Monday, March 3, 2008

Mayor Of Fort Lauderdale Uses Tax Dollars to Incite Violence

Mayor Jim Naugle of Fort Lauderdale has once again used his office to spread fear and hate about the gay community. In the latest city newsletter, paid for by the city and available on the city's website, Naugle again used misinformation and bigotry to paint the LGBT community as predators and a

Florida Bride Gets Dream Wedding

Tammy Clifton wanted her wedding to be the big day she had always dreamed of. But when she recently found out she had breast cancer, that all changed. So, about 72 hours after informing family and friends that she wanted to get married before starting chemotherapy this week, Clifton and Troy Lindsey were wed Sunday. The whirlwind event was put together through the generosity of local wedding planners, volunteers and area

Happy Birthday Florida


Op-ed by young woman incarcerated in Florida

Rebecca Falcon
I anticipated my 16th birthday so that I would be eligible to apply for a job. In all aspects, I was considered a juvenile; however, when my life made a turn for the worse, and I committed a terrible crime, I was at least in the eyes of the criminal justice system, an
Visit Her

Time to Stop Hatred and Violence

On Friday, Feb. 22, 17-year-old Simmie Williams Jr. was gunned down on a street corner in Broward County. Just 10 days earlier, Lawrence King, a 15-year-old Oxnard, Calif., junior high student, was shot to death in his own classroom because he wore makeup — because he was different. And less than one year ago, Ryan Keith Skipper, 24, was stabbed to death in Polk County.......more
Equality Florida

Where's Charlie? Florida Dems Want To Know

Democrats have launched a website, that challenges Crist for stepping away from his gubernatorial duties for a lot of January and February. The party claims Crist took more days off thann he worked in the first six weeks of the year -- calculating a 48.3 percent attendance record during 30 potential work days........more

More Cameras At Florida Intersections

The cameras are coming to the area beginning this month, and they'll almost certainly become more widespread if Florida legislators smooth the way by changing a state law this spring. This is plunging the state into a long-running nationwide debate: Are these devices just a bunch of cities' moneymaking schemes, a Big Brother-ish invasion of privacy? Or are they a way to restore sanity to intersections by fighting what officials call an "epidemic" of red-light running?

The Struggle For A Community Garden In Bartlett Park

Under a cloudy sky threatening rain, Bartlett Park resident Andrea Hildebran steps over discarded potato chip bags, torn newspapers and broken 40-ounce bottles of Budweiser. This vacant lot off Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in St. Petersburg has seen better days, though only the old-timers who've lived in Bartlett Park for decades can remember those

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Gibsonton, Florida

For generations, carnies have wintered in Gibsonton - "Gib-town" - in south Hillsborough County. They eat and drink at the Showtown Bar & Grill. For business, they visit the annual trade show of the Showmen's Association. When they die, they wind up in a local mausoleum called Showmen's
Al Tomaini

"President Uribe, I'll send some Sukhois"

President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks and thousands of troops on Sunday to the border with Colombia, accusing it of pushing South America to the brink of war by killing a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean