Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I’m beautiful and Rich—now get out of my city!
The beginning sounds like a real act of self defense. However, the suggestions that Ms. Rich Diamonds comes up with aren’t funny at all. In fact, Ms. Diamonds advocates the beating up of St. Petersburg homeless because, like, they really shouldn’t be in her city, right?......more

Well Said Mr. Webb

"The president took us into this war recklessly, We are now, as a nation, held hostage to the predictable — and predicted — disarray that has followed."........more
CNN wants your thoughts on the State of the Union

Monday, January 22, 2007

Blog for Choice Day
What kind of legacy will we leave for our daughters in the future? Will we send them back to the dark ages of back-alley abortions and unregulated, unsafe medical procedures? Or will we fight with all we have to guarantee them the same legal rights that have protected us for the past thirty-four years? This, I believe, is the real challenge......more

Andy Griffith vs. Patriot Act

"We Feel We Have a Responsibility to the World"

United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice discusses America's new engagement in the Middle East, the path to stability in Iraq and explains why Washington is unwilling to compromise in its position against Iran......click here

Alan Colmes is a Punk

U.S. Troops' Deadly Weekend
The deaths come as the U.S. begins to deploy thousands of additional troops into Iraq, the first of 21,500 meant to bolster forces that must confront Shiite and Sunni Arab gunmen in a complex peacekeeping and counterinsurgency mission.....more

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hillary's in. Well, whoopty-doo
Unelectable, and rightly so
Everybody must surely realize that 30 to 40 percent of this country -- the same hard-skulled core of lunatics who still support our Criminal-in-Chief -- will simply never, ever vote for Hillary Clinton. Of the remainder who might vote for Hillary, at least half were opposed to the war from the outset. Remember, the Iraq War was never particularly popular; Zogby figured 42% of the US was opposed before the first bomb ever fell; most of these, obviously, were Democrats. And Hillary, these early war opponents will remember, was an active, enthusiastic accomplice to the crime......more