Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dean's Rotating Presidential Primaries

"I think the thing to do is to move some of the other primaries back and then rotate them through so in the future every state can count on having some significant input into who the presidential nominee is."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

DFA Poll: Clinton Not Even Close

The political pundits and beltway Democrats have been claiming that the primaries are already over, but 95% of the votes cast prove they are wrong. With over 150,000 votes cast, the DFA Pulse Poll is the largest internet poll to date in the 2008

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Barack Obama Opens SNL

Mike Gravel 2008

Dean's Grassroots Initiative

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean
Announced a grassroots effort to educate Americans about the Democratic Party. The plan, known as "Neighbor to Neighbor," works by having supporters knock on 25 doors three times a year in hopes of building a relationship with prospective democratic

"Olivia's Kiss" A Novel

Catherine Durkin Robinson
I wrote a story that was passed around to several literary agents who suggested I should say the idea was inspired by actual events. Since I could not lie, because my mom would kill me, agents rejected my story and high ideals. Instead of letting the story die, I finally decided to share it with the masses. One chapter at a time. Every

NBC Is Going Green

NBC Universal's new "Green is Universal" campaign kicks off Nov. 4th with a week of green-themed programming aimed at entertaining, informing and empowering Americans to lead greener

Because You Chose Red

Saturday, November 3, 2007

What Has Jeb Been Smoking?

Hillary Rodham Clinton will probably be the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, and any one of five Republican candidates could beat her in next year's election, says former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President Bush's younger

Americans Are Sick and Tired of the Republican Politics of Fear

"President Bush's war of choice in Iraq is making us less safe here at home. For the president to say otherwise just goes to show that he's more interested in scoring political points than finding a way out of Iraq. Americans are sick and tired of the Republican politics of fear. They want to bring our brave troops home from Iraq, a foreign policy that's not only tough but smart, and a president who will refocus on fighting and winning the real war on terror."...........Howard Dean