Saturday, October 6, 2007

Colorado State University Gets It Right

After a four-hour debate about the fate of Rocky Mountain Collegian editor in chief J. David McSwane, the Colorado State University Board of Student Communications announced late Thursday that they would admonish McSwane for violating two sections of the code of ethics regarding lack of ethics and professionalism, for printing the "Taser This. F*** Bush" editorial on Sept.

Fanatic Joe Kaufman Family Day At Six Flags

A Florida-based group called Americans Against Hate plans to protest a Muslim Family Day at Six Flags Over Texas later this month because it says the Islamic organization sponsoring the event supports terrorism. Local Muslims called the accusation a
Mr. Kaufman's

Muslim Family Day will go on and that the park will also be open to the public that day. "We don't discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, political persuasion or any other factor, Our ultimate goal is to provide a day of fun for all of our guests."
Sharon Parker, Public Relations Manager For Six Flags

John Edwards with Keith Olberman

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Six Feet Lap Dance

Three Hillsborough County ordinances governing adult businesses are legal, a federal judge ruled Thursday. If the ruling stands, dancers at bikini bars will have to stay six feet away from patrons, and the selling or drinking of alcohol would be prohibited at adult
"It's all designed for public safety,"........ David Caton

Howard Dean Lays Out Dems' Strategy

Dr. Howard Dean
Urged grass-roots party workers to emphasize the deep divisions separating Democrats and Republicans as they campaign in upcoming state and national elections. Speaking at a state Democratic Party fundraiser in Union County this morning, Dean emphasized the importance of local political organizations in November's state Legislative elections, next year's congressional races and the '08 presidential

Kids Warn Conservatives on SCHIP: No More Photo Ops

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bill Nelson Vs. Howard Dean

Republican Lite Sen. Bill Nelson
Followed through on his threat to sue his own party, taking the Democratic National Committee to court today over his state’s right to help pick a presidential candidate. In a lawsuit filed in federal court in Tallahassee, Nelson accuses the Democratic National Committee and its chief, Howard Dean, of voter ``disenfranchisement on a massive scale'' for stripping Florida of its 210 delegates to the national convention next

WMNF Needs Your Cash


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dems Who Condemned MoveOn Took Its Cash

Forty-four congressional Democrats who voted to condemn for its ad branding Army Gen. David Petraeus "General Betray Us" have accepted more than $3.9 million in contributions from the influential anti-war group and its members. Among those who opposed resolutions specifically repudiating the full-page ad in The New York Times, only 17 Democrats and one independent took cash from the group and its members — contributions totaling almost $1.4 million.......more

Video Of Brutal Crackdown In Myanmar!