Monday, February 11, 2008

Sarasota's Vanished Votes

An Investigation into the Cause of Uncounted Votesin the 2006 Congressional District 13 Race in Sarasota County, Florida. What we uncovered in our investigation is shocking: The iVotronic votingsystem failed to count over 100,000 votes in various races across the state of Florida in the November 2006

Yes We Can John McCain!

Superdelegates, Back Off!

If the superdelegates determine the party’s nominee before primary and caucus voters have rendered a clear verdict, Democrats risk losing the trust that we are building with voters today. The perception that the votes of ordinary people don’t count as much as those of the political insiders, who get to pick the nominee in some mythical back room, could hurt our party for decades to

Howard Dean On The Death Of Rep. Tom Lantos

"Our nation has lost a great public servant with the passing of Representative Tom Lantos. In serving his constituents and his country, Tom never forgot the Democratic Party's ideals of freedom, fairness, and opportunity for all. As Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, he was an authority on foreign policy issues and a voice for the oppressed. The only Holocaust survivor in Congress, he was a forceful and passionate advocate for civil liberties and human rights. Today, I join with countless others across the country in offering my thoughts and prayers to Rep. Lantos' family and friends as we honor his life and legacy."

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Amy Winehouse - Rehab

Joe Garcia For Congress

Joe Garcia, the chairman of Miami Dade's Democratic Party, plans to take on a five year U.S. Representative for his seat in Congress. This district faces severe economic problems. The prices of homes have never been higher, in the capacity of middle class families to afford them, Insurance rates are out of wack while our Congress rules against catastrophic funding for

Barack Obama Wins A Grammy

CNN announces that Barack Obama has won a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Album Work after recording the audiobook of "The Audacity of Hope"

Annette Taddeo For Congress

Annette Taddeo plans to run against Illeana Ros-Lehtinen for the District 18 U.S. House

Florida's Democrats Once Again Too Wily For Own Good

Being a Democrat in Florida is like being the coyote in a Road Runner cartoon. Things start out so promising, but in the end you just screw up everything in a comical way. And so, when America wakes up on Nov. 5 with another Republican president on his way to the White House, Florida Democrats will get the blame again. Beep,

Republicans Losing Grip On Miami Cuban Vote

An anti-communist militant who fired a bazooka at a Polish freighter walked free with impunity in this sultry subtropical U.S. city, and Cuban Americans favouring closer ties with their homeland could once expect to be firebombed here. But Miami has changed and the sometimes violent scenes of Cuban exile passion appear to be in the past. That could spell trouble for President George W. Bush's Republican Party in November's general