Saturday, February 16, 2008

Kathy Castor at Employee Free Choice Act Rally

Wednesday - February 20, 2008 - 4-6 pm - Gaslight Park, Downtown Tampa
Employee Free Choice Act

An Antiwar Black President With An Arab-Sounding Name

Consider our present situation. Thanks to Iraq and water-boarding, Abu Ghraib and the "rendering" of terror suspects, we've achieved the moral status of a pariah nation. The seas are rising. The dollar is sinking. A growing proportion of Americans have no access to health care. Clinton can put forth all the policy proposals she likes--and many of them are admirable ones--but anyone can see that she's of the same generation and even one of the same families that got us into this checkmate situation in the first place. Whatever she does, the semiotics of her campaign boils down to two words--"same old."

USA 193

During the next week, a wayward U.S. spy satellite will make passes across North America and western Europe soon after sunset and should be easily visible to the unaided eye. That's if it doesn't get shot down

Friday, February 15, 2008

David Gee And Brian Sterner

The Hillsborough County, Florida, sheriff on Wednesday offered a personal apology to a disabled man who was dumped onto the floor from his wheelchair while in deputies'
"I am personally embarrassed and shocked by the horrific treatment Mr. Sterner received,"...... Sheriff David Gee

Cohones Found In The House of Representatives

Still, basic human nature -- if nothing else -- dictates that having finally liberated themselves, however fleetingly, from the truly moronic rule of the Ted "Osama-is-Celebrating" Poes of the world, and having seen that -- as McJoan put it -- "the Democrats stood up to Bush, and the world didn't end," Democrats will crave more of the sweet taste of dignity and

A Florida Treasure

Representative Robert Wexler

Republican Grandstanding

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Up and Running: Florida’s Largest Solar Array

Florida this week boosted its supply of renewable energy when its largest solar power array went online. The Sunshine Energy Solar Array was dedicated Monday by Gov. Charlie Crist and Florida Power & Light (FPL) officials. The facility is located on a former landfill in Sarasota
“The economic future of our state is linked to our maintaining its natural beauty, and this solar power facility is an excellent example that other communities can work to achieve,”......Charlie Crist

Worried Clinton Vows To Claim 'Phantom' Delegates

The Hillary Clinton campaign has served notice that it expects to claim delegates theoretically garnered in primary votes in Michigan and Florida even though the contests in both states were declared void by the Democratic leadership long before they were

Group Urges Florida To Reject State Funded Religion

Efforts to repeal a provision in the Florida Constitution that bars government funding of religious institutions should be rejected, says Americans United for Separation of Church and State. The Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission is considering two proposed constitutional amendments that would allow Florida to use public funds to support religious schools and other faith-based
The efforts to amend the Florida Constitution are being led by former members of Gov. Jeb Bush's administration.