Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dean: As Governor Of Vermont

96% of the children in my state had health insurance. That's the sort of commitment our country needs -- and the sort of commitment President Bush doesn't have.
The American people elected a Democratic majority last fall to stand up
to President Bush's misguided priorities. Remind your Senators and Representative just what the American people stand

Cincinnati To Outlaw Playing In Streets

If Cincinnati City Manager Milton Dohoney has his way at next week's City Council meeting, playing in the city's streets will become a thing of the past........more

5th Anniversary of Barack Obama's Anti-War Speech

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

L.A. Professor Triggers Myanmar Web Shutdown

A Los Angeles academic may have been a driving force behind the move by Myanmar's 19-year-old dictatorship to shut down Internet access after bloggers posted images of soldiers killing civilians......more

"The feeling of being just the conduit for a video of this power and importance--a video which so starkly shows the depravity to which men will sink when compelled by a fascist state to follow orders--was, truthfully, a feeling of power in itself,"

Jim Carrey - Message for Ban Ki Moon on Burma

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dean: 'We Will Find a Way to Screw This Up'

"Folks, let's not forget, we're Democrats, If there's a way to lose, we will find it."
Amid a growing belief that there is no way the Democrats can blow the 2008 presidential election, Democratic National Committee chief Howard Dean sought today to reassure the party faithful that the party was "doing everything in its power" to uphold its losing tradition. At a top-level summit called "Defeat: 2008" being held in Boston, the former Vermont Governor gave a rousing speech to concerned Democrats, bringing his audience to his feet by vowing, "I can assure each and every one of you, we will find a way to screw this up."

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mayor Bob Cashell: A Compassionate Republican

Feds Raid McDonalds
The raids drew immediate criticism from Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and activists. He said he would contact Nevada's congressional delegation and ask the city council to look into the raids. He said that he opposes illegal immigration, as well as immunity for illegal immigrants, but that "there has to be a better way to do this."

"Think of some of the people who were arrested and picked up; they have children. They don't know where their mama or their daddy is. That's not right."

GOP Phonies

Click here

Newt Newton TV Commercial

Monks And Myanmar

"Bloodbath again! Bloodbath again!"
A Yangon resident yelled while watching soldiers break up one march by shooting into air, firing tear gas and beating people with clubs. Thousands of monks had provided the backbone of the protests, but they were besieged in their monasteries, penned in by locked gates and barbed wire surrounding the compounds in the two biggest cities, Yangon and Mandalay. Troops stood guard outside and blocked nearby roads to keep the clergymen isolated........more
Why Doesn't China Do Something About This. Am I Suppose To Be Excited About The 2008 Summer Games in Beijing?