Monday, October 29, 2007


Litbrit And Susan Smith
Winners of the First Annual Netroots

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Liberal Re-Thinks Ron Paul

Let's Bomb The Persians 2

Neo-Con Guru Norman Podhoretz
A senior foreign policy adviser to the Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani has urged that Iran be bombed using cruise missiles and "bunker busters" to set back Teheran’s nuclear programme by at least five years. The tough message at a time of crisis between the United States and Iraq was delivered by Norman Podhoretz, one of the founders of neoconservatism, who has also imparted his stark advice personally to a receptive President George W. Bush......more

Dean Lashes Out At GOP

Chairman Howard Dean on Saturday criticized Republicans in Congress for not supporting legislation to expand a popular children's health care

"The Republican leaders have made their choice. They want to stay in Iraq and deny our kids health care, America cannot afford four more years of a president who borrows for the war and denies health insurance for our kids"

Bush vetoes 3.5 billion for SCHIP wants $46 billion more for

How Do You Spin Something Like This?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Speeders Beware

Your Neighbors Might Have You On Their Radar
That's the message police departments across the country are trying to send by loaning residents radar guns and turning them into neighborhood speed

Harry Potter Is A Lefty

Harry Potter is a left-winger and the seven books by JK Rowling are a diatribe against Thatcherite Britain, a French philosopher said on the day of the last novel's publication in

Alex Jones' Endgame - Trailer

Lets Move To New Hampshire

Free State Project
The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. We are looking for neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors who agree to the political philosophy expressed in our Statement of Intent

70 Years Later, Florida College Fountain Finally Works

Frank Lloyd Wright
Was an architectural genius, but a giant fountain he designed for a Florida college was a dud. Engineers could never make it work right. Now, nearly 70 years after Wright first planned it, the fountain finally gushed into the three-story high dome of water he envisioned. More than 1,000 people cheered its opening Thursday at Florida Southern College, but behind the so-called "Water Dome" were modern engineers, technology and computer

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Florida Prison Guards Disciplined For Allowing

Gay Wedding
One prison guard was fired, another resigned and six others were handed suspensions for allowing what the Florida Department of Corrections calls a gay wedding between two female inmates at the Lowell Correctional