Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mike Gravel: Bush Our Worst President Ever

Watch Commercials While You Pump Your Gas

St. Petersburg, Florida

Florida Consumer Confidence Index At Its Lowest Level In 16 Years

"Consumer confidence in Florida reflects the same conditions we had during the recession of 1990-1991," said Chris McCarty, who directs the consumer survey for the University of Florida's Bureau of Economic and Business Research........here

Michael Vick's Pit Bulls Thrive in Loving Homes

There are more great photos at the link. If you're interested in adopting a pit bull, here's a terrific site with loads of information as well as links to your local rescue organizations........here

Monday, January 28, 2008

FDP Netroots Coalition: The Website!

Announcing the newest website in the progressive arsenal - The Florida Democratic Party Netroots Coalition . The official web site of the Florida Democratic Party Netroots Coalition. We’re trying to bring together the Democratic Party and the progressive Netroots in Florida........here

The $1.4 Million Dollar Ass

Five years after ABC showed the rear end of actress Charlotte Ross on "NYPD Blue," government TV censors finally got their own butts in gear by imposing $1.4 million in fines on the stations that aired the controversial episode of the popular show. The FCC found the scene indecent "because it depicts sexual organs and excretory organs - specifically an adult woman's buttocks." And repeatedly showing Ross' butt was "titillating and shocking."

Florida's Cuban Americans Stray From The Republican Fold

There's a lesson here for the Republican candidates competing in Tuesday's Florida primary. Many Cuban exiles blamed the fiasco of the Bay of Pigs, in which 68 exiles died and 1,200 were captured, on the then US president, John F Kennedy, and they flocked in protest into the hands of the Republican party. Now 46 years later the flame is flickering. New generations less versed in the events of 1961 are more open to Democratic advances. "It would be dangerous for the Republicans to take the Cuban-American vote for granted, as the community is becoming more differentiated with younger voters wanting more independence. It's going to be a tough year for the Republicans,".......here

Whooping Cranes Arrive In Florida

A group of endangered whooping cranes has finished its 1,200-mile trip to Florida.The cranes crossed seven states since October 13th and are the seventh group to be guided by ultralights from the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin to the Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge in Florida.......here

Florida's Hispanics Weigh Their Vote

Florida's Hispanic community, and Cuban-Americans in particular, have also become accustomed to assuming office themselves at state and national level. Leading examples in Washington are Senator Mel Martinez and Congressman Lincoln Rafael Diaz-Balart, both Republicans, reflecting the traditionally conservative political leanings of the Cuban exile community.......more

Raul Martinez For Congress

History was being made in South Florida this week as Mayor Raul Martinez announced his campaign for United States Congress. For Democrats, Independents and many Republicans this is great news. Mayor Martinez had unparelleled success for two and half decades as the Strong Mayor of Hialeah, Fl. Florida's fifth largest city and the largest municipality in Florida's 21st congressional district........here
Many of you know the current congressman. Lincoln Diaz-Balart. He is well known as a lock step Bush supporter whose rhetoric and ideology are often offensive and far out-of-step with South Floridians