Thursday, January 24, 2008

Florida Unions Working Hard for Hillary

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is mailing its 110,000 members in Florida as well as its retirees urging them to vote for Clinton. In addition, the Florida Education Association, the statewide teachers union, is working its 250,000 members for Clinton as

New Group In Town, Citizens for Equal County Representation

7 Single Member Districts
Citizens for Equal County Representation Is a group of citizens that have come together for the betterment of Hillsborough County Government. We are a countywide, non-partisan organization that believes that we must change the structure of the Board of County Commission to be more accountable to all they serve. To do that, we have a petition drive going to get a County Charter Amendment on the Nov. 8th Ballot which would change the Board of County Commission seats to 7 Single Member Districts.
Nomore Countywide Seats !

This will make all the Commissioners more accountable, give better geographical balance to the board, and bring forth REAL Term Limits. Sound good? If so, we need you!

Danny Glover Convicted Of Trespassing In Canada

Danny Glover, the American movie star turned labour activist, was convicted in a court in Niagara Falls, Ont., on Thursday for trespassing in a hotel during a union rally. Glover, who was not in court, was convicted along with union representative Alex Dagg and Ontario Federation of Labour president Wayne

"It is sad that even though the police acknowledged everyone was well behaved and did not press charges, a rich and powerful company can pay to go forward with a private prosecution,"......Alex Dagg
"We must stand vigilant against Bush in these times,"........Danny Glover 2001

Bill Nelson, Florida's Lieberman

Today, Sen. Nelson was among 12 Democratic senators who voted to table the Senate Judiciary Committee's electronic surveillance bill, which would have withheld retroactive immunity for the telecommunications companies. In other words, Sen. Nelson voted to give aid and comfort to massive multinational corporations that may have assisted -- in fact, likely did assist -- the federal government in conducting covert electronic surveillance on American citizens, in clear violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S.
Looking For A Ned Lamont


Video showing the massive amounts of silt-laden polluted water running off of the Cypress Creek Town Center site into Cypress Creek…AGAIN!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Message From Eli Pariser -

Democrats Urged To Campaign In Florida

Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink
One of only two statewide elected Democrats in Florida, strongly urged national and state Democratic leaders on Wednesday to let Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards campaign here after the South Carolina primary on Saturday. Sink and other top Florida Democrats said it makes no sense to hold presidential candidates to a pledge to boycott Florida after South Carolina Democrats vote. Florida's presidential primary is Jan.

Dean And Me: Roadshow Of An American Primary

Five years after he met Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and three years after Dean's insurgent presidential campaign ended where it started in Burlington, documentary filmmaker Heath Eiden is ready to show his movie on the
Video clips can be seen at

Paul, Obama Favored Among U. South Florida Students

The results are in: Barack Obama and Ron Paul are the favorites among University of South Florida students, according to the USF straw poll. Students also approved of Amendment I, which garnered a "yes" from 44 percent of voters, and considered the economy/jobs the most important factor in selecting the presidential

The Florida Progressive Coalition Endorses John Edwards

The Florida Progressive Coalition proudly endorses John Edwards to be the next president of the United States. We did not arrive at this decision lightly. We surveyed our readers, members of Netroots mailing lists and blogs of other Floridians. We debated the issue internally for several days via e-mail. We even talked about endorsing no candidate because of our concerns that endorsing one candidate might alienate supporters of other candidates or that our choice for the presidency might be out of the race before January 29. In the end, we decided to vote for the candidate who offered the most progressive and realistic vision for America’s future — John