanced copy of its new report, “A Florida Plan: How payday lenders bought Florida’s political establishment.” The report lists donations given to federal and state candidates as well as the state’s Republican and Democratic parties since 2009.
Overall, Republicans received $1.6 million and Democrats received about $890,000, while $29,000 went to independents. But the top individual recipients were South Florida Democrats:
▪ U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings of Delray Beach: $110,700;
▪ Former U.S. Rep Kendrick Meek, who ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010: $72,800;
▪ U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter, who is running for the Senate: $51,000;
▪ Wasserman Schultz of Weston: $50,600.
The Republican Party of Florida received $1,083,447, and the Florida Democratic Party received about $366,500.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy's Donations

In touting the $2 million Democrat Patrick Murphy raised during the first three months of 2016, his U.S. Senate campaign made a point to note that “over 85 percent of contributions in the first quarter were under $200.”
 But while small-dollar donors might have donated thousands of times to the Jupiter congressman, they are far from being the predominant source of his Senate campaign’s income, either last quarter or in general so far.
His primary opponent, fellow U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson is actually the one getting the most traction among small-dollar Democratic supporters. here

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Florida New Democrats

Gwen Graham
 Patrick Murphy 
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

"Ugh. Just what we DON'T need in Congress
--more centrist Dems." Susan Smith

We like these Dems better. 
Join them 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Florida Predators

 Patrick Murphy, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others are trying to block reforms championed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. here
Murphy, who is running for Senate, has sponsored legislation that would prevent proposed regulations under the Warren-White House backed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

"This is my definition of unethical: a rich boy candidate (whose daddy buys elections for him) who also takes money from Wall Street banks." Susan Smith

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Florida INC. Patrick Murphy

Last summer, President Barack Obama unveiled his Clean Power Plan, a proposal that would implement new EPA standards for power plants to reduce carbon emissions 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. Big business interests and Right Wingers (such as Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi) cheered when the proposal was stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court last month. here When Florida DINO Patrick E. Murphy was asked if he thought the proposal was unfair to industry, Murphy said that there are too many unnecessary regulations imposed on businesses, and touted his co-sponsonship with South Carolina Republican Mick Mulvaney of the Regulatory Improvement Act, which created a commission to review and revise redundant regulations.

 Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Patrick Murphy

One of Chuck Schumer's and Steve Israel's front groups for tricking low-info grassroots Democrats into contributing to their Wall Street candidates disguised as Democrats calls itself EndCitizensUnited, a scam that funnels money into its own pockets and to right-of-center Democrats like Patrick Murphy. here

Saturday, January 23, 2016

After All The Shit! Floridians Still Want Alan Grayson

Grayson still holds a 7-point lead after months of negative press generated by the Patrick Murphy campaign throwing everything including the kitchen sink at him, while the former South Florida Republican has endured virtually no critical attention from the media. here

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Darren Soto Florida's New Dem Poster Child

Darren Soto Hates Being Called Florida's ConservaDem Poster Child, But He'd Be Another Gwen Graham Or Patrick Murphy In Congress. here

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Real Choice For Florida Dems

for once, 
have a real choice in this primary:
One candidate is a gullible ex-Republican who lacked the courage to vote against the GOP’s attempt to block Syrian refugees from coming into the United States. That’s 
Patrick Murphy. 
They say that there is no difference between most candidates running for office. Maybe that’s true in other races, but not here. 
Not between 
Alan Grayson 
and Patrick Murphy. 
Get off your lazy ass and VOTE! You can do it from home here

Monday, November 30, 2015

Fake Florida Dem Alert: Randy Perkins

The millionaire is expected to spend more than $1 million to win U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy's open seat as a Democrat,  He was registered to vote with no party affiliation for 21 years and became a Democrat days before he filed to run for District 18this month. An analysis of $925,300 donated by him  since 2002 to federal and Florida candidates, as well as political committees, show 70 percent went to Republicans. That includes Gov. Rick Scott, whose political committee in 2010 received $100,000. here

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Patrick Murphy In Damage Control

Sean Phillippi's effort  at diverting attention away from Patrick Murphy's Syrian refugee vote at the Florida Squeeze
What our leader Susan Smith had to say: 
"This post is an effort at damage control by Murphy’s campaign. They think they can divert attention away from his Syrian refugee vote by attacking Grayson. It’s sad that Murphy doesn’t ever have anything positive to say about himself." ‪#‎47cowards‬
 Florida Squeeze Poll: 
Murphy in 3rd place
Justin Snyder once asked, 

"Who's to blame when Patrick Murphy gets crushed next year?"

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Florida's Anti-Progressive Fanatics!

Did you know Florida GOP Car­los Cur­belo and David Jolly hang out once a month with Florida DINOS Gwen Gra­ham and Patrick Murphy to plot against the people of Flor­ida. In the case of Murphy we will have a choice. here

Monday, November 23, 2015

Stand with Alan Grayson

What do terrorists want? 
To change people’s religions?
No. They want to cause terror. And this week, when my opponent Patrick Murphy voted to block Syrian refugees from entering our country because he was terrified, he gave them exactly what they wanted.

Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

How Can Patrick Murphy and Gwen Graham Live With Themselves?

"How can the 47 Democrats, including Patrick Murphy and Gwen Graham, who voted with Republicans yesterday on the SAFE Act live with themselves?" Susan Smith
  "What would Jesus do?" Jeremy Bivins
Mr. Murphy you can be sure that we will do everything in our power that you never get elected to anything ever again! And Ms. Graham if there is a God may he/she forgive you! We are all atheist at this blog and care more about humanity then you ever will. The Episcopal Church should be ashamed to have you as a member. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Florida DINOS Gwen Graham And Patrick Murphy Chose Fear Over Humanity

Gwen Graham, Patrick Murphy only two Florida Dems to vote for Syrian refugee crackdown. here

"Fear-mongering, hateful and an embarrassment to the Democratic Party." Susan Smith

"Patrick Murphy chose fear over humanity when he voted in favor of a Republican bill that will make it nearly impossible for Syrian refugees fleeing terrorism in their homeland to come to the United States.
We’re not sure whether it was Patrick Murphy’s fear of orphans and widows with brown skin that caused him to vote for this atrocious bill, or if it was his fear of going against the Republican Party. But, either way, he chose fear over humanity. Hate, over love. He has proven once again that he doesn’t have the courage to do what is right when times are hard. And we can’t have another person like that in the US Senate." 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Florida New Democrats

Gwen Graham,
 Patrick Murphy
and  Debbie Wasserman-Schultz