Thursday, February 7, 2008

Critical Habitat Proposed To Protect Florida’s Disappearing Corals

Today the federal government proposed designating almost 5,000 square miles of reef area off the coasts of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands as critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act for the threatened staghorn and elkhorn

Confused Florida Voters Wanted To Vote On Super Tuesday

Millions of Americans in 24 states turned out to vote in Super Tuesday presidential primaries from Georgia to Alaska. Some dedicated if confused Florida voters tried to as well.Elections offices across the state reported hundreds of calls from voters wanting to know where they could vote

Floridians almost single-handedly did in 2000 what two World Wars and Adolf Hitler couldn't: Bring democracy to a screeching halt. If they're voting on the wrong day and some are trying to vote twice, maybe it's time to cut Florida loose. The whole state is just dangling off the side of the country anyway. Get some movers, save Disneyworld, and push the rest of Florida into the Atlantic Ocean.......Jeff Girod

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ginny Brown-Waite Invokes The Ire Of The Puerto Rican Community

And what did this fine solar-baked Caucasian Congresswoman from the Sunshine State do to deserve that dubious recognition? She argued that any tax breaks provided through the economic stimulus package should be denied to “residents” of Puerto Rico because they are “foreign citizens … who do not pay federal income taxes.” And for good measure, she threw in the good people of Guam as

Alabama, Florida Declare Victory In Water War With Georgia

The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington today ruled that a secret settlement agreement entered into between Georgia, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Atlanta-area water users is illegal under federal law. The agreement, which was signed in 2003, would have allocated nearly 25 percent of Lake Lanier, a federal reservoir on the Chattahoochee River in northern Georgia, to supply Atlanta's 470,000 residents with

Happy Birhtday Bob Marley!

Super Tuesday’s Biggest Loser: Rush Limbaugh

The truly most divisive figure in the 2008 race is not Hillary Clinton, it’s John McCain. His ascendancy has ripped the Republican Party asunder — and his most vicious and vocal conservative opponents include the loudest mouths in America: Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and, especially, Rush Limbaugh. As has been stated here before, it is too early to write the obituaries for the conservative movement, but the results from the Feb. 5, 2008, primary do provide evidence that these Reagan era dinosaurs are losing their sway among their own

Dinosaur World in Plant City, Florida

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Robert De Niro Campaigns With Obama

"I've never made a speech like this at a political event before. So what am I doing here. I'm here because finally one person has inspired me. One person has given me hope. One person has made me believe that we can make a change.".......... Robert De Niro

Jack Nicholson Endorses Hillary

Florida Gets An 'F' For Insurance System

Florida has one of the least effective property and casualty insurance systems in the country, according to a new study that gave Florida and four other states an 'F' grade. Florida had the worst rating in the residual homeowners category, which measures how much of the market is served by government-provided insurance. Jacksonville-based Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state-run insurer of last resort, is No. 1 in statewide market share.........more

Valerie Plame-Wilson At USF

February 12, 2008- 7 pm, Sun Dome Corral, Tickets: Free for USF Students with valid USF ID, $3- USF Faculty, Staff, and Alumni with valid USF ID, $8- Public, more