Thursday, January 31, 2008

Florida's Fields Dangerous Playground For Children Of Farmworkers

Florida's fields and groves can be dangerous -- sometimes deadly -- playgrounds for children of migrant farmworkers who are often left unattended or are drafted to help pick crops. And while improvements in migrant child care have been made during the past three decades, funding cutbacks have reversed some of those strides, advocates

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank You, John Edwards

I Thnk Bill Nelson Just Declared The Battle Is Beginning

He did that once before, if you remember. He decided he would take the lead in Florida. Karen Thurman in effect turned the party over to him, and he was boss. A few months ago he declared "I will lead the delegates to Denver whether or not the DNC plans to let them in." Tonight he gave another battle cry in Davie, Florida, with Hillary on the podium with him after her victory here. Sounds to me like a warning that he and Hillary will win, and the rest of us better look

Stop The East Pasco Landfill

A private company with no previous experience operating a dump wants to put a 900-acre, 220-foot pile of garbage at the headwaters of the Withlacoochee and Hillsborough Rivers, next to the Green

Why Is Florida God's Waiting Room?

How'd Florida get to be so full of old people? Good weather, effective marketing, low taxes, and a herd mentality. In the first half of the 20th century, the concept of moving to warmer climes upon retirement didn't really exist—seniors generally lived with relatives to conserve funds. But the advent of Social Security payments in 1940, as well as the post-World War II economic boom, made it possible for grannies to live

High And Dry In Lutz, Florida

Thanks For Trying Mr. Edwards


Tony Sasso For State House District 32

I want to work for you in Tallahassee to solve tough problems, but I can't do it without your help. I need your vote in the primary election on January 29, and in the general election on February 26. Please take some time to learn more about my campaign here on my website. And remember—it's not the government, it's our government. The problems we face don't have easy solutions. But together, we can solve

1,891,040 Floridians

Over 1,891,040 Floridians actually voted for a Republican.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Independents Go Home

Check out this political mystery: Liberals, a.k.a. the Democratic base, are angry. They're so angry that they tried to unseat senior senator and former vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman in 2006, who had become synonymous with bipartisanship. Bipartisanship, hell. They're in the mood for